30 Minute Cardio Workout - At Home Cardio with No Equipment

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I'm just trying to get back into fitness after a year and a half of chemo and surgeries. This was perfect!!


This workout took me at least 4 hours I was so unmotivated but I pushed myself through it and I made it I hope whoever is reading this is knows that you can do it don’t give up


I did this first thing this morning and I’m glad I did. Reading your comments, I couldn’t help myself! My workouts have been unintentionally moving later and later but a morning workout is such a good way to set the tone for the day. I feel all warm, relaxed and limber now, instead of stiff and sluggish. Workout complete, my long distance workout buddies 🙂💙


Thank you so much for this workout, Kelli! I'm a 66 year old woman. I've been blessed to be slender most of my life, and I'm not the athletic type so I tend to be lazy about exercising. During this quarantine time I've become even more sedentary, and I've finally started to get a bit overweight! I finally decided that I'd better start working out, for bone density, general health and weight loss. My sister in law told me about Fitness Blender, so I checked it out and found this video. I love it! Let me count the ways:
1. The white background is soothing and distraction-free.
2. I'm glad there is no loud frenetic music.
3. I'm glad that you detail the low and high impact options (I've been doing a mix of both, more high impact as I get into shape.)
4. I love the notification sounds that let you know that the interval is coming to an end (sometimes it's such a relief!) and the miniature Kelli showing the next exercise.
5. I so appreciate your warm and pleasant demeanor.
6. The lawn mower. Just kidding! (Actually it isn't bad.)
Thanks again, Kelli!


You kow why I love you guys, cause you make your viewers feel so COMFORTABLE by always saying:
"it's okay if you wanto to take a break"
"listen to your body"
"go at your own pace"
"switch to the easy version if you feel you need it"
just by knowing that I have the option to stop puts me in the right mindset to keep going.
Instead, having a trainer full of makeup and glitter that shouts at me "DON'T STOP NOW, KEEP GOING!" makes me feel so uncomfortable and aware of my limits and then if I stop I feel so ashamed of miself and I don't want to go back to that workout ever again.
Thank you guys not only for providing us with great content but also for actually CARING about putting us in the right psychological mindset to fully succeed in your workouts <3.


My ADHD self loved that there were no repetitions of any of the exercises! This was a great mid-range cardio for me.


I whole heartedly agree with everyone, it's like working out with an old friend again. I've been working out along with Fitness Blender for years and really appreciate their accessibility- both in the form of their work outs and the free videos. I loved this addition. I prefer workouts that have a lot of different activities. The variance keeps my body and mind stimulated, where too many repetitions of one exercise can demotivate me as I know that the exercise that I may not like is just going to come back around again. I felt very good after this one. Nothing sore or strained, only the right kind of hurt ;> Thanks so much!


the reason why I love this channel is not just because the workouts are great, it is mostly because Kelly and Daniel are warm and friendly


This is the best workout for someone like me who isn't super fit but still wants to push themselves without overdoing it. Loved it!


I don’t usually comment on YouTube videos. But I needed to let you know of our gratitude for fitness blender! We really appreciate your open and naturally sweating selves! It’s makes us feel normal when we’re heavy breathing and sweating from an accessible workout!


I really love kelli and her energy so positive


I'm an ex-fitness professional transitioning into my senior years with style, grace and health. This was a great workout - focused on core and major body areas, easy to tailor to any fitness level, and safe enough for everyone. Most important thing to do is to pay attention to your body - find that Goldilocks zone for you (not too hard/ not too easy). I'm very glad I found this workout - I needed a creative kick (pardon the pun)!


This was a great workout for someone getting back in to an exercise routine after being seriously lazy during quarantine. Looking forward to doing this one again and more. Thanks guys xx


Can we just appreciate how they took the time to edit out the sound for short bits during the cool down to save us from the "lovely ambience" of the lawn mower 😂

Thanks for a great workout! That cool down was so nice too :)


I love how there is no pressure at all with them. I suffer from an eating disorder and I used to obsess about how I wasn't doing enough, I had personal trainers who even encouraged me to stop eating. But with them is completely different, is healthy, thank you guys.


I really appreciate how this workout wasn't incredibly intense. It's just the right length, and there's a lot of good stretching involved, too. It's PERFECT for those days when you have little motivation but know you need to do something. Loved it, Kelli!


I did a mixture of high and low impact. I love that there’s no repeat exercise because I feel like it goes so much faster (but sometimes I like the repeating exercise). Thanks for always being such a great workout program that I look forward too!


These blender workouts are perfect for mothers with tiny children who need a good workout in their own home. You do a great job! Thanks for a good morning!


Okay so after years of on and off relationship with exercise, I have FINALLY decided to make it a lifelong commitment.

*Current weight* - 65kgs
*Target weight* - 52kgs

I can do zero full pushups, 5 burpees and plank for 1min right now.
*Goal:* 25 full pushups, 20burpees, 3min plank

*Judgement day-* December 31

I’m declaring this publicly to remain accountable. I’ll post regular updates.

Please help a buddy out. Keep me accountable guys!

*Final result:* I have partially achieved my goals. I can do 15 burpees now, 2 min plank, but only one full pushup.
I couldn’t check my weight because I broke my weighing scale by accidentally dropping it, but last I checked it was 57kgs. So it should be below that now.
I saw great progress in my measurements though.
Chest 37.75 inches
Waist 32”
Thighs 24.5”
Arms 13.25”

Chest 35”
Waist 28”
Thighs 22.5”
Arms 11.75”

I’m fairly happy with the results. But I’m not stopping yet. I have picked up an even tougher challenge for myself!💪🏻


I’ve followed you for a few years and did the low impact version for my back. Now I’m following you as part of my recovery exercises after a stroke. Thank you for your variety of videos and good workouts!
