How Car Salesmen Trick You

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That 'BMW' *Points at Aston Martin*


In reality:
Hey how much is that car?
Salesman: it's 40k dollars


I’m convinced the majority of people have no clue how a loan works


Well, if you know not to fall for good tricks, you can just take the test drive and free coffee, but then think clearly when it comes to making the deal


Real simple: no test drive = no numbers

The problem is people all expect car dealerships and sales reps to lose money on deals.


Waiting for the day that Daniel says "Because I'm cracked on Adderall" and then the video just ends


The reason we ask your monthly budget is so we know you aren’t looking at a car you can’t afford. Some people don’t know how buying a car works I’ve had people like you and they are looking at 70k car and don’t want to tell me anything and then we sit down do the numbers and they trying to around 500 a month with no money down.


The man’s got a 540 credit score, makes $1, 200 a month and has $20k in debt and is offended when the salesman asks his monthly budget. Victim mentality


The sales folks usually kick you out with this dialogue


Not even dummy we see if we can lower the price to meet your monthly budget or if this is the wrong car for you cuz you can’t afford it


I’m an Audi new car sales exec in England. This is a COMMON occurrence in customers that think they know what they’re talking about but don’t. The type of customer that looks under the bonnet because they think they have to, even though they don’t know what they’re looking at.

Discussing their budget is not manipulation to alter any numbers whatsoever. We’re a regulated industry now, at least in the U.K., and we cannot manipulate anything that would negatively affect the customer and treat them unfairly.

We discuss things like budgeting for a few reasons. 1, because customers have an unreasonably low budget for the car they’re looking at. They’ll happily spend 2 hours of your time test-driving a car they can’t afford, grilling you over every aspect of its specification until you get to the figures stage, and when they realise it’s 200-300 a month out of their budget they don’t then say “you know what, I should have mentioned my budget to start with”, they say “I can’t make a decision today, I need to go home and speak to my wife first”, and then decline every follow-up call you make.

2, because if their budget is very reasonable, and they’re looking at, for example, a Sport, as opposed to an S Line, which they might prefer, because they think their budget is too small, they might subconsciously be choosing the car they’re not that fond of because they think they can’t afford it when they can. Customers don’t buy cars every day, when they see a car up for 50k they open their calculator and divide the price of the car by 48 months. Not factoring in the interest rate or the balloon if they’re choosing PCP.

3, if there is a product or service that will benefit a customer, they have to know about it. The customer walks into the showroom, doesn’t want to test drive a car, doesn’t want any products like paint and fabric protection or exterior insurance, grew up old school not trusting car salesman and ask for “numbers”. We have to take the time out of our day to sit down with our managers to put some figures together for a person who probably isn’t going to buy a car from us and instead will take those figures to other dealers to “shop us”, essentially telling them “beat this price”. That “MIGHT” be a good option for car buyers, however, it’s not the best practice at all. Purely because other dealers could be removing products or features from a deal that we offered to beat our price, and might not tell the customer. They might also offer a substitute car, like one solid paint, or an engine spec down, or switch them to a completely different car altogether. When a customer comes to your dealership, when they leave to look at cars at another dealership, they will typically buy at that point. They won’t see the point in booking back in, purely because their schedule doesn’t allow them to. They could pick an option that isn’t in their best interest.

We test drive so WE know you like the car enough to buy it. You don’t walk into a bank and say I want this house, at this price, I don’t wanna look inside it, give me figures and I’ll buy it. They’ll take you through a process, they’ll make sure the house is right for you, and if it is, they’ll take your deposit. If it’s not, they’ll tell you to look for another house.

It’s all a process that benefits the customer and the dealership at the end of the day. Any customers that don’t want to follow our process don’t get figures in my dealership. We have to treat all customers equally, there are no shortcuts. Compliance is key to maintaining good customer service.

I’ve had all kinds of customers over the years give me answers like these and I’m really good at reassuring them and actually treating them how I’d want somebody to treat my mother or my sister.

I look at their budget, I understand their needs and wants, “would be nice to have’s” and “must have’s” and give them the best options possible. Not only does that boost my chances for a sale, but it creates the rapport needed with a customer that may not buy this time but could potentially buy in the future. I’ve had customers come back after months to buy a car from me.


Could you imagine if a salesman DIDNT offer a test drive... furious customer


Dumb. Back when I was in car sales I would never waste my time with someone like that.
You need to see the car and pick all the bells and whistles.
Early on I would talk about price and not focus on monthly budget, then after sometimes hours of negotiating, they weren’t able to or didn’t want to afford the monthly payments. Plus if you don't drive the car, you might not like how it drives, feels, etc and at that point, price doesn’t matter. We both wasted a lot of time for nothing.


Valid points made here.. but who tf decides on a car without test driving it.


Oh my gosh, was not expecting that ending haha Daniel you funny man


Clearly have no idea how car dealers work 🤣 You are a customer I’d crush 100%


Salesman here

Imagine if you came in and I started talking to you about price.
Lots of people are in the market for different cars and want to compare different makes and models.
Nobody walks into a dealership talking price before they know they like something. Imagine negotiating a 50 thousand dollar purchase before you saw what you wanted to buy 😂😂😂😂🤦🏻‍♂️

There’s something called setting expectations too…
A lot of people don’t get the concept of buying a vehicle and just think you can have any car at 300$ a month…
The math doesn’t check out and anyone can do the math…
I’m subscribed to you but this was weird dude…. People already think the industries full of sharks trying to get one over on you but really that’s just stereotypes that’ have stuck over time.
The industry is crippled right now, and I guess I just don’t appreciate the mis information…


Depending on the type of dealership this isn’t necessarily the case, if you walk up and ask for numbers they’ll know you’re shopping around and not committed, which makes it harder to get the sales managers on board with negotiating a good price for the customer, at the end of the day the salesman’s job is to find you the car you want


I sell vehicles and I have had more people get mad at me once the numbers don’t work out. Asking for a budget or monthly payments and asking them about their credit helps us show the vehicles that already have a price on the window that have the best chance to fit their constraints.


ALWAYS test drive a car before buying it!!
