20 Minute Yoga Nidra and Breathing with Ally

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This 20 Minute Yoga Nidra (NSDR - Non Sleep Deep Rest) is a Yoga Nidra-style Meditation. You can think of this Yoga Nidra is like a little reset for your mind and nervous system. This guided yoga nidra includes is voice only with breathing (pranayama) techniques to further soothe the whole nervous system for deep relaxation. This type of meditation also aids in reprogramming the subconscious mind, non sleep deep rest, and for those who need it, sleep.

Yoga Nidra is a guided meditation that uses a systematic method of inducing complete physical, mental and emotional relaxation. This yogic sleep technique calms the nervous system and activates the parasympathetic (relaxation, rest & digest) response which is so needed in these current times.

This 20 Minute Yog Nidra is guided by Ally Boothroyd of Sarovara Yoga. Yog Nidra provides relaxation and promotes delta waves, activity in the brain present in deep sleep. If you need deep restoration and stress relief then yoga nidra meditation perfect is for you.

In this yoga nidra, guided meditation to relax you will be guided through a body scan to calm the nervous system, It’s a 20 minute yoga nidra guided relaxation to reboot your whole nervous system. This 20min yoga nidra script led by Ally Boothroyd of Sarovara Yoga is perfect for anxiety relief. Lie down, relax, rest, and meditate all at the same time!

This 20min yoga nidra for relaxation aids to calm stress and anxiety. It’s an effective yogic sleep practice with no music for ease of hearing or for anyone with sound sensitivities.

Join our 7 Day Yoga Immersion through the Chakras :)

If you enjoy your experience with this meditation please leave a comment below and let me know!

Also, If you have a request for a type of meditation or yog Nidra you would like me to publish please let me know below!

I'm always open to suggestions :)

Happy Meditating,
Loka Samastah Suki Nau Bhavantu

Copyright ⓒ 2022 Ally Boothroyd. All Rights Reserved.

#yoganidra #nonsleepdeeprest #nsdr #yogicsleep #guidedmeditation #yogaforsleep
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Let me know how you feel after this practice in the comments below :)


Ally I’ve long covid and your yoga nidra’s have become my best friend . They have helped me survive this and are a complete life line - thank you thank you so much


Dear ally. I’m
So grateful to have found your channel as recommended by a friend. I’m recovery from taking psychiatric drugs for 24 years for an disorder I realise now I never had. The withdrawal and consequent side effects have been very painful and difficult to experience. You yoga nidra is helping with deep relaxation, repair and acceptance of my current state of discomfort and disability. Thank you. ❤


The invitation to rest and the breath of joy at the end. So lovely!


I found Ally shortly after losing my son last year. The meditations are very healing for me and allow me to recenter when I’m being pulled in the various directions of life and motherhood. Thank you Ally.


Your yoga nidra meditations are perfect for my lunch breaks. They provide me with a gentle reset from the stress of the morning so that I can meet the afternoon from a place of peace.


Thank you for giving us such wonderful variations of Yoga Nidra. All tiredness gone in 20 minutes.


Thanks for consistently making these videos! I faced a bit of postpartum depression and poor sleep this year after I became a parent but practicing yoga nidra everyday with you has really helped get my stress under control. I especially enjoy your videos that have nature sounds in the background.


Loved this sweet Nidra reset. Thanks Ally❤ Sarah


Thank you Ally!
I am a highly sensitive person who finds modern life overwhelming and I suffer from anxiety and I feel the effects of it on my nervous system, I've been listening to your yoga nidra practices for a few days now and it's making it possible for me to relax and breathe and recharge. Your voice is very soothing and healing. Thank you so much for sharing your gifts with the world <3 much love,


Was that called the breath of Joy? That was amazing, I feel happy.
Thank you. Besides happy, I feel energized and calm at the same time.
I'm in module one of the YNTT, still recovering from finding my primary sankalpa and finding the rights words.
Thank you and much bliss to you
Namasté 🙏🌞


Namaste! 🙏 I started practicing at 11:30 P.M. on October 10, 2023.

I did feel relaxed from breathing through pursed lips, but I was driving for over 8 hours, so I did not go as deep as I had wanted to feel drowsy. I probably will need one of the longer yoga nidras. That being said, I loved that breath of joy!!! 😄 My mood improved instantly. Thank you for that amazing gift, Ally! ❤


Only had 20minutes today and it's always amazing to me how refreshed I feel afterward. It's become a late afternoon treat to myself and I do look forward it. Grateful for you, Ally!


Namste.A beautifully tethering practice. Beautiful as always. Thank you so much. 1.30pm. 🙏❤


#Namaste, Janeyb here, Module 3, this my second visit here( YouTube was glitching & not letting me comment after the first one). This is such a sweet one& I stayed present for most of it, I loved starting