Get ABS with this INTENSE 10 Min Ab Workout - Get Abs Challenge

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Time to work your abs! Brand new 10 min abs routine to work your core. Check out the full 18 day schedule below, and do drop me a comment to let me know how you went!

✚ 18 Days Get Abs Challenge Schedule


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Nodis - All My Friends

Nodis - Fools Paradise

#workouts #fitness #chloeting #chloetingchallenge #abs #homeworkouts

IMPORTANT DISCLAIMER: Some people may see my video titles as click-bait. YouTubers optimise their video's meta data for discovery due to how the algorithm is like. This isn't anything new. Most people who've been watching YouTube for years would understand this. If you're unhappy and get triggered by this, well, this channel isn't for you then. I’ve provided free workout schedules and programs since day 1 and have always optimised my meta data as such so that's not going to change.

Having said that, it doesn't mean the workout do not work. You will still see results by following a suitable program schedule, watching your diet, being in a deficit or surplus (based on your goals), doing exercises in good form, etc. These are all equally important factors. You're not going to get abs, grow a booty, grow biceps magically from 1 or 2 videos, in 1, 2, 3 or 4 weeks cause everyone is different. I've explain multiple times throughout videos throughout my channel over years that it takes time and lots of factors, so don't take a video title out of context. Targetting fat loss is not scientifically proven. Everyone is different and it takes time.

When doing any home workouts, do take precaution to exercise in a safe environment, and if you need help or you're not seeing results, I suggest seeing a health and fitness professional to give you tailored advice on your exercise form and dietary needs. I am not a medical professional and what I share on my channel are my views and what has worked for myself. Your health and safety is the utmost importance so find out what works for you.
Рекомендации по теме

My favourite part of all Chloe's exercises is "And that's the work-out guys!"


I see why people do your workouts. Your presentation style doesn't involve screaming or a high intensity feel. Gentle motivation, upbeat but not chaotic music and the take it at your own pace style makes it seem doable even for those us struggling to get the first move done. Like just keep at it and you'll get there.


I've been doing Chloe's programs for a year now. My body has literally transformed and I now feel good in my body. I continue with her programs because it helps me feel stronger and get rid of stress. In one year I have not missed a single day of training and I have never gotten tired of Chloe's good humor. I wish all of you that your efforts pay off, I know how exhausting it is 😂!


Today is my day 1 <3.
I am doing this as a part of her 2022 get abs challenge. My goal is losing 3 kg. I'm leaving this comment so every time it gets a like I am motivated to stay consistent! Thank you so much Chloe, you changed my life.

EDIT LIKE 2 YEARS sorry everyone it's been so long and I just came back to this, I forgot I made this comment. So it turns out I was like pretty overweight yk. But I did do this for like 2 months. I thought there was no difference, but now, I lost a bunch of weight through cardio and stuff and I have ABS. How it works is that abs can form easily, but layers of fat hide them. Stay consistent, it worked for me, it will for you, you got this.


Today is my last day of this 18 days abs challenge, ngl I see a lot of difference on my body 🥺 To those who just started, keep going guys u can do this ! Consistent is the key 💪🏻


It's my Day 1 ❤️
Leaving this comment so that whenever someone likes it, I am motivated to stay consistent.
Thanks Chloe for the amazing workout videos ❤️


Dear Chloe,
Due to Covid lockdowns I went up to gain weight and reached 70+kg. I started your workouts from March 2021 and I've not looked back since then. Now, 1.5 year later I'm 58 with quite a low body fat and decent muscle mass. You helped me being consistent and now I have been hitting the gym as well as swimming. It's really awesome that you have made these programs free for people like us.
Sincere thanks from a grateful person!😊😊


Hello Chloe, I have been your follower for a few years and thanks to a good diet and your exercises I have managed to lose 16 Kg and I feel very good that I am no longer like before. right now this month i started to do your 8-week challenge that was the one you uploaded first to see how it goes, thanks Chloe for continuing to upload such good routines that help us a lot and help us to be a better version of ourselves💓🙏😚


Hello! Today I'm going to do this challenge as typical Chloe's one, so here are my measurements:
Weight:77.1 kg
Chest: 103cm
Waist: 88cm
Hips: 106cm
Thighs: 63cm
✅Day 1 - 3 (22.04-24.04): By the way, I'm on the period right now, so I pushed myself to workout and it wasn't painful at all. So I'll keep going!
✅Day 4 - 6 (25.04-27.04): I think, my physical state is getting better and better each day, so I keep going. Tomorrow I want to go jogging, it's going to be a new experience for me!
✅Day 7 (28.04): Active Rest Day!
✅Day 8 (29.04): I love cardio that is so motivating kind of Chloe's workouts.
30.04-03.05: My back hurts, so I give myself a rest.
✅Day 9-10 (05.05-06.05): I did only two of three workouts, 'cause they are two cardio. Actually, sweat was dripping off me, but I liked it for sure.
✅Day 11-12 (07.05-08.05): On the eighth day I did only cardoi and abs workout, but it burnt a lot.
✅Day 13 (09.05): Active Rest Day!
✅Day 14-18 (10.05-14.05):
Weight: 76.1 kg
Chest: 102 cm
Waist: 85 cm
Hips: 104, 5 cm
Thighs: 62 cm
P.S. I started another Chloe's workout program "2023 Summer Shred Challenge". You can find me in comments below under the video "Get Shredded for the summer! 15 MIN Standing HIIT Workout."♥


I'm on day8 at this challenge and I'm starting see a diffrante in my belly area I can't wait to finish the second week thank you so much chloe 😭😭😭🧡


18 Day Challenge:

Day 1: ✅ It was horrible for me. I stopped multiple times throughout the video and just sat there saying there is no way I’m doing this. The comment sections really helped with my motivation, so I ended up finishing all the videos.

