How to Heal from Codependency Biblically (5 Keys)

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If you've been battling with allowing others to dictate your feelings and actions, it's time to heal from codependency biblically. In this video we talk about 5 keys to healing from codependency , God's way.

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What's My Temperament Guide

Biblical Boundaries with Toxic Family

Conquering Codependency Biblically Online Course

Delivered from Demonic Influence Online Course

How to Deal with Toxic People Online Course

How to Heal from a Toxic Mother- Restoring Your Life Through Faith Online Course

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You are a gift ftom God to so many of us trying to figure life out. Praising God for you using your gifts to help so many of us!!


I just want to say thank you. The moment you appeared to my youtube recommendation it changed everything. I never knew that you can be Christian at the same time not letting others contaminating you. I hope you notice me, you really change my perspective of being a Christian.


Thank you so much for this video, for this message. The way you so compassionately but clearly call out these traits of codependency in Christians is so well done. This video has helped me realize a lot of codependent tendencies that I may have and also helped me realize that I repeatedly put others before God in my life. I felt convicted and this was a huge step in growing closer to my creator and realizing my identity in him. I want to now change and let my relationships thrive in a healthy and godly way. To anyone who reads this, please pray for me as I take the steps to overcome codependency. Thank you :)


Going through right now. Just realizing that I am horribly codependent. Listened twice and will continue, until I get this and the scriptures in my spirit 😢


For those suffering from co-dependency, boundaries feel like sin. Truth 💯


"Boundaries mean your love your preferences and being okay with it"

God! I needed that...
Thank you Kris....

I was pleasing my wife for 18 years in marriage and this relationship has completely drained me.
I heard this statement atleast 15 times to get the message sink in my spirit.


Excellent Biblical insights and wisdom!! Thank you so much Kris!! 🙏🏾✝️


Amen, sister, what i learn about codependentacy is rooted in putting confidence (identy in the flesh ) that leads to destruction and interdependence is when you put all your confidence in the lord Jesus Christ that leads to life, peace with God and others by saving faith, knowing your identy in Christ and confident in our relationship with Him


Sister Kris, thank you for edifying the body of Christ in spirit and truth on these matters. Some of the hardest obstacles to overcome on our journey of spiritual maturity and absolute delight and joy in the Lord comes by way of relationships with family members who remain unrepentant and deluded to the truth of the gospel yet want to keep up a false appearance that our families are good. I cannot and will not walk in delusion and bondage to keep up appearances in idolatry because Jesus has set me free. May we all continue to pray for family and friends who remain in sinful pride to humble themselves and to repent of their idolatry and place their faith and allegiance in Jesus, amen❤️


I am learning so much from you! Thank you so very much!


I am A pastor and ambassador of Gods Kingdom here on Earth I am worth more to God than any other human or any narcissistic needs that other have to destroy my life or valid me true or not true all are distracting things


This is me coz of lonly & chronic healthy problem luck of family I'm refuge from Africa but tnx God you inspired me God bless you


I restarted building my Ministry and Level Ground Kingdom ministries of Facebook we are now back and regardless of what happened I don’t need Tammy I have Holy Spirit in me doing this work in me reaching others! It’s my gift so other can know there God and maker!


Yeah it this set expectation that others have to treat you a certain way we all are codependent upon each other’s we all like to control each other somewhere


I needed this thank you Jesus 🙏🏾❤️‍🔥🙌🏽


Thank you I need this! My engagement got out of control


So true and am in the process of learning to love myself in order to love others. Thanks Kris for your very helpful video. 🕊️


Must thank you soo much Ms Reece, your words and teachings are soo helpful, edifying and informative for me, wish I can just let these webisodes constantly play and stick in my head like a broken record in a great way ☺ Thank GOD for you and all that HE is doing in helping me and others 🙏🏼🙌🏽


I grew up with no confidence, had no friends. I still have no friends at 54 years old.
