14 day exercise challenge to prevent Varicose veins #8 Titaliasana/butterfly #varicoseveinstreatment

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This video series is about 1 daily exercise for varicose veins or yoga for varicose veins.
Exercise or yoga for varicose veins can be used in form of asanas for cure of varicose veins. this simple 15 minute routine can help completely prevent or halt progression of varicose veins. besides walking, this daily routine can help loads. but if you don't have time, just follow this 1 exercise a day routine and start your road to recovery.
0:00 - Introduction
exercise 1 - Tadasana / palm tree pose
exercise 2 - Utkatasana / yogic squats
exercise 3 - Surya namaskar
exercise 4 - Single leg raises / ek pad uttanapadasana
exercise 5 - Double leg raises / dwi pad uttanapadasana
exercise 6 - Legs up the wall pose / viparita karani
exercise 7 - Sarvangasana / shoulder stand
exercise 8 - Adhomukha svanasana / downward facing dog
exercise 9 - Marjariasana / cat pose
exercise 10 - Titaliasana / butterfly pose
exercise 11 - Ardha paschimottanasana / half seated forward bend
exercise 12 - Padahastasana / standing forward bend
exercise 13 - Baddhakonasana / wall butterfly pose
exercise 14 - Upavishta konasana / straddle pose
exercise 15 - Shavasana / corpse pose
Exercise or yoga for varicose veins can be used in form of asanas for cure of varicose veins. this simple 15 minute routine can help completely prevent or halt progression of varicose veins. besides walking, this daily routine can help loads. but if you don't have time, just follow this 1 exercise a day routine and start your road to recovery.
0:00 - Introduction
exercise 1 - Tadasana / palm tree pose
exercise 2 - Utkatasana / yogic squats
exercise 3 - Surya namaskar
exercise 4 - Single leg raises / ek pad uttanapadasana
exercise 5 - Double leg raises / dwi pad uttanapadasana
exercise 6 - Legs up the wall pose / viparita karani
exercise 7 - Sarvangasana / shoulder stand
exercise 8 - Adhomukha svanasana / downward facing dog
exercise 9 - Marjariasana / cat pose
exercise 10 - Titaliasana / butterfly pose
exercise 11 - Ardha paschimottanasana / half seated forward bend
exercise 12 - Padahastasana / standing forward bend
exercise 13 - Baddhakonasana / wall butterfly pose
exercise 14 - Upavishta konasana / straddle pose
exercise 15 - Shavasana / corpse pose