30 Minute Quick At Home Leg Day Workout | STF 2023 - Day 8

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Welcome to SUMMERTIME FINE 2023 DAY 8! We have 57 workouts left in our program! All fitness levels are welcome for this workout and your legs are going to love it! SUBSCRIBE to the channel and share this workout when you're done!

Let’s rock it out today for your strong strong legs! We will work for 2 rounds of each exercise for 60 seconds each and we will be operating in supersets so there will be no rest between the exercises until after you complete them both. After those 2 minutes of work we will have a 15 second break and after the second round of those two moves you will have a 45 seconds break. Grab water, watch for what's next, and work hard!! Move into full range of motion and TURN IT UP in round 2!

The Exercises
1. Goblet Squat
2. Single Leg RDL
3. Sumo Back Squat
4. Staggered Good Morning
5. Forward Lunges
6. Split Squats
7. Lateral Lunges
8. Heels Up Squats
9. Band Squat Walk
10. Glute Bridge


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I’m 59 years and I’ve been doing Sydney workouts for the past 3 years. I just wanted to check where I was with my fitness and I hired a personal trainer to do some tests with me. Lo and behold I have the same fitness level of a young adult in their 20’s. I’m so proud of all the effort I put in my workouts. Some days are tough because I’m tired or busy, but I never miss a workout because today it’s part of who I am. Thanks Sydney for all you do for this community 💪🙏🥵


So good! As many times as I've repeated this workout, I always appreciate the format and the switch-up in music.


Love that the workouts are 30-40 minutes.
Longer workouts of 50 minutes take away all the motivation even before I begin!


2 years, that is how long it took me to go from not being able to do split squats to today doing split squats CORRECTLY with 15 pound weights. I was proud of myself the entire way as Sydney says and I feel like that made a big difference in my effort.


This was insane. I had a pretty heavy weekend out with some friends 😅 and I absolutely did not feel like doing this at all. However, I knew I'd feel worse off if I didn't, so I got off my butt and I did, and tbh I'm so glad I did. I worked my absolute hardest today, and I crushed it 💪🏻Thank you, Sydney, as always ❤


Don’t let “quick” and “at home” fool ya. This one had me sore for dayyyyss


I really appreciate that your workouts are built like a gym workout, utilizing multiple types of equipment and that you tell us what weights your using and talk us through the workout and encourage ways to do progressive overload. I’ve stopped so many other exercise videos 20 seconds in because they are all built with the countdown and absolutely no speaking, difficult to teach form and follow along without looking at the screen when there’s not a word spoken throughout the entire video 😅


I am back after 2 weeks w my grandchildren, ! Hope I can walk tomorrow 😅. Wanted to tel you I went back to a couple classes at the gym after not going for several years- Covid. I was so disappointed they were doing same old routines and too much repetition. You have spoiled me with your challenging and varied workouts. And your positive attitude is a gift you share. Thank you! Thank you!


Those split squats killed me! Buuuut they will improve 😉 This morning I was lacing up and I said, “Tomorrow is rest day so I know today is going to be tough!” and my 10yo son said, “Yeah but one day you will look back and be so amazed that you did it”..and THAT is what this is about for me!


I’m not sure what happened here…but I can’t walk up the stairs. It’s fine, I’m fine, everything’s fine! Sydney brought the heat and kept it coming! Loving the music, loving the 60 mins, two times through. It helps me focus on my form. Thank you Sydney, Dustin, and team for all you do!!! 💛


second time through this program. I LOVE it!!!!


Loving these 30 min vids! I actually sweat A LOT more during these than the longer vids! I think it’s because these are shorter but more intense 😊


im working on get stronger and the range of motion!! (I love you sydney! thank you for your words<3)


I am absolutely LOVING this 60 second 2 minutes work period!!! You are bringing the fire and I love it!!! I talked a couple girlfriends into doing this whole program and they are loving it too! Thanks a million for helping us all be the best versions of ourselves both physically and mentally!!!


Great workout and I'm happy that you guys have been able to introduce copyright music but I found it a little hard to hear Sydney over it at times. Just personal preference but I preferred the more mellow mix that favoured Sydney's voice.


I got displaced from my home for reason I don’t need to disclose and I’ve been gone for 2 days. I normally would have quit all my efforts these past 7-8 days with workout and food too… But I didn’t. I kept eating well and i’m back and going to crush these next two workouts!! 💪🏾


I wouldn't have thought the music change could make such a difference, but I'm loving it! Thanks for continually working to improve this channel, and bringing the heat!


Good morning! I’d just like u to say that I notice the change of music and love it !


I'm 64 and my daughter in law 31...WE did alltogether your Amazing workouts ! Thanks a lot and greetings from France 🐕🐕


It's mid afternoon here and I'm drenched in a bus, going home. Surely will do it in the PM
