15 minute yoga nidra | recharge your nervous system

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Retreats with me:

Yoga Nidra is a guided meditation that uses a systematic method of inducing complete physical, mental and emotional relaxation. This yogic sleep technique calms the nervous system and activate the parasympathetic (relaxation, rest & digest) response.

In this yoga nidra guided meditation to relax you will be guided through a body scan to calm the nervous system, It’s a 17 minute yoga nidra guided relaxation to reboot your whole nervous system. This 15min yoga nidra script lead by Ally Boothroyd of Sarovara Yoga that is perfect for anxiety relief. Lay down, relax, rest and meditate all at the same time!

This 17 minute yoga nidra with binaural beats aids in deep relaxation through the effortless guided meditation of nidra (sleep). Let yourself relax and be guided into a deep state of effortless meditation. This short length and effective 17min yoga nidra is lead by Ally Boothroyd of Sarovara Yoga. This meditation is designed to untangle and reduce stress and anxiety and calm the nerves over time.

This 17 minute yoga nidra for relaxation aids to calm stress and anxiety. It’s a short, effective yogic sleep practice with binaural beat to aid in delta brainwave state.

This is a yoga nidra style body scan to sooth the nerves. This yog nidra has a soothing female voice further enhance the state of deep relaxation in the central nervous system. Yoga Nidra is a form of meditation that helps with insomnia, anxiety, stress, adrenal fatigue, ptsd and so much more.

And you can practice these guided yoga nidras next:

If you enjoy your experience with this meditation please leave a comment below and let me know!

Also, If you have a request for a type of meditation or yog Nidra you would like me to publish please let me know below!

I'm always open to suggestions :)

Happy Meditating,
Loka Samastah Suki Nau Bhavantu

Copyright ⓒ 2021 Ally Boothroyd. All Rights Reserved.

#yoganidra #yogicsleep #sleepmeditation #guidedmeditation #yogaforsleep
Рекомендации по теме

I have long covid with chronic fatigue syndrome. My NLP coach suggested I try yoga nidra every day as a form of rest, and to re-set my nervous system. It has been a major factor in my recovery. 🌸


Lovely practice- going through chemotherapy and this is just what I needed this evening. Namaste


One word: serenity. Nothing to do, nothing to be. Nothing to think, nothing to analyze. Just awareness of your soothing voice and this breath as it flows throughout this body of mine. Thank you, Ally!
Nervous system is definitely reset! Namaste 🙏🏻🌺


I’m very new to yoga nidra and meditation but am trying my best to calm down my nervous system as have had long Covid for over a year now and I think soothing the nervous system will play a big part in recovery. Thank you so much for all you do, it’s opening up a whole new world to me :)


Ally, you are my go to for Yoga Nidra guided meditation. I appreciate the pacing of your sessions and your choices for where to place my attention. Very relaxing and easy to follow. Also, you have the perfect voice for this practice.
Thank you.


i’ve been devotedly practicing yoga for about 8 months and meditation for about 2 years now. your videos came up on my youtube recommended recently and i gave it a go for the first time two days again and i must say it’s a exactly what i’ve been searching for. during the practices i sometimes get tears in my eyes because of the pure sense of peace that they bring me. i have since added yoga nidra to my everyday practice and i look forward to it. i feel like myself again, i feel patient, i feel at peace in silence rather than discomforted, i’ve also noticed that i feel a better sense of trust for myself. and a great bonus is better focus and attunement to my surroundings and how my energy takes up space. i’m able to be more present and have less desire to be on my phone. thank you so much for being here and creating a safe place for all of us to sit comfortably and peacefully within ourselves. namaste <3


I first heard about yoga Nedra through the Huberman podcast. I’ve been doing daily yoga Nedra practices for just over a month. Thank you very much Allie for helping me every day.


I have problems with my mental and physical health due to hormonal genetic disease. Your recordings are life saving for me, as I m going through my CompSci education and live in foreign country, away from my family- both of each is quite challenging and stressing at times.
I ve first heard about NSDR from the Huberman Lab, the podcast run by Stanford professor, since then I do it almost every day.

Thank you for your job!!! ❤️
It is remarkable!


“Let the mind dissolve into the heart” 🙏🙏🙏

Difficult to quiet my mind down in the beginning. But feeling so much more relaxed and present after this practice


Dear Ally, I am fast becoming a devoted yoga nidra practitioner, purely by listening to your recordings 1, 2 or 3 times a day. It's magical. Thank you, Michelle


I was watching the video about the nervous system and I paused and let myself enjoy this practice before I continue studying. My computer is fully rebooted. Wonderful 💪🙏🌹


This has been my daily routine for 5 weeks now and I have gone so much deeper with yoga nidra than anything else I've tried. Thank you Ali for your sweet and angelic voice. I am so grateful. 🙏❤


Thanks again Ally. The last 18 months of my life would have been unbearable without the self care I have taken on board, including practising your yoga nidra daily. Xxx


I’ve had a horrible week, as a hyper vigilant person I struggle to regulate myself . This helps so much. Thank you ☺️


Chris evans virgin radio, Uk has been singing your praises and after listening and enjoying rightly so


Oh Ally . I keep returning to these shorter meditations as they are so effective between that beautiful time of waking and rising each morning . Thank you for your generous gifts x


Thank you Ally. I’m in UK and have ME/CFS. I use your yoga nidras every day and find them so helpful and restorative. I’ve been doing yoga for years, but only discovered yoga nidra a few months ago. So thank you.


Hi Ally, Just returning to this as one of your Yoga Nidra training students. So grateful to be part of this community and to be guided back to a daily Yoga Nidra practice. Namaste x


I Learned about you from Jackie Just through a Sacred Sacred Sadhana I participated in earlier this year. I have shared many of your offerings with friends and family since that time. Thank you for the many Blessings I have received through practicing with you! The 5 day Full Moon practice recently was magical!


Chris Evans @Virgin Radio recommended your channel. I have been practicing meditation for 9 year and enjoy your videos. Thank you Ali 😊Namaste 🙏
