When you have a TOXIC BEST FRIEND - The Musical | Villain Song

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Attend the tale of the TOXIC BEST FRIEND! 😈 Do you believe toxic friendships can be repaired? Let us know your thoughts!
𝕊𝕦𝕓𝕤𝕔𝕣𝕚𝕓𝕖 for more musicals! What should we make a musical about next?!
We did it! The Toxic Best Friend is one of our most popular AND MOST EVIL characters from our mini-musicals. We’re so so excited to be able to give her a full villain song!

✨let’s be social, let’s be friends✨

Parissa Koo
Jon Matteson
Justine Rafael
Mary Desmond

Music & Orchestration: Max Mueller
Lyrics: Carissa Atallah
Director: Vijay Nazareth
Director of Photography: Isaiah Walk
Producers: Jessi Wills, Vijay Nazareth
Production Design: Tory Renee Hatcher
Music Director: Noah Sunday-Lefkowitz
Mix: Grant Steller
BTS and Production Assistants: Jonah Retin, Maria Puig

I love being a toxic best friend,
I make everyone feel so crappy.
No, we can never talk about you
Without circling back to me

Being toxic gives me such a thrill,
I’ll knock you down until–
You lose your chill –
Then I feel better about myself!

I assume, you don’t mind when I’m late
I assume, I can bail on our date
And when the waiter comes with your plate,
I'll say a little something about your weight--
(Spoken) How's that diet been working out for you...

I hate having a toxic best friend
I say I'm done then wind up back again
Who needs enemies with friends like her
When she's bored, she gives the pot a stir

I love being a toxic best friend,
It fills me with adrenalin!
I’ll ask you for the gossip then–
I tell everyone everything you said!

I'm so toxic I go for the kill—
I poke and prod until–
Your tea starts to spill–
Then I judge your every mistake!

She ignored my text!
Then she hit up my ex!
She's my best friend one day
And my worst the next!

She gossips, she roasts me,
She love bombs the ghosts me.
Did you see this post? She's
Totally boasting!

(Spoken) Enough is enough! Don't you guys see? If we just ignore her, she loses
her power.
(Spoken) Huh...
Let's assume, we don't give in
Let's assume, she won’t get under our skin

We'll be the bigger person
Let the games begin!

Did you hear—
(nonchalant) No!
You're wearing that?
(nonchalant) Yeah. So?
Look who DM'd me—
You ready to go?

(Spoken) Uh oh...
I feel my power beginning to drain
What's is this feeling? It drives me insane!
Maybe I should've stayed in my lane—

Hold on a minute—
So much to unpack...
I feel so abandoned
No one has my back!
A trait that I lack—
But I thought my friends—
Could see through the mask—
After all that we’ve been through—
You bail just like that?
You’re gaining up on me—
I feel so attacked

I am the victim—
You are the victim.
(Spoken) wait—

I feel so much pain—
You feel so much pain
(Spoken) Stop—

I am the victim!
You are the victim!

(Spoken) Don’t listen to her!

Say it again!
You are the victim!
I am the victim!
So we can't complain!
No you can’t complain!
Ahhhh! / AHAAHAA!

Friend 3:
(spoken) Should we go get coffee?
Toxic Best Friend:
(spoken) Yeah! ... you're buying though, aren't you?

#toxicfriends #musical #villain #musicalcomedy #friendship
Рекомендации по теме

I love how in the end she’s just like “AHHHH” while everyone else is harmonizing lol


YESSS we have the full song! A perfect way to top off the trilogy (Passive Aggressive Roommate, Toxically Positive Person, Toxic Best Friend)


I love how when she says "I assume, I can bail on our date" she is watching passive-aggressive roommate musical video.


I love how the blonde one hasnt fallen for the toxic friend's act, yet the other two have.


paul matthews suddenly likes musicals/j ANYWAYS JON??!!!


Wait is this Jon Matteson ?! Lmao, I didn't know he worked with you guys. That's awesome.


You guys litterealy helped me recognise my so called ✨toxic best friend ✨ . Thank you . I always thought it was her attitude but I never knew she was so toxic


I didn’t look at the thumbnail before clicking and got Jon Matteson jumpscared-
(Awesome video btw)


I thought it was watching a normal one of these bangers songs when I got jumpscared by Jon Matteson. The person who plays the main character of my favorite musical of all time, glad he's getting work


If I had a nickel for each time Jon Matteson got infected by something and forced to join their side via singing, I'd have two nickels. Which isn't a lot, but it IS weird it happened twice.


0:13 That’s actually such a good book tho. It’s called shadow and bone and it’s a must read for fantasy lovers of all ages. It one of the few romances I consider to be appropriate for all ages and the world building, plot twist, and characters are AMAZING!


Having the shortest person saying she’ll be the bigger person is genius even if it wasn’t intentional


every time i see a video with the girl in the red dress in it, she never fails to impress me with her voice. she has so much control. 💗


YESSSS THE FIRST PIXEL PLAYHOUSE MUSICAL OF THIS YEAR ALSO 1:59 TO THE END GIVES ME I can’t explain it but the harmonies the other 3 people make when they sing “you feel so much pain” and “you are the victim” give me absolute GOOSEBUMPS

(I’m saying this as a music major who is graduating at the end of this year and has gone through several music theory and aural skills classes, seriously, this is well done)


1:23 "I see you're trying to be the *bigger person*. " she replied with a judgemental eyebrow raise


Ahhhh. “You’re ganging up on me” hit me where it hurts. Had a friend like tht


This video is literally POV: your friends with a narcissist


This perfectly describes that one 'friend' I have. (She blackmails me, tried to choke me/hurts me, she makes everything about her, she makes me feel insecure, she one ups my problems, she tries to make me look like the bad guy/blames things on me when something bad happens. I tell her I love her so much but she just says "That's gay." or she leaves me on seen...)


i can’t explain how much i love everyone related to this channel


“I make everyone feel so crappy”
“I knock you down until you lose your chill”
“I am the victim, i feel so much pain”
These lyrics describe my mom
