IF ONLY Narcissists Told Their TRUE Intentions: TO LIE, MANIPULATE & DESTROY their VICTIMS #healing

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Narcissists have a deep-seated need for admiration and attention. They often feel like they are better than others, and they need to be constantly praised and validated. This need for admiration can often lead to narcissistic behavior, such as:

* **Attention-seeking:** Narcissists often crave attention and will do whatever it takes to get it. They may be the life of the party, or they may constantly seek out compliments and praise.
* **Grandiosity:** Narcissists often have an inflated sense of self-importance. They may believe that they are better than others, or they may believe that they are destined for greatness.
* **Entitlement:** Narcissists often feel entitled to special treatment. They may believe that they deserve the best of everything, or they may believe that they are above the rules.
* **Manipulation:** Narcissists often use manipulation to get what they want. They may lie, cheat, or gaslight others in order to get their way.
* **Lack of empathy:** Narcissists often lack empathy. They may not be able to understand or share the feelings of others. This can make it difficult for them to form genuine relationships.

Narcissists are often very charming and charismatic. They can be very persuasive and can easily win people over. However, their true intentions are often self-serving. They are only interested in getting what they want, and they will often use others to get it.

If you are in a relationship with a narcissist, it is important to remember that their true intentions are not to love or care for you. Their true intentions are to use you to boost their own ego. If you are able to understand this, it will be easier to protect yourself from their manipulative behavior.

Here are some tips for dealing with a narcissist:

* **Set boundaries:** Let the narcissist know what you will and will not tolerate. For example, you may want to set a boundary that says you will not be verbally abused.
* **Don't take it personally:** Narcissists often say and do things that are hurtful. It is important to remember that their behavior is not about you, it is about them.
* **Don't argue:** Narcissists are experts at arguing, and they will often twist your words or make you feel like you are the one who is wrong. It is best to avoid arguing with them altogether.
* **Get support:** Talking to a therapist or counselor can help you deal with the emotional impact of being in a relationship with a narcissist.

Remember, you are not alone. There are many people who have been through similar experiences, and there are resources available to help you.
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I had someone do this to me, they would show up with their two kids every night at dinner time. I got smart… fed my children early so they wouldn’t be hungry. Losers showed up, we acted like it wasn’t dinner time, they kept looking at me expectingly. I pretended like nothing was going on. Eventually they left around bedtime for their kids. They tried it again the next day, same result!
