Why I Think Calvinism Is Unbiblical

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I present this in Christian brotherhood to my fellow believers. Expand this description for TIME STAMPS for the video...

I am not intending to attack or misrepresent Calvinism but to offer an honest biblical critique of what I see as one of the major pillars in Calvinism. I welcome responses and encourage them to stay on topic and to focus on clear exegesis. However, if a comment or response ignores what I am saying and how I am building my case biblically I probably won't give it much time.
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TIME STAMPS donated by Anne L (thank you Anne!)
0:00 - INTRO. Emphasizing: Bible focused discussion, "family" discussion. Explaining the discussion´s structure (Scriptures. Calvinists´ quotes. Proving point that a central pillar of Calvinism is biblically wrong. Questions and Answers session)
2:39 - Topic/Question discussed in this Live Stream: "Is faith a work" - what does the Bible say & does Calvinism teach faith as work
Bible verses: Romans 3:20 ff, especially 3:27. 4:1-6; 4:13-16. Galatians 2:16 (minute 10:00), 3:5-6. Key points established: Bible contrasts work with faith, justification by faith vs work-righteousness, one rules out the other
11:53 - Conclusion: "Faith equals grace; faith equals ´no boasting´; faith equals `all credit to God`"
12:13 - "why am I covering this topic?"
13:14 - Re-stating conclusions from Bible verses above
14:25 - quote of R.C. Sproul on Monergism & Synergism (important concepts for the Calvinist/Non-Calvinist debate)
17:29 - the relation/ use of M. and S. in regard to salvation
18:03 - Calvinist take on Monergism and how faith when viewed as a free choice based, decision-making act is defined as being synergism. "You did some of the work"
18:29 - first clear disagreement: Bible verses just proved faith is not a work
19:13 - intro to James White´s take on the Monergism/Synergism topic
19:51 - uninterrupted excerpt of James White video statement
20:53- commentary on J. White´s statement; mentioning also classic synergist beliefs such as JWs, Mormons, Islam and Catholicism and their grace plus works bottom-line
22:50 - White´s use of the concept of Synergism in regard to faith ("in believing I´m doing some of the saving") unbiblical
26:05 - R.C. Sproul junior twofold quote on "Is faith a work"; commentary
31:55 - going through the online "TULIP test" and why it is misleading
37:56 - going through Calvinists´ answers to Mike´s FB and Twitter account poll:
a) "Do you consider faith to be a work in the sense that it merits anything?"
b) "If not then how can a non-Calvinist position be considered synergism?"
47:35 - PART III: Q&A SESSION (addressing objections from Calvinist audience first)
short comments on Acts 13:48; John 6:44; Peter 2:8
52:40 - responding to reader´s suggestion to have a debate with James White
53:24 - responding to comment "I am a Calvinist and never heard that faith is a work"
54:00 - short comments on Ephesians 2:8; Matthew 16:17
59:40 - on the importance of pastors and teachers handling Scripture verses sincerely (a call for integrity)
1:00:23 - the "dead in trespasses" point and Lazarus analogy
1:02:50 - quick recap of objections
1:03:53 - questions from Non-Calvinist readers
reader´s question: What does sufficiency of Scriptures mean, not mean
1:06:11 - reader´s question: Is Calvinism dangerous
1:07:30 - answering reader´s plead to exegete "the golden chain of redemption" in Rom. 8:28-30
1:08:06 - reader´s question: Do you believe in "once saved, always saved"
1:09:35 - summing up what the video is about when reading another Calvinist asking "Isn´t faith a work when we have the choice to believe or not?"
1:11:17 - "Do I want you to change from Calvinist to Non-Calvinist"
1:11:45 - OUTRO. Topic of next week´s livestream: the "Passion" translation. Appeal to listen to and learn from each other as a healthy Christian thing to do. Mike informing that he won´t be able time-wise to respond to comments apart from the first hours post-stream. Welcoming Calvinists to share opinion. Blessings
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Expand this comment for TIME STAMPS to various parts of this video. (after a brief clarification from me)

Do you think I'm distorting Calvinism or misrepresenting it? Please read this before commenting.
I think it may be that you don’t understand what I’m saying. Here are the two positions are as I see it.

