5 Simple Exercises For Massive Knee Pain Relief!

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🔄 **8 Simple Exercises For Massive Knee Pain Relief!**:

Hallo pro friend. If you have knee pain it may be coming from one of several sites. Above the kneecap is often quadriceps tendinopathy. This is often sore to touch and tender to do a quadriceps stretch with.

Pain directly below the knee cap is often patella tendinopathy. It could be swollen and tender to touch. The solutions for both of these tendon issues are to strengthen the quadriceps gradually with respect to range of motion, load and pain.

Pain around the knee cap is often patellofemoral pain. This is often quite easily treated by getting stronger hip and knee musculature and flexible hips and quadriceps and ankles. If your leave this problem long enough and getting clicking and pain on stairs it can develop into chondomalacia patella and then arthritis at the back of the knee cap.

Pain deep within the knee joint can be a meniscus tear of arthritis. Pain on either side of the knee joint could be your lateral and medial collateral ligaments.

We will cover the reason why you get these issues in detail in coming videos. Start on these simple exercises to kick-start your rehab journey. In most cases we don't want to delay our rehab more than a few days or weeks. Even if it is swollen and slightly sore these exercises likely can be begun from day one.

Happy rehabilitation!


Disclaimer: The information and exercise suggestions contained within this channel are not intended to be substitutes for professional medical advice, diagnosis and treatment in any manner. Please seek appropriate medical advice relevant to your specific circumstances. Physiobynumbers does not accept any liability for any injury, loss or damage incurred by the use or reliance on the information and exercise suggestions provided.

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