Day 2: ✅This was even worse than the first day for me, but I pushed through and finished the videos.

Day 3: ✅This day was just like the other days of working out and I really dreaded doing it, but felt very happy when I finished.

Day 4: ✅For me, the 40 minutes was a lot, and almost quit the challenge right then and there, but kept reminding myself why I’m doing this in the first place and finished strong.

Day 5: ✅I was expecting the workout to be terrible, but then felt myself doing the first video without any pauses. I looked back to see that I had done this one before much worse. The second one was hard to get through at the end, but I still powered through it. I struggled at the beginning of the workout but was surprised when the workout ended. Today gave me a lot of confidence that I could improve in the future.

Day 6: ✅I was super excited to see that there were only 20 minutes, but was struggling and sweating hard with the workout once I started. I still made it through not feeling as bad as the first few days.

Day 7: ✅It was really nice to take a break and I just hope that I don’t get off track after this.

Day 8:✅ I did the first video when I woke up and the rest in the middle of my day. It was a struggle and my stomach and legs were burning, but I made it through still feeling much better than the first few days.

Day 9: ✅I noticed during the first workout that I was able to do some leg workouts that I couldn't do before without majorly struggling. This made me really happy, but by the second workout my legs were burning and I was ready to be done with it. I finished half of the challenge! :)

Day 10: ✅The first workout had me sweating, but it wasn’t bad at all. Halfway through the second one, I had to pause it to do something, but it was still hard splitting it up in half. The last was really hard, but I pushed through it without stopping.

Day 11: ✅Today I tried really hard to focus on doing the workout for the full amount of time instead of pausing for a breath in between. It was really hard, but I made it with my arms and core hurting at the end.

Day 12: ✅ The first video was hard, but I got through it without stopping. The second one was harder, but I still made it. The third one went absolutely terribly, but I could tell that I was getting better at doing the exercises.

Day 13: ✅It was a very nice rest day.

Day 14: ✅I got through the first workout without taking any rests, but was breathing hard at the end. The second workout had my legs burning. I struggled very hard on the last workout, but made it.

Day 15: ✅ It was only 20 minutes and I wasn’t out of breath, but I could tell I needed to work on making my upper body strength.


0:35–V-Sit scissors.
1:27–*10 sec rest*
1:37–Plank leg lift & Abduction.
2:09–*5 sec rest*
2:13–Plank Rainbow.
2:53–*10 sec rest*
3:04–Russian twist.
3:35–*5 sec rest*
3:40–Cork screw.
4:20–*10 sec rest*
4:30–Reverse plank hip dips.
5:00–*5 sec rest*
5:05–Hip dips.
5:36–*10 sec rest*
5:46–Roll up to V-sit.
6:16–*10 sec rest*
6:26–Leg drop to cross body crunch.
7:07–*10 sec rest*
7:17–Side plank variation (L).
7:57–*5 sec rest*
8:02–Side plank variation (R).
8:43–*10 sec rest*
8:53–Bicycle crunch variation.
9:24–*5 sec rest*
9:29–Reverse crunch leg drop.
10:09–*10 sec rest*
10:19–Straight leg crunch.


finally got the courage to start this. I have been doing defined abs for a long time and was quite hesitant to try a new workout. I still cant get the side planks but im sure i ll eventually get there


This is my first day. I am finding it a bit hard and tiring but I completed the first exercise this is the second one. I can do it and I will complete the challenge❤


Это первый раз за все время моих тренировок с Хлоей, когда мне удалось сделать это без единого дополнительного перерыва. Я смогла выполнить все упражнения залпом и очень собой горжусь.
Поначалу было действительно тяжело, но я верю во всех, кто также тренируются и работает над собой. У вас все получится, чуваки!


To anyone who thinks they can’t do it or that nothing is going to change, keep going. You are strong and can do way more than you think you can. You will make progress and will become a better you through the process. 💗 remember one person believes in you!


Motivation for this year- I started in 2021, in 3 months lost around 20 pounds… Felt the best of myself… now in July 2022, I have gained all my weight back due to stress and over eating.. But I am back and I will be better this time 🔥

Pausing is okay… Getting tired is okay… Falling is okay… but giving up is never an option..

We will always be our better version after each fall.. 💪


To my male audiance, this workout aint just for girls, im sweating so much, and while i have a holiday, ima try go through with the rest of this challenge!


хлоя тинг лучшая!!!! начала брать ее курсы примерно в 20 числах апреля, за это время уже закончила, 1 курс на 2 недели, 1 курс на 25 дней, 1 курс на 21 день, 1 курс на 28 дней и только что закончила делать первый день этого курса. результаты просто бомбезные!! похудела на 8 кг за первые два месяца, дальше перестала скидывать, тк нагрузки увеличились, я начала ходить на доп, секцию, но замеры по прежнему становятся меньше. обожаю тебя и очень люблю!!!💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗


I'm completely at a loss, this is a really working workout for the waist.
I did this workout for 5 days, the result is striking, the waist was 66 centimeters became 59.
You really help people become happier ☺️💖