Calvinist view: faith is not a work of man because God does it (in either initiating the will or just giving faith to the person). However, if God were not to give faith and man simply chose to believe (even with some aid from God) it would now be a work that gives man some measure of glory for his salvation. In other words the Calvinist says “we view faith as a work if it is helped along by a free choice of man wherein man could have chosen otherwise”. Therefore, Calvinists believe that non-Calvinists are promoting human works when they say that faith is chosen by people who could have chosen otherwise.

Non-Calvinist view - faith is not a work. No matter what the Calvinist says, faith is not a work. In response to the work of the Holy Spirit I chose to believe and could have chosen not to believe and this is in no way a work.

You are projecting your view onto the non-Calvinist when you say that faith is a work in the non-Calvinist view. It is not. Just ask the non-Calvinist if faith is a work in their view and they will say “no”. Then you may respond “but it is a work in the way you describe having it as a free choice wherein you could have chosen otherwise.” And they will say “Not in my view. That is your view.”

TIME STAMPS donated by Anne L (thank you Anne!)

0:00 - INTRO. Emphasizing: Bible focused discussion, "family" discussion. Explaining the discussion´s structure (Scriptures. Calvinists´ quotes. Proving point that a central pillar of Calvinism is biblically wrong. Questions and Answers session)
2:39 - Topic/Question discussed in this Live Stream: "Is faith a work" - what does the Bible say & does Calvinism teach faith as work
Bible verses: Romans 3:20 ff, especially 3:27. 4:1-6; 4:13-16. Galatians 2:16 (minute 10:00), 3:5-6. Key points established: Bible contrasts work with faith, justification by faith vs work-righteousness, one rules out the other
11:53 - Conclusion: "Faith equals grace; faith equals ´no boasting´; faith equals `all credit to God`"
12:13 - "why am I covering this topic?"
13:14 - Re-stating conclusions from Bible verses above
14:25 - quote of R.C. Sproul on Monergism & Synergism (important concepts for the Calvinist/Non-Calvinist debate)
17:29 - the relation/ use of M. and S. in regard to salvation
18:03 - Calvinist take on Monergism and how faith when viewed as a free choice based, decision-making act is defined as being synergism. "You did some of the work"
18:29 - first clear disagreement: Bible verses just proved faith is not a work
19:13 - intro to James White´s take on the Monergism/Synergism topic
19:51 - uninterrupted excerpt of James White video statement
20:53- commentary on J. White´s statement; mentioning also classic synergist beliefs such as JWs, Mormons, Islam and Catholicism and their grace plus works bottom-line
22:50 - White´s use of the concept of Synergism in regard to faith ("in believing I´m doing some of the saving") unbiblical
26:05 - R.C. Sproul junior twofold quote on "Is faith a work"; commentary
28:35 - reformationtheology.com quote on "is faith a work"; commentary
31:55 - going through the online "TULIP test" and why it is misleading
37:56 - going through Calvinists´ answers to Mike´s FB and Twitter account poll:
a) "Do you consider faith to be a work in the sense that it merits anything?"
b) "If not then how can a non-Calvinist position be considered synergism?"
47:35 - PART III: Q&A SESSION (addressing objections from Calvinist audience first)
short comments on Acts 13:48; John 6:44; Peter 2:8
52:40 - responding to reader´s suggestion to have a debate with James White
53:24 - responding to comment "I am a Calvinist and never heard that faith is a work"
54:00 - short comments on Ephesians 2:8; Matthew 16:17
59:40 - on the importance of pastors and teachers handling Scripture verses sincerely (a call for integrity)
1:00:23 - the "dead in trespasses" point and Lazarus analogy
1:02:50 - quick recap of objections
1:03:53 - questions from Non-Calvinist readers
reader´s question: What does sufficiency of Scriptures mean, not mean
1:06:11 - reader´s question: Is Calvinism dangerous
1:07:30 - answering reader´s plead to exegete "the golden chain of redemption" in Rom. 8:28-30
1:08:06 - reader´s question: Do you believe in "once saved, always saved"
1:09:35 - summing up what the video is about when reading another Calvinist asking "Isn´t faith a work when we have the choice to believe or not?"
1:11:17 - "Do I want you to change from Calvinist to Non-Calvinist"
1:11:45 - OUTRO. Topic of next week´s livestream: the "Passion" translation. Appeal to listen to and learn from each other as a healthy Christian thing to do. Mike informing that he won´t be able time-wise to respond to comments apart from the first hours post-stream. Welcoming Calvinists to share opinion. Blessings


I don't call myself a Calvinist, but I was an aggresive atheist who God chose and gave me miraculous faith to believe. I never felt I had the option to choose otherwise, I was just changed. My faith was not a work it was another wonderful gift of God.


