How is limited atonement true when Scripture teaches that Christ died for the whole world?

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“and He Himself is the propitiation for our sins; and not for ours only, but also for those of the whole world.”
‭‭1 John‬ ‭2‬:‭2‬ ‭

This shoots down limited atonement.


God died for the world but there will be many who won’t receive him.

The banquet feast parable is perfect for this.


It is terribly annoying when preachers say, "It is either this, or it is that. And we know it can't be that." -- when they know full well that there are other views which endeavor to account for the totality of Scripture.


"For to this end we toil and strive, because we have our hope set on the living God, who is the Savior of all people, especially of those who believe."

👉 1 Timothy 4:10

1) All People.
2) Especially those who believe.


I think this doesn't accurately describe what someone like me currently believes (not limited atonement). I currently believe that Christ died for all sinners, those who would believe and those who wouldn't, (1 John 2:2) meaning that the *application* of the atonement upon someone is limited to those who would believe, but the opportunity for the atonement to be applied to someone is not limited.


He's making is sound like unless you believe that Jesus really only died for some, and didn't even WANT His atonement to extend to all, you're a universalist. Which is just very simply not true.


Free will or sovreign election, cant it be both? I dont know but one thing I do know, I once was blind but now I see.


I always understood it to be that Christ did die for everyone so that everyone may have the offer of salvation. It is up to us, however, to accept the offer or not. Essentially, everyone now has the opportunity to be saved by the power of the cross, but not everyone will take the offer. That’s how I understood it, at least. I’m completely open to hearing other people’s thoughts on this issue.


I will try to put it into simple terms. I personally accepted Jesus, (of the Bible) as my personal Savior. I'm saved / born-again. Sealed in the Holy Spirit. Jesus Christ's finished work on the cross paid for all of my sin, past present and future.
Jesus also died for and paid for the sins of someone who rejects the great gift of salvation. They look at the Gospel and say they don't need it and they can earn their own way to heaven, etc. At the great white throne judgement, such a person will know fully and understand that they rejected the One and Only King of kings who died or them. They rejected Jesus' free gift while believers accepted it. And it's all possible only because He first loved us.


They say believe like a Calvinist and preach like an arminian


Being in Grace Community Church is the only reason I would live in California.


“Therefore having overlooked the times of ignorance, God is now declaring to men that all everywhere should repent, because He has fixed a day in which He will judge the world in righteousness through a Man whom He has appointed, having furnished proof to all men by raising Him from the dead.”


limited atonement is a man made concept. He took away the sin of the world, he tasted death for every man, he is the savior of the whole world especially those who believe. He didn't take a specific amount of agony for the specific sins of you and me and other believers, he took the wrath of god towards all sin, and was our propitiation. In essence, by his innocent death he created the way/door by which the guilty can enter and have life. It was a provisional sacrifice, not a sin specific one.


He is necessarily tying limited atonement to irresistible grace. If you say people don't have to accept the gift of salvation, it falls apart.

And hell would exist regardless of limited atonement, because of the devil and his demons.


I thank God for rc sprouls ministry . And what it meant to me ( MISS U BROTHER ) .. and I thank God for DR John MACARTHUR'S ministry. these two men have really helped me in my journey to be more like christ. Thank u .


The Atonement is unlimited which is why the judgement is now based on who believes on Jesus and no longer on who keeps the law.


This is not the only interpretation of the issue at hand. This is asking the question and giving the answer based on presuppositions and Calvinism


Limited atonement correctly recognizes that Christ’s death was of infinite value and lacking in nothing. In fact, it is of such value that, had God so willed, Christ’s death could have saved every member of the human race. Christ would not have had to suffer any more or do anything different to save every human who ever lived than He did in securing the salvation of the elect. But that was not God’s purpose in sending Christ to the cross. God’s purpose in the atonement was that Jesus would secure forever the salvation of those the Father had given to Him (Hebrews 7:25). Therefore, while Christ’s atonement was limited in its intent or purpose, it was unlimited in its power.


This stuff is so divisive because there are verses that support both sides of the argument (sovereignty and free will) and believers on both sides of the argument will be in heaven (meaning this isn’t an essential doctrine).


Uplifting message about the amount of people who have not been saved by Christ's finished work of reconciliation.