Does Calvinism Really Teach Lordship Salvation? John Calvin says: 'No.' Read Calvin's Institutes.

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Some people have spent so much time claiming that Calvinism teaches the heresy of Lordship Salvation that many people are now starting to believe that lie. However, a simple reading of Calvin's "Institutes of the Christian Religion" dispels that myth. In this video, Presbyterian author Monty L. Collier shows a powerful passage from the opening pages of Calvin's Institutes that demonstrates that French Reformer rejected the heresy of Lordship Salvation as essentially the blasphemous dogma of justification by faith and works (taught by the Jesuits at the Council of Trent).

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Voddie Baucham has clearly said we aren’t saved by good works but our saving faith will produce good works


There are so many deceptions being taught by so many today. This Lordship salvation is one of the worst deceptions to ever be preached by several prominent preachers today. It is heresy because it makes our salvation partially dependent upon our own ability to live a righteous and holy life till death. The truth is, Jesus paid it all. It is to HIM we owe all our thanks. There's nothing left for us to do to earn our salvation. Understanding this brings such joy and thankfulness to truly born-again believers. 1 John 5:12 says "Whoever has the Son has life; whoever does not have the Son of God does not have life." That's all it takes. "Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved."


Please show me one example from the Scripture where someone who was saved refused to recognize Jesus as their Lord.


The more I examine my performance with the intention of deciding if I am really saved, based on that factor, I then am reminded, by God's precious Holy Spirit, that I have forgotten the purpose of the cross, which is God saying with His actions, that always speak louder than words, that He knew I couldn't ever live up to His perfect standard of righteousness, and thereby lived the life that God would accept by works, for me, and as such, was the qualified lamb of God, who bore my sins, and thus, granted me the freedom that comes through no longer relying on my obedience to Christ's commandments, or any other works, but solely on the finished work of Jesus Christ (John 19:30)! I can't add to a finished work! It wouldn't be finished otherwise! This causes me to drop everything and run after Jesus as hard as I can by living a life that honors him!


Lordship salvation is Roman Catholicism without the hope of purgatory.


I am glad that you said this because I have been accused of not really being a Calvinist because I DON'T believe in Lordship salvation.


Beware of people that talk about sanctification, but cannot describe the mental inner psychology. Invariably, they are legalistic.

If they can't name the elements of believing, if they can't define the object of faith as a proposition, if they can't distinguish between imperative and indicative . . . LOOK OUT.

Great video, Monty. Winning one mind at a time.


My only hope, is in the FINISHED work of Jesus Christ.

Isaiah 53:11
He shall see of the travail of his soul, and shall be satisfied: by his knowledge shall my righteous servant justify many; for he shall bear their iniquities.


Steve Lawson said justification is just paperwork in heaven... He needs to recant that statement


MacArthur has been teaching the poisoned gospel of Lordship Salvation since the late 1980's. He seems to have even doubled down since then. A dangerous works-righteousness.


Obedience is a COINCIDENTAL effect of believing. The reason why I say this is that the OBJECT of the verb "obedience" is an IMPERATIVE COMMAND. (If someone says "obey" i say "obey WHAT?" The only logical answer is "an imperative ").

But the believer does not have a COMMAND in his mind when he acts. Rather, in his MIND he has a PROPOSITION (a promise, good news, a proverb, a truth to act on).

It's almost like he "obeys" accidentally.
Whatever does NOT proceed from faith is sin. So even an act that keeps a commandment, if it proceeds from an IMPERATIVE THOUGHT, is not pleasing to God because it came not from the heart.


Certain verbs have particular objects.

For example, the verb to HEAR has a SOUND as it's object. It would be irrational to say that I HEAR the color green, for example.

Similarly, the verb to OBEY necessarily has as its object an IMPERATIVE COMMAND. It would be irrational to say: "The Sun rose this morning." Obey that proposition.

A person cannot OBEY a proposition, just like they can't hear the color green.


Likewise, the object of the verb "surrender" is an IMPERATIVE command, not a proposition. I don't surrender to "the sky is blue." I surrender to "come out with your hands up."


The proper object of the verb "to hear" is a SOUND. The proper object of the verb "to believe" is a PROPOSITION. The proper object of the verb "to obey" is an IMPERATIVE COMMAND.

It's important to remember that Lordship Salvation is not only an error in the SUBJECTIVE definition of believing. But it is ALSO an error in the OBJECT of faith, whereby the proper object, a PROPOSITION, is replaced with an IMPERATIVE COMMAND.

The obvious question to ask when someone tells you to obey is: "obey WHAT??" The only logical answer to that question is: AN IMPERATIVE COMMAND. Thus L S. assumes an imperative command as the OBJECT of faith, by implication. It's understood that the commands assumed are the commands of God's LAW.



Amen to this video, jmac and his many talking heads, are sly decievers, who basically hold to catholic theology.


You're nuts!! How could you possibly get it so wrong?
MacArthur is preaching against antinomianism.
He's saying if you've been truly saved, which is by Faith alone, you will have Christ as your Lord. Your life will be dramatically changed and you will want to serve Jesus as Lord and Savior. If the change doesn't take place then you were not have been truly saved to begin with.
