Calvinism VS Arminianism

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Calvinism VS Arminianism

Calvinism and Arminianism are two systems of theology that attempt to explain the relationship between God’s sovereignty and man’s responsibility for salvation.
The central biblical passage supporting Calvinism is Romans 9 (“I will have mercy on whom I will have mercy….”)
The central biblical passages supporting Arminianism are 2 Peter 3v9 and 1 Timothy 2v4 (God wants everyone to be saved).
Watch this video to know why I am not a Calvinist.

0:00 - Intro
0:43 - Origin of Calvinism
5 points of Calvinism
1:30 - 1. Total depravity (Romans 3v10-12; Ephesians 2v1-3)
2:20 - 2. Unconditional election (John 6v44; Romans 9v10-16)
2:57 - 3. Limited atonement (1 John 2v2; John 1v29; 3v16; 1 Timothy 2v6; 2 Peter 2v1)
4:07 - 4. Irresistible grace (John 6v37, 44)
5:07 - 5. Perseverance of the saints (John 10v27-28; Romans 8v29-39)
6:48 - My issue with Calvinism
12:03 - 3 questions to ask yourself if you are not sure what you believe
15:18 - Final thoughts

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Why do people assume if you're not Calvinist you're Arminian? I'm neither. I'm a Christian, a follower of Christ. I see positives and negatives on both sides so i look to the Bible for guidance and trust Jesus instead of man.


I love how you finished with the questions helping people to understand their own view.


Ex-calvinist and ex-homosexual here... Waiting to watch. 👀


I wanted to mention, ive been Very damaged from this tension between Armenianism and Calvinism because of one of the guys in my church that I used to attend. Ive dealt with much doctrinal conflict before because of my mom and dad being of different denominations. Having said that, All this inner fighting can have an unhealthy effect on others outside of those beliefs and on their growth with with Christ Jesus, if so, please keep me in prayer Brother, thank you!


Thank you for this pastor! This has increased my understanding in some areas of other beliefs that are not in line with Gods’ truth.🙏 All praises be to God!


I can only speak from experience. When I first decided to walk down the aisle of a small Christian non-denominational church and receive Jesus as my Lord and Savior I was completely ignorant when it came to the Bible or salvation. I had come from a dirty background of alcohol, drugs, nightclubs, and one night stands. My faith at the time stood firm on science which up until that moment had been led by deep study into physics emphasizing on general relativity and quantum mechanics. I understood these concepts very well, but I also realized science couldn’t save my soul so that’s when I turned to the Word of God.
I had been raised a Catholic, by tradition not choice, but I never found interest in religious dogma. To me their ritualistic approach to matters of faith were dull and boring, I was more interested in the pursuit of knowledge and wisdom.
After having received Jesus in Oct of 91, I was told by the pastor that I was now saved and on my way to Heaven; really? That’s it? I didn’t feel any different, my thoughts, motives, and attitude remained the same. I decided that I wasn’t going to just take this pastor’s word, I was going to do my homework. I had to, my soul and my eternal future depended on it and I was a person that needed certainty!
I decided to purchase the King James Bible on CD and listen to it on all those wasted hours driving back and forth to work in rush hour traffic. Travel time to work was an hour, an hour lunch which I spent in my car eating a sandwich out of a small cooler, and the hour drive back home. That was 3 hours of Word a day 5 times per week. That’s a lot of Word! This went on for little over 3 years where not only did I have scores and scores of scriptures memorized, but also entire CHAPTERS memorized verbatim word for word. I could tell you what is in the Bible and what isn’t. I had a lot of Word in my head, not in my heart.
This would change one Saturday morning March 25, 1995. I was alone in my car at the beach listening to integrity Hosana Worship music, reading God’s Word, and loving Him with all my heart, mind, soul, and strength. I remember reading in Matthew chapter 5 to “love your enemies”, this was something I could never see myself doing! How can you love someone that’s causing you harm? I don’t understand this kind of love! I looked up to the sky and let my imagination, which by now was overflowing with love, run wild as to how beautiful it would be to be just like Jesus!
Suddenly it happened, it really happened! I saw something open within my mind and all that Word I had accumulated for years poured into me removing the blinders from my eyes and giving me the knowledge of God!
“Turn you at my reproof: behold, I will pour out my Spirit unto you, I will make known my words unto you.”
(Proverbs 1:23)

I was terrified, I felt the demons that lived in me and had been with me my entire life leap out of me with a hideous screech! How is this possible Lord, I thought, how can a mere man understand God?

“My son, if thou wilt receive my words, and hide my commandments with thee; So that thou incline thine ear unto wisdom, and apply thine heart to understanding; Yea, if thou criest after knowledge, and liftest up thy voice for understanding; If thou seekest her as silver, and searchest for her as for hid treasures; Then shalt thou understand the fear of the LORD, and find the knowledge of God.”
(Proverbs 2:1-5)

When I picked up the Bible and began reading it something was now different. I had always read and listened to the Bible as a 3rd person, in other words, this apostle is writing to this other apostle, this scripture doesn’t apply to me. For the very first time since I began my study of the scriptures did I realize the scriptures were speaking directly to me! The Words were like 3D, a hologram! Who is this 3rd person I keep imagining? Every scripture, every parable I didn’t seem to understand was as plain as if I was reading a children’s book! This is when I could see the utter Perfection of God’s Word and the inerrancy of scripture. The only way to describe what had just happened to me was “HOLINESS” had entered me!

