Do Non-Calvinists Believe In Salvation By Grace Alone? | Dr. Leighton Flowers | John MacArthur

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Dr. Leighton Flowers, Director of Evangelism and Apologetics for Texas Baptists, responds to John MacArthur's position that Non-Calvinists aid in their salvation by having faith in Christ.

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God gives grace to those who respond to the Gospel in faith. I don’t know what the issue is.


Calvinism is simply not Biblical at all. great video Dr. Flowers


Thank you so much for revealing the actual truth of the gospel of Jesus Christ! I was suffering from Calvinist ideas that had sneaked into my mind, but when I heard your rebuttals the truth of Gods wisdom screamed so loudly it completely wiped it out! Bless you and glory to God.


If some are already chosen to be saved, Jesus didn’t really have to die.


Calvinists harp on grace through faith alone but also focus on perseverance of the saints which focuses on fruit and works to determine if one is “truly saved” which is a subtle way of adding works to be necessary to be saved. We are preserved by the promise of God, not by our perseverance. We are kept by his power, his promise.


The Gospel of Jesus Christ... Salvation by Grace through Faith.

The Gospel of John Calvin... Salvation by Grace through Election.


I have always liked James 1:22, "But prove yourselves doers of the word, and not merely hearers who delude themselves." One can be deluded by just having intellectual knowledge. Non-believers can have intellectual knowledge and not know God. Believers can have intellectual knowledge and refuse to be teachable and hear the truth.


Hi all. New to the channel but loving it!! I'm a 64 year old - born again Christian of about 10 years. Catholic youth then to not caring about God at all. Retired Marine Colonel. But found Jesus in a Baptist Church by hearing the gospel for the first time in my life. I co-teach Sunday school with another 60-year old gent who also came to Jesus in his 50's. He's a Calvinist, but when he told me it meant nothing. Our differences rapidly arose during teaching. It started light hearted but has gotten somewhat contentious over time. Started listening to Leighton and Warren over at Idol Killer. Both are a God send!!! In addition to teaching, I've read the bible cover to cover every year. The concepts of Calvinism NEVER entered my mind. But having Leighton to listen too, not only helped me understand Reformed Theology, but helped me come to terms with my relationship with a actively, loving Father. God Bless you all - Kevin


We are saved by the gospel. It is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believed. Romans 1:16


The passage literally says that those who've listened and learned are the ones that come to HIM .


At roughly 8:25 macarthur says " you are under the deceptive leadership of satan, " but within his calvinist paradigm the actual claim is that you can't come because one is under the deceptive leadership of GOD.


One sin is as bad as 1, 000. So the most hated doctrine is not that we are sinners, it’s that under Calvinism there is no cure.


JMac/Calvinism: "Man is so totally depraved he can't & won't seek God he is unwilling & incapable"

Scripture: Nicodemus hunts down Jesus for a 1 on 1. Zacheus runs ahead, climbs a tree to see Jesus. Ethiopian Treasurer acquires a copy of Isaiah & reads it. Cornelius prays gives alms, his faith in "I know God exists" is rewarded. Lydia attends a prayer meeting then listens to Paul. Bereans searched the scriptures. "Sir, we want to see Jesus" (John 12:21).


"Unwilling" to come to Christ, not "incapable". John 5:40
Faith is not a work ("filthy rag"). It is an attitude of the heart, an acknowledgment of the truth.


Dr. Flowers is the greatest expositor of Christian faith in past 1700 years.


Deuteronomy 30 - the word of the lord (the gospel- HEB 4) comes before Israel to say "this day i set before you death and life...choose life that you may live"

This is no different than the gospel we receive today. At the hearing of God's word, we have a choice to make and because we hear, we now have the ability to choose.


What Macarthur said - "Salvation is not by works lest any man should boast it is by grace" What the Bible actually says - 'For by grace you have been saved through FAITH; and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God; (Ephesians 2:8, NASB) not as a result of works, so that no one may boast. (Ephesians 2:9, NASB)' Faith is not a work, Leighton is right - if you have a problem with that you have a problem with Paul and the Bible.


The Calvinist gospel:
God only saves pre-selected sinners.


Amazing analogy at the end there doctor Leighton


Luke 7:50 Jesus said to the woman "Your faith has saved you, go in peace"...Acts 16 The jailer asked Paul "What must I do to be saved?" Paul said "Put your trust/faith in Jesus". If we didn't have to "do" anything "to be saved" Paul (who wrote Ephesians and Roman's) would have said "You don't have to do anything to be saved". Correct? If we could just "be saved" without putting our trust in Jesus, wouldn't he have said that?
