RC Sproul 14 If God saves only the elect, why evangelize?

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In 2004, Real 2 Real Ministries / The Apologetics Group produced a 4-1/2 hour video documentary, Amazing Grace - The History and Theology of Calvinism. It was popular and sold over 30,000 copies. R.C. Sproul's interview was the high point of the series as he succinctly explained the Reformed doctrines of grace. However, some of the interview was cut from the final product. In this series, we present the raw, unvarnished interview with R.C. Sproul in its entirety.
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My husband and I talk about this all the time. Sometimes, I feel so unqualified and not bold enough to preach. What joy to participate in sharing the gospel.


In the end the REDEEMED can say; " I once was lost, but now am found, was blind but now I see". As long as one responds to the Gospel gets saved, it doesn't matter.


One of the reasons is, God's justice is perfect, and that means everyone must hear his gospel, even those he knows will reject it.


I was looking for a good definition and example of Cognitive Dissonance and this is as good as any.


Why!? Why do people believe this? It's so disheartening to me.


I love Reformed theology because it exalts God and his sovereignty over all things. God bless R.C. for helping me to understand these blessed mysteries.


R. C. Sproul was a great sophist but a lousy logician. Rom. 10:13-15 says:

13 for, “Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.”
14 How then can they call on the One in whom they have not believed? And how can they believe in the One of whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone to preach?
15 And how can they preach unless they are sent?

How such an intelligent man could have promoted such a stupid theology is beyond me.


Doesn't the Calvinists believe that the reason they evangelize is because God makes them do it? Sincere question.


I don’t choose Armenian or calvanist. I choose humility because I don’t understand these things.


We evangelize because the gospel really is available to every man woman and child as the bible really says, and Jesus told us to.
John 3:16 and many more.

God does not elect you to be saved before you are born.

Neither Esau or Jacob was elected to salvation, instead God elected Jacob to service through his seed the Christ would come as a blessing to all including Esau.
Those that's believe are in him in Christ, and they once being in Christ are the elect, chosen and who God predestined from the foundation of the world would be sanctified and glorified.

Unfortunately Sproul has it backwards as if the genuine offer of salvation through the gospel, is not available except for a God respected few of mankind, which limited the power of Jesus's ultimate blood salvation sacrifice.

This is a bold lie, although Sproul means well, what he was taught was a manmade systematic based on gnosticism that destroy Gid amazing grace and the live and gospel available to all mankind.

Think about under Calvinism the gospel is bad news for the majority of humans they are told to repent and believe, like they can, when His has determine and decreed that is not possible for them.

That is not the gospel, that is divine determinism better known as gnosticism Calvinism or tulip doctrine.

This is exactly what Paul and the early church fault against.

The notion that the only way Gid can gnostic or know everything is if he decrees and determines and makes it happen even the first fall Adams sin and yours and mine, and then holds us responsible in an ever lasting hell for things he made us do.

And then repeats certain person's called the elect and makes them believe with no ability to resist, this is not God, this is a puppet master monster.

Arrived at by reading it into scripture when it's not there.

The early church and the real reformers we're Jesus and the apostles, they did not torture and kill those that disagrees with them in theology like John Calvin the puritans, and reformers, they did not purely hate all Jews like Martin Luther.

Get back to the Bible and leave this false calvinistic gnostic doctrine alone.

God bless, the gospel is available to you and all your love ones, and even people you could care less about, anyone who says it is not is spreading false doctrine and limiting the blood atonement of the cross, which John MacArthur says is not necessary for salvation, along with you can take the mark of the beast and be saved later..
We have to rebuke this arrogant unloving ungracious God that the Calvinist theologians and Gnostics have created into the tulip systematic .

Pray for them and myself and I will pray for you.


This is one of the most beautiful and touching Sproul moments and insights praise Jesus and God and thank you for allowing us to be part of this beautiful moment with individual humans


He brings people through his gospel but if we could break it down we can find in Jeremiah he brings us to him with his lovingkindess


Me 04:47
I believe as you said that we can't decide who will and can be saved because it's it's entirely up to individuals. I strongly believe God wants everyone if possible to be saved. Some will not, not because they have been predestined but because they won't on their own for any reason but entirely there own. God is not unjust. He sis not create anyone and predestined him to go to hell. He wants everyone to be saved and that is why we evangelise. We can simply just sit at home and hope that the predestined will surely be saved no matter what and we don't even need the church for edification of the brethren since the predestined heaven-bound ones will still make it no matter what. I strongly advice we reconsider this doctrine of election. Thanks sir.

This is in response to the doctrine that states that some people are predestined for salvation. If I think my son is, then why not others. RC just brought up his grand son who I assume is predestined but not another person's grandson.



Evangelizing others it is also for the growth of the one who does it. It's not just a privilege, it is a holy duty.

There is joy in haven when a siner repent and come to the Lord.

Well, in order to have that joy you must be co-worker with the angels in helping others to be saved.

Loving God, talking about Him and helping others...these are the laws of haven.
We must live the haven here on earth.


You dont know who is the elect. God knows. That is a nother reason to Evanghelise


In regard to what RC Sproul says at the 2:50 mark, how are we participating in the joy of those who come to Christ by sharing with them when it has no effect whatsoever. They are saved ONLY because God decreed it.


Sometimes our lives can end much sooner than we think, therefore it is vital to put our trust in Jesus Christ the only Son of the Living God, since believing in him is the most important thing we can ever do. Jesus himself expressed his Father wishes .... "For the will of my Father is that everyone who looks to the Son and believes in him shall have eternal life, and I will raise them up on the last day". The message is clear, believe in Jesus and be saved. God bless everybody in their search for the truth.


RC needs to realize how many times God says in His word, WHOSOEVER WILL


Just wonder how God will be just in his judgement of those he didn't choose, because ultimately it wasn't their fault their names were not in the Book of Life


Rom 8:29..."For whom he did foreknow, he also did predestinate to be conformed to the image of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brethren."
Who did God foreknow? He surely would of foreknown every individual that was birthed on the planet.
How would it be possible for all to enter into this predestined purpose?
Rom 10:13..."For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved."
