If you believe in Arminian doctrine, can you be saved?

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Arminian beliefs may not be heretical, but they remain serious errors. From one of our live Ask Ligonier events, W. Robert Godfrey explains why Arminianism is unstable theology.

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It is a very small part of the Church that sees the Church as divided into Calvinists or Arminians. Most believers in parts of the world where the Church is growing quickly today, such as Iran, China, India, Nepal, etc. are focused on the gospel and have to face persecution for their faith. Most believers when we get home to glory will never have heard of John Calvin, but will be preoccupied by Jesus Christ.


Fundamental error here: We are not saved by believing in Arminian doctrine or in Calvinist doctrine, but by believing im Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ !


1 Corinthians 1:11-13 "My brothers and sisters, some have informed me that there are quarrels among you. What I mean is this: One of you says, “I follow Luther”; another, “I follow Calvin”; another, “I follow Arminius”; still another, “I follow the pope.” Is Christ divided? Was Luther crucified for you? Were you baptized in the name of Calvin?"


If you CHOOSE to follow God then he has CHOSEN you. End of debate.


I will tell you something, it doesn't matter how much we study the Bible, we won't understand the Bible completely.


Preach Christ
The whole Christ
To the Glory of Christ
And let God be God.


Thanks for stating your opinion on an old debate.

Of course, the Church has always been marked by differences of opinion and disagreements on matters of theology. Nothing new here. Calls of heresy abound to this day.

Yet, Christians are called to focus on what unites us as brothers and sisters in Christ rather than what divides us into opposing camps. I think pride and self-righteousness in the Church is the problem. Why is it that the Church, we Christians, cannot seem to come to the point of admitting that we do not see everything perfectly and that some of our personal theological ideas may be flawed or even in error?


The fact that this question exists shows how some Calvinists are so dogmatic about their theology and put it on the same level as the gospel.


Thank you for having a non biased approach when discussing this subject.


This is one of the most balanced and fair answers to the issue of Arminianism I think I’ve heard from Ligonier. I’d like to see this tone displayed more in the conferences, especially in the Q&A sessions which tend towards a kind of self-congratulatory type of Calvinism and a more casual dismissal of Arminianism as if it were heresy. We need to show each other grace.


What the Bible says is not determined by theologians as many theologians seem to believe


If you believe God causes all things that come to pass, you are not saved but greatly deceived. You don't have to be an arminian in order not to be Calvinist.


I believe that God is the one first to initiate. We are all dead without the grace of God. We may have free will, but God will still be followed in the end. Armenianism puts God under the mercy of the man.

But that doesn't mean that if you want to be saved, there's a chance you won't be elect. God doesn't choose stuff at random. All has a purpose. The elect hear the call and answer. They hear the gospel, and see it as true, love it, believe it, and follow it. They don't have to get everything at first, nor do they necessarily live perfect lives the moment they hear the call, but they try their best to be Christlike. The non elect are those who hear the gospel, and find it silly and unreasonable. They turn away. If you find yourself everyday thinking about God, and how to please God, you are one of the elect. Those who are non elect will never be able to understand nor embrace the gospel because they are not of God. The elect will grow to learn the gospel. The elect do not care weather they are elect or not.

God will knock at your door. Many are called, but few are chosen. Many hear the word, but few answer the call.


Why is this so important to you people anyway?


Arminianism isn't so much a focus on human free will, but rather God's love for humankind so much that he limits his own control so that they could choose. Without choice, there is no love. The calvinist God does not seem to reflect the attributes of God.


All I know is that Peter left his fishing nets, Matthew left his tax collection, and Paul left being Pharisee because they couldn't resist when Christ said, "Come, follow Me!" and they could not explain why they could not resist Him.And that clearly is NOT free will.


The more I learn about Calvinism and Arminianism, the more I agree with Leighton Flowers.


„that if you confess with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord, ” and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved.“
‭‭Romans‬ ‭10‬:‭9‬


I'm a calvinist but currently going to a Wesleyan arminian church.


The Apostle Paul warned that If any man preaches ANY OTHER gospel, that that man should be accursed from Christ! And if there ever was an extraordinary profound other gospel, it is armenianism. It is another jesus, it rips precious core foundational encouraging truths out of the scriptures because it offends filthy human Pride and self-determination. Yes God's elect are among those who presently believe arminian theology but God will lead them out of it! They will not die not having believed the gospel
