30 Days of Walking for 30 Minutes- I was SHOCKED what happened.😧 - #BeforeAndAfter #WeightLoss

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I'm 50lbs overweight, so I challenged myself to walk a minimum 30 minutes a day for 30 days. As a busy mom to two little ones, it was very hard to stick to the 30 days, but I persevered.
What's shocking was discovering what did and did NOT happen in my body weight and inches!
As a perimenopausal mom, I'm on a mission to gaining my health back and to become my best self in 2023! Who is with me?

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**DISCLAIMER: The content on this channel is for entertainment purposes only. Any claims made are of the creator's own opinion. Please seek the advice of a medical professional or health care practitioner before trying anything new pertaining to your health and wellness.
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About 13 years ago my husband and I went out for a walk. I loved it. I asked him to go with me again the next day and he said no so I went by myself. Best thing I ever did ever. I started walking every day just going a little farther each time and the weight started coming off. And people notice it a lot. Before I knew it I was walking 5 miles twice a day and I loved it. I lost more than 60 lbs and I stopped eating the junk food.I had so much more energy. I kept this up for another 10;years . Then came COVID. And I pretty much stopped. I'm retiring for good in 4; weeks and I'm going to start up again.


I'm 75 was practically crippled with arthritis I was couch bound didn't walk at all . I could not go to big stores like Walmart because I just couldn't walk due to pain.
Well I had ENOUGH I started walking a very short distance and every day I increased until ( long story short) I walk 2 hrs every day I'm TOTALLY pain free have lots of energy and no shit I feel better now at 75 than I did at 55, keep walking folks it will change your life.


I lost 140 pounds and walking was my main form of exercise. When I began I was 305 pounds, and it was a real struggle, I could just manage half an hour. I did it consistently, and within a few months I could walk for an hour. Basically, I just never gave up


The walking is the easy bit - motivating yourself is seriously the hardest part. Keep going 🤗


The itchy feeling is your circulation firing. I always have it when I don't walk or run for ages, and then start again. It goes after a week of consistent steady rate cardio, but it is the worst feeling- makes me want to peel my skin off if I could, but its also a good reason to keep walking so it stays away! I started walking consistently again about 3 weeks ago and I've lost about 4lbs so far after 4 years of struggling to lose any weight, so I'm super happy about that. Thanks for the great content and for talking about something no one else seems to!


I walk 3 weeks for 1 hour and eat clean I lost 6 kg ! I sleep better and my joint pain gone ! More energy everyday I’m so happy


I am 73.
This Winter, I hall walked in my apartment complex every day.. ..15 minute brisk walk which equaled 1/2 mile per day.
Not much.
I lost 7 lbs instead of gaining my usual 5 lbs over the Winter months!


Just stumbled upon your channel! The itching is histamine being released, since your body is not use to exercising, when you feel the itching beginning to start, slow down your pace for a few minutes. It will reside. Over time your body will build up tolerance. Don’t give in to itching! You can do it! ❤


I’ve built myself up to being able to walk 11Km/day, seven days a week. My exercise heart rate is down significantly, I’ve lost inches but the biggest perk is all the extra energy I have. Good luck on your walking journey!


I’ve been walking everyday for two years. I’m 69 years old and I’ve lost 25 pounds, 2 pant sizes. My weight has leveled off and I’m very lean. Right where I should be for my age and height. But the best thing is that I just feel great ALL the time. Please don’t stop walking. It has to be part of your daily routine. Good luck.


When I cut down sugar and most of carbs I wasnt so tired anymore..
I"m 45 year old mom, and struggle with weight but fast walking every day and big no to sugar is really helping me in so many ways..
Sending support from 🇭🇷


As a former very unfit person who has numerous health issues, I started walking on my treadmill for 10 minutes a day, I weighed 95kgs, now 4 years later I weigh 60kgs, but I can now walk at least 5 miles each day on my treadmill at a pace of 4.5mph, it’s ALL about Dedication over motivation. I also didn’t diet because I know myself I’d wanna eat everything in sight. It can be done with dedication 😍 plus I have the will power of a wet paper towel! You got this!


I’m a heavy person who likes to dance. I found out a couple of days ago that my home scale was wrong. But I had lost 7 pounds my doctor said when I thought I gained 7. Walking 3 miles a day and burning almost as many calories as you eat and drinking tons of water helps! Can’t wait to tag along for your journey!


I started jogging some weeks ago, I almost lost my life due to high cholesterol and ulcer, but since I started jogging, I'm getting better! I jog for 30mins, 5 times a week!


Hi! The itching is due to exercise induced histamine reaction. Some people are predisposed. I am in shape and I have it. I take a Zyrtec in the AM and it prevents the histamine reaction. So proud of your walking accomplishment! Keep it up! 😊


Hi, you did so well, I've started walking 5 miles every day, it's 11.000 steps and takes an hour and a half, I've lost 10 lbs in 8 weeks, and sometimes I do it twice, keep on walking, it's so good for you in lots of ways, love Suzy!!!


I’m sure you’ve heard this already, but just in case I should let you know that when you start walking your body goes up in muscle mass, so even though you gain a little weight or maintain your current weight, your walks still paid off in other ways. I’ve been doing a similar challenge and while my max is 2 hours which is very rare, I’ve bumped it up to 45 minutes consistently. Good job! Keep it up! 💪


Yep, the scale isn't always the best gauge day to day, esp for females (periods, perimenopause, menopause - oh my!) but those changing measurements are truly inspirational! So glad you saw so many great results and hope you keep walking.


OMG this is the first time I’ve ever heard anyone relate to the itchiness of working out. I’ve found using baby oil or other thick moisturizer before going out on my walk helps keep the itch away. For me once my fitness is improving it doesn’t happen as often.


I’ve lost 35 lbs by walking at least 30 minutes a day. About 60 minutes on weekends. I really had to change the way I ate, but I make sure that I eat veggies, protein, and carbs at every meal. At least 30 grams of protein at each meal helps keep me full and I don’t have to cut out any food groups! Always consult your doctor before making dietary changes, but I am hoping you can find something that works best for YOU nutritionally. 🍎🥦
