Walking for Weight Loss: 2 Clever Ways to Walk Off 25 lbs in 30 Days

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Summary of 10-minute video in 2 quick points:
1. Add weight to your walks (with a weighted vest or backpack)
2. Include incline walking (hills, stairs, etc.)


I started walking June 1st, I weighed 211lbs, as of today, Aug 18, I weigh 185.I also quit soft drinks, drank water and only eat once a day incorporating vegetables, few carbs and lean meat.I feel so much better.I never thought walking could become beneficial!


i walked 10 miles a day for a week, now I'm 70 miles from home!


I was a very lazy ass.. if I can do it anyone can do it....I was 120 KG and just by walking 8 km daily in 1 hour 20 min I have lost 30 KG weight in 4 Months. Also My hunger is suppressed, I eat 40% proteins 40% Fibrous carbs and just 20% starchy carbs.. it's tough to control in the beginning for 3 weeks but you will be motivated by seeing results for sure and it will become a part of your lifestyle. Still Doing All the best for your Future...


I started my weight loss journey at 140 kgs. I now weigh 55.8 kgs. I have achieved this by eating healthily and walking. I do no other exercise but oh my goodness, I love to walk! Will treat myself to a weighted vest as it has all become too easy. Thanks for this video xx


Yep! I walked 10 to 12 miles a day, cut out sugar, drank 64 oz of water a day, ate turkey and ham sandwiches, oatmeal for breakfast, almonds, fruits and vegetables daily. I lost 30lbs in a month!


Walking is "the best" exercise for me. Most productive. Cost nothing. I pray as I
When I'm consistent, I always drop pounds.


Best way to add weight to your walk is to build it up slowly. When you’ve lost 5lbs just walking, start carrying 5lbs and keep adding weight in the same way as you lose it. You’ll get the benefit of the extra weight plus slowly strengthening your body to handle the extra weight you are carrying. If you lose 100lbs, you’ll be strong AF, fit and heathy :)


I lost 86 pounds in 7 months ... walking and exercise with intermittent fasting


This made a huge beneficial difference for me-I lost 3 lbs in a week with the changes you suggest. Thank you!


I am a mother of 5 children. My youngest just turned one on Friday. I've lost 50 pounds just by walking and nursing since the birth of my 5th child. I started working out in September of 2016. I try to walk at least 30 miles a month. So one mile a day or nine miles a week, which ever I can get done (my goal). I haven't changed much of what I eat. I drink a lot of water and cook mostly all our family meals. When I walk I have my two year old on my back and my now one year old on my front. Their weight together is about 45 pounds.


Speaking from personal experience: the fatter you are the more weight u will naturally lose initially from plain fast walking, no extra weights, because you are already naturally carrying the weighted vest as part of your own body. Most initial weight loss will be water, but that's ok because each fat cell contains more water than actual fat. Being arthritic or having back pain is another reason not to walk with added weight. These conditions often go away simply by losing lotsa weight FIRST as in my case. After my weight loss I became pain free and energetic enough to actually WANT to work out for real. When I hit a plateau and needed to make my workouts harder in order to get the same benefit as when i was out of shape I had to add ankle weights, weighted waist belt and back pack to my workouts to get the same benefit in same amount of time or less. In other words, adding weights to your person, if your joints can handle it, gives you more bang for your workout buck. btw i lost 1/3 of my total body wt in less than 1 yr. (5'2", went from 182lbs to 122lbs) 95% of my weight loss was due to dietary change, not exercise, although I do work out almost daily now to build muscle, maintain health, feel good.


I have a Rogue vest with two 10 lb weight inserts, one for the front and one for the back. Going from no extra weight to 10 in either the front or the back pouch introduces two different types of stresses on my body, and going the full 20 can be a real challenge - I feel it in my hips (note- I walk at a pretty good clip - I cover 2.75 miles in about 45 minutes). Anyone that adds weights to their torso should carefully consider adding extra weight slowly, and doing it in a balanced fashion. If you have any type of gait abnormality I honestly think you should consult a physical therapist who specializes in conditioning and strength training. Just my $0.02....


I just lost 50lb “working out” this equation 🥵


I don't have to buy a vest I got my body suit of fat :P


Thank you Yuri. I started walking last year, and kept it up until the weather became prohibitive. I started out with short distances as I was extremely out of shape and close to twice my ideal wt. I kept adding distance when it became too easy, and reached 5mi. a day. I then added inclines by walking to the nearest freeway interchange. I walk up and over until my legs start burning then walk home on a flat surface. I then started walking to the local hospital and added steps by climbing to the top of the parking garage. Now, thanks to you, I will start adding weight to my body whenever things get to be 'too easy'!


Yeah, good points.
I've been walking for 4 months and 1500 km in total, 12-13 km each morning.
For the first 2 months my weight dropped rapidly, but lately the progressing graph tends to flattening.
So i'll put some extra weight to expedite the process.


He must be a math teacher...he lost me at hello😂


The best things in life are indeed FREE. Thanks for this video.


So to save 9 minutes: Walk uphill with weights or weighted backpack.
