How to Lose Belly Fat

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Reducing belly fat is probably one of the most common goals in fitness.
I get asked about this EVERY DAY. Multiple times.
And while we CAN lose belly fat, we can't significantly TARGET our fat loss there with ab workouts like leg raises, situps, or crunches.
"Spot reduction" with exercise is not effective.*
We lose fat proportionately throughout our body with diet and exercise.
Individuals do tend to store fat in different areas, but this is largely up to genetics.

*I'm aware of some more recent studies that show some spot reduction by doing high-intensity workouts in an area followed by cardio. However, there aren't MANY studies about this, and it's debatable whether or not this is significantly more effective than just regular diet and exercise. It's also unknown if there were other factors in this study. It's interesting, but I'm hesitant to recommend it until we know more.

Legal Notice: Consult your doctor before beginning any kind of exercise program. This video does not replace a physical therapy program or consultation with a medical professional.

#hybridcalisthenics #bellyfat #fatloss #weightloss #spotreduction


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The fitness industry is VERY sensitive about anyone promoting spot reduction. I didn't make the title what it was to mislead anyone, but to offer an ACTUAL solution to losing belly fat, which is just to lose fat throughout our body. It's really, really, not intended to be clickbait, but just to give a face value answer to a VERY common fitness question. Plus, "how to lose belly fat" is probably searched many times a day, and I'd prefer this video to come up than someone selling a $99 ab workout that supposedly targets belly fat.

Still, let me know if you REALLY want me to change the title. Some people probably unsubscribed just from seeing it, without watching the 49-second video.

NOTE: I'm aware of some more recent studies that show some spot reduction by doing high-intensity workouts in an area followed by cardio. However, there aren't MANY studies about this, and it's debatable whether or not this is significantly more effective than just regular diet and exercise. It's also unknown if there were other factors in this study. It's interesting, but I'm hesitant to recommend it until we know more. If you like, I can discuss this.


We need to keep spreading this message, cheers Hampton


"Its up to our genetics" That one hurted.


The reason belly fat is hard to lose is because it's generally the last place you lose it. Just keep going, you'll get rid of it.


Honestly, that’s actually really reassuring. Looking in the mirror and seeing little to no change where I’ve been working hard is so demotivating, but to know it is paying off SOMEWHERE? Makes it easier to keep going


Best analogy I’ve seen for spot reduction is trying to reduce the water on one side of a bucket, no matter how many times you scoop out in the same area you’ll only see a general overall reduction.


Exactly. My fat after having kids is largely stored in my belly. Doesn’t mean I’m unhealthy. I’m very active and I eat a relatively good diet. It’s just where my body started putting it to grow healthy children ❤


I'm going to start exercising in my room. I'm aiming to be able to do 10 push-ups, 20 crunches, and 30 squats by the end of the week. I know it's not a lot, but it is a start.


His is the most humble fitness trainer I have ever seen 👀


This is actually the answer everyone needs to hear


So glad that you were honest and blunt with your answer. The myth of an exercise can target fat needs to end.


It's true! I barely gained 15 pounds after I gave birth. It was over a year and I was suddenly hit with a matter of the family that sent me spiraling into depression, activating terrible hormones and within a couple of months I gained way too much. Luckily, I am getting back into my routine slowly but every day I am feeling better and better. Please don't disregard your body's chemistry because it does make or break your weight goals!


Don't lose hope guys, you may not lose weight from a specific spot but getting toned makes a lot of difference for the looks


It’s a way more comprehensive explanation about losing fat than I’ve ever heard so thank-you.


You can’t target the fat, but building the muscle will make it clear that there is something else there, which is nice.


As someone who has no friends, the last line literally touched my heart


It makes sense. Imagine how lopsided we’d look if one arm was skinner than the other because we targeted a specific region, when it’s better off to lose fat uniformally and evenly.


Finally someone who isnt spreading bs about fat loss 🙏


I've heard this before but this is the first time someone actually explained it. Also, I really appreciate how helpful and encouraging you are throughout your videos.


I like how this guy just drops a piece of information that a lot of the other "health and fitness gurus" try to con you into subbing for without any follow through.

This man is an inspiration. It helps me stay motivated.