“The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom: and the knowledge of the holy is understanding.”

So you may be asking yourself, how does my testimony relate to this video? Well it seems to me it’s quite obvious. There is only one Jesus, the one revealed in scripture. Jesus and the written Word are ONE AND THE SAME. There is no other way to God except through His Word! It is the Word that gives you the SPIRIT:

“It is the SPIRIT that quickeneth; the flesh profiteth nothing: the WORDS that I speak unto you, they are SPIRIT, and they are life.”
(John 6:63)

You must be BORN AGAIN of the Word:

“Being born again, not of corruptible seed, but of incorruptible, by the WORD OF GOD, which liveth and abideth for ever.”
(1 Peter 1:23)

When you read the following passage with those Words in 3-D jumping out of the pages you will come to the realization that the Bible is speaking of itself!

“I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by ME.”
(John 14:6)

So this argument of Calvinism vs Arminianism is settled, EVERYONE can approach the scriptures the way I did, and EVERYONE can love God the way did, and God will reveal Himself to whom ever He sees is ready to receive His Truth. So the question is not which one of these two views is correct, but rather how much is the individual willing to do to love and find God!

“If ye continue in my WORD, then are ye my disciples indeed; And ye shall know the TRUTH, and the TRUTH shall make you FREE.”
(John 8:31-32)


Ooh I've been waiting for this!! Been wanting to see you talk about it🙌🔥


It's not impossible to believe that God can know the end from the beginning, and still allow free will. To know something is not to cause it, necessarily. Understanding free will is very important in understanding Scripture. For one thing, there can be no true love without it. To be free to NOT love, and to LOVE ANYWAY! THAT is true love. Therefore, free will is a key part of the logic, and the beauty, of the plan of salvation.


My thoughts exactly. All your concerns is why I left Calvinism.


FINALLY!! The video I’ve been waiting for. Thank you Vlad! 😁


I’m a Christist and believe God wants everyone because he loves us all as his word says. No one is brought to the cross that God did not draw to himself. His word is not called Good News for no reason. I stand with him being a loving and gracious Father who loves everyone he cared to create. Forget favoritism or random selection. We are all fearfully and wonderfully made.


Sound insight, thanks for sharing, it is because of our free will we fell into sin, is through the same free will, God wants us to choose Him to be with Him eternally. Excellent content as always, thank you, Shalom from Malta🙏


I'm so glad you talked about this! I was a Calvinist. I left in October. A friend of mine always picked on me for it and I challenged her one day and told her to explain to me Roman's 9. She did. She didn't put words in my mouth and she walked me through verse by verse and took me to the passages Paul was quoting. It was a four hour theological discussion that ended in tears and deliverance! It was not until I prayed to God for the truth AND humility that I saw the truth. Calvinism severely hindered my faith and my relationship with God. We need to start teaching the dangers of Calvinism. I fell for it because no one really talks about predestination besides Calvinists. Predestination is talked about in the Bible obviously but the Calvinist interpretation just is not correct. Pray for your Calvinist brothers and sisters! They can change. I did. :)


I am not a Calvinist, though no matter what it is we trust in Lord Jesus and live in total repentance.


Hello Brother Vlad. I am a Calvinist (at least a four point-still working through limited atonement). Appreciate your thoughts on this, it is helpful to see the Arminian position clearly stated.

I have to say that not all of the Calvin positions are articulated accurately here (especially that you are representing double-predestination). I would encourage those who are interested in understanding the Calvinist position to take a look at Wayne Grudems Systematic Theology. It states, in an easy to read way, the Calvin understanding of scripture.

I agree that Calvinists can be pretty aggressive in our defense of our theological understanding of scripture, and for that I am sorry. It is wonderful to have brothers and sisters all around the world, saved by Grace, through faith in our wonderful Lord, Jesus Christ. Happy to count you a brother and enjoy working through scripture in such a way. Appreciate your video.


I was a Calvinist before watching this and after watching this I am still a Calvinist.

When I go to heaven, the difference between me and another person who went to hell won’t be that I had the good sense to choose God but it will be that God choose me out his rich mercy and grace, 100%

God bless you all!


Great video! I was raised Mennonite. I despised my upbringing and started a party lifestyle in my teens and twenties. When I had enough of hopeless living, I repented and gave my life to Christ Jesus and have journeyed with God for 10 years now. I have been to many churches and have seen parts of Calvinism creep in to baptist, Mennonite, and many nondenominational belief systems. It’s detrimental. They don’t even value the importance of perusing the gifts of the spirit.


Shalom from Switzerland. You are absolutely right. We must beware of man made theology. God created man to have relationship both ways, not to Be a puppet in the hands of God.


Arminianism makes complete sense when you look at the broader picture as opposed to cherry-picking of Bible verses..
