How To Deal With Toxic People

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Do you have any relationships in your life that repeatedly leave you feeling emotionally drained and miserable? These can be in the form of a romantic partner, friend, coworker, or family member. Have you tried to share your feelings and been made to feel dejected or ashamed? If so, you might be dealing with a toxic person. So here are a few ways on how you can deal with them.

Disclaimer: Please note that this video is intended for educational and entertainment purposes. If you feel trapped in a relationship, please seek the advice of a mental health professional.

Writer: Syazwana Amirah
Script Editor: Sophia Katz
Script Manager: Kelly Soong
VO: Amanda Silvera
Animator: Sun Biscuit
YouTube Manager: Cindy Cheong

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Do you have other advice on dealing with toxic people that aren't on our list? Feel free to share it may help others out!


"Even if removing all the toxic people means that you'll be left all alone, it's still worth it. Suffering from solitude for a time before you meet genuine people is always better than enduring the daily misery that toxic people provide." - Jason Voorhees


"Don't keep toxic people around just because you're lonely. You wouldn't eat poison because you're hungry"
-Don't know where this originated


I managed to ditch all the toxic people in my life. Now I live alone and have no family or friends. I would rather be alone than surrounded by assholes


I don't have true friends. I only consider everyone as acquaintances. This way, I feel everything is in balance.


1. you establish your physical and emotional boundaries 0:29
2. you avoid playing into their reality 1:11
3. you don't share secrets with the gossipers 1:55
4. you focus on solutions, not problems 2:34
5. you spend time with loyal friends 3:09
6. you recognise the insults, ignore them or toss up a joke 3:35
7. you change your routine 4:18
I hope I could help!


I feel SO lucky to have been able to cut out all of my toxic “friends” this year. I was always aware that they never made me happy and only made me feel unappreciated, but I felt that I just had to see it through and couldn’t find new friends at school since everyone already established their friend groups. But, after a certain point, I realized I needed to distance myself even if it meant being alone, and from here, some of the nicest people I’ve ever met started talking to me and are now the main group of friends that I hang out with. I don’t know where I’d be without them now, they just make me so genuinely happy every day


My family is toxic to the point I had anxiety, panic attacks, depression and suicidal thoughts. They would not respect any boundaries and wanted to keep me trapped with them.
With my bf's help, and his family's, I was able to move far from them.


Your voice is just so comforting and soothing that half my anxiety is already gone...


Being friends with toxic people because you’re lonely is like drinking poison because you’re thirsty.
Don’t put yourself through that kind of pain, it’ll only make things worse for you and escalate and I know from experience it’s better to just end the relationship.
Stay strong ❤️


This will really help me cope with toxic people who gain fun by mocking me


Now since school is back, I really need this, like, REALLY


It's all fun and games, until one of your family part is toxic.


Avoid playing into their reality. ...
Don't get drawn in. ...
Pay attention to how they make you feel. ...
Talk to them about their behavior. ...
Put yourself first. ...
Offer compassion, but don't try to fix them. ...
Say no (and walk away) ...
Remember, you aren't at fault.


Cut toxic people out of your life and you'll feel like you're finally walking in sunshine rather than in darkness. After decades, i finally learned to say "My life is none of your business." She (my narc sister) sputtered, spewed, argued, and cringed, and hated losing one of her minions/victims. But i felt great, and finally free. I'll never let that darkness back into my life.


sometimes being straightforward and pushing them back even when you never do or normally don’t have the confidence to can really be helpful as well :)


The narrator voice is smoothly and makes you comfortable!


One day, when I'm finally financially capable of supporting my own needs, I'll be able to leave this house. I'm doing my best to succeed so I could leave this toxic household environment in the future. But for now, this video will somehow help me to get through with my current situation. Thanks a lot! Sending you lots of hugs and kisses for making videos like this😽


Dealing with toxic people isn’t ever easy, especially if it’s someone you care about and/or family.
Honestly the best way I’ve learned is to give them some kindness, second chances, make your boundaries known clearly, in communication if you’re trying to mend the relationship or keep it make a way out saying you only have a few minutes and keep the topic superficial and if you can, try to delve into a serious one about how they are affecting you if especially if it’s someone close just by saying their behavior is hurting you.
If they care, they will try to talk it out and change, but they might and most likely not be happy to hear it. People don’t change overnight or even in a month, it takes time-
But if you see improvement within the first week, however small, extend kindness and forgiveness. Just don’t let yourself get physically and verbally abused please, if that continues, it’s best to give distance the best you can.
The last resort is cutting them out of your life, and sometimes it is the right decision- but it’s a decision to be used with caution and when only necessary, so please be safe and careful guys.
You are loved and cared about alright?
Stay hydrated.


I liked #4 especially. When I managed a team at work, I always told them, “Don’t come to me with a problem. Come to me with a problem and your best suggestion for its solution.” Cheers! -Phill, Las Vegas
