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00:00 - How to heal
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I wish someone would tell me this 10 years ago, but healing from codependency was one of the best thing that happend to me and that I am most proud of. Hard, slow journey but life changing. Thank you for this video, sincereley, ex-people pleaser ❤


I've struggled with codependency my entire 38 years of life. It started with my mother doing everything for me and not allowing me to be independent. I learned to be codependent in all my relationships. But finally, thanks to my spiritual awakening, I began to change and set boundaries. It hasn't been easy, and I'm still struggling, but I have done many things for myself and slowly rediscover who I am 🌈


I've been healing from codependency for years. Finally getting to a place of codependency no more. Codependency is a childhood survival pattern turned addiction. Perfectionism was also a thing. I took on the task of fixing everything and everyone around me so that I can feel o.k. Extreme childhood abuse & trauma causing a fawn response that has ruled my life until now.


oh, this is me, 100%. i have no idea who i am, and i don't think i will ever know. my parents have left me an empty vessel, just created to provide for others' needs, and reflect others. this is why i don't go out any more, i don't meet people. i shun others, and family. i only go to work for 3-4 months per year, save money, and then spend the rest of the time in my bed. this is the least hurting thing i could think about. because communication with others and doing anything outside of my house hurts. a lot.


Being able to feel safe with other people is probably the single most important aspect of mental health; safe connections are fundamental to meaningful and satisfying lives.
Dr. Bessel can der Kolk


My mom relied on 13 year old me for emotional support when her and my dad were getting divorced and told me all about my dad cheating so I would resent him. Its taken years to undo that resentment. I was also responsible for managing my moms emotions by keeping the house clean so she wouldn't scream at us. I had all the responsibility of managing her emotions, while mine were neglected and it was implied I need to get over any emotions I had.


Yep, that's me. I've been spiritually awakening and doing the work for more than 25 years, and yet I see myself in all your statements. I'm still working on it!


I'm 51. I have struggled with all of this my whole life. Every single point on that list. I am working to repair myself and learn who I am. This process has been a struggle and then some. Thank you for the advice. Here's to all of us finding ourselves on the other side of this.


Solitude heals me. I learned allot about outside validation and sense of security. I now have that within. When my old patterns emerge...l watch myself and stop and breath. I don't go outside to others but in to me.


I think maybe my whole house does. I am better at setting boundaries because I just got to a point where I had to say no, I do find it uncomfortable though and can create anxiety for me. I can see it in my kids too 😬 xxx


This is good. It does explain a lot. I’m recovering from my family. They, my siblings are so pissed at me now for not throwing money at them. My parents have passed away and they were extremely dysfunctional and didn’t let us kids grow as individual independent adults. It was a mess


Wow this explains a lot. I do struggle with this. I always want to help and be there for others. When I can’t I feel like I’m a terrible person. I get really attached and sometimes clingy. I always seek advice from others. I dont like making decisions for myself because I overthink and everyone around me tells me I need to find myself and love myself.


Thank you, this is one of the best succinct explanations of how codependency develops and what it looks like as an adult.


I love your way to be an influencer. Humble and vulnerable, loving and authentic, direct and clear. Thank you.


I love you and thank you for what you do! You are genuine and we feel it.


I went full throttle. It was painful AF, but it was worth it, and in less than one year I have improved quite a lot. I'm no longer the family favorite "Yes" guy, the "always available, he will do it" guy.


You go doctor you speak this truth. I'm Codependent and I want out of my inner behavior.


The first 30 years of my life were dominated by my mother... the second 30 years by my daughter... Now at the start of the thirt chapter I am still struggling to not let me guide by emotions and needs of loved ones and let them be. But I am aware now and that's something I guess 😅


I struggle with the difference between codependent and true emotional empathy. I lean on intellectual empathy.


Absolutely me. I have been working through this for years and I still catch myself engaging in codependent behaviors. I am the best I have been so far but not as good as I will be.