As I listen to these discussions, I understand why God stresses unity so much. A common problem with young calvinists/non-calvinists is that they start saying the other side is not saved and become just nasty to each other. Suddenly salvation is not by Grace anymore but by theological positions.


I never understood the Calvinist position that free will is an affront to God's sovereignty. John Macarthur says it's hubris to think we deserve free will. And he's right, but I don't think we deserve it, just like we don't deserve salvation. Doesn't mean God didn't give it to us while simultaneously retaining His sovereignty. Paradoxes don't phase God, just our tiny minds.


The TULIP test thing felt a bit sinister to me. Didn't Jesus leave us with the Great Commission? What motivation/push would we have to spread the Gospel if He did not in fact die for the entire world?


I don't understand what is going on here. I've been an adherent of Reformed Theology for 20 years and never have I heard anyone in our camp refer to faith has a work. Even our faith is a gift from God so that no one should boast.


I've always equated it to someone buying me a present. They take the time to shop and pick out the perfect gift, spend their own money, make sure to wrap it perfectly, write a thoughtful card, and give it to me.

Whether I accept or reject that gift, they CLEARLY did all the work. I have nothing to boast about. No one would ever in a million years give me any credit for the thoughtful gift I received.


As a Calvinist I've never heard of faith being a work


Man I'm trying, but am I the only one who needs this explained like I'm a ten year old?


Calvinists don't believe faith is a work. They believe that you cannot even seek God unless He draws you to Himself. Grace through Faith is a gift from Him.


I met my first Calvinist while attending college. He was so passionate about it. I was already a Christian and couldn’t figure out why he was trying to convert me.😂


"Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and dine with him, and he with Me."
Revelation 3:20


As a five pointer it's refreshing to hear you say that it's a family issue. Too many times people don't say this. I believe there are saved people on both sides of the fence. Thank you


I watched this yesterday and the thing it seemed to come down to is whether the act of believing is a work. God’s grace is a free gift given to me because of what Jesus did on the cross and through his resurrection. In accepting his gift (believing), I am counted as God’s child. So is accepting a work and do I receive glory for that decision? If the situation was different and I was a homeless person sitting on a corner and you offered me $20 unsolicited, am I considered working by accepting it and do I receive glory because of your generosity? I would say no and no.


Really found this difficult to understand. Just know that I have been saved by God's grace....if it depends on my works I would be in trouble. Thanks Mike for your teaching.


Calvinists believe faith is a gift from God, not a work.

Irresistible grace is the belief that God brings his Elect to salvation through an internal call, which they are powerless to resist. The Holy Spirit supplies grace to them until they repent and are born again.

Calvinists back this doctrine with such verses as Romans 9:16, Philippians 2:12-13, and John 6:28-29.


Good Video. He conducted himself in a very respectful way the entire time.


I’ve grown up as, what I would say, a 4-point Calvinist... the older I get, the harder, and less necessary it seems to me to land on one side or the other firmly. So thankful for the grace of God... and that we can all be United as one body, even if we disagree on certain doctrine.


I am a Calvinist. I appreciate your content and find much of it helpful. I think I would fundamentally disagree that Calvinist think faith is a work. All I have ever taught or received in reformed circles regarding faith is that it is a gift. Not a work, but a gift (Ephesians 2). I think the real issue you are trying to get at is regeneration (the new birth). I believe regeneration precedes faith. Faith is a gift that comes from being born again by the regeneration of the Spirit of God (Titus 3:5-7). I hope that brings some clarity.


I am 69 years old. I grew up in a Calvinistic
Calvinism teaches God's drawing is irresistible. It is called irresistible, grace.
It's as if you seem like you're making a choice.
Because When God reveals himself to you and clears your mind up and gives you a new heart. It is so fantastic nobody Turns it down. By grace you are saved through faith that is not of yourself, it is a gift from God. Calvin do not believe that faith is a work, it is a gift. When the Bible says that you are dead In your trespass's and Sins That means you are dead spiritually. Nobody seeks after God, no, not one is a verse. Dan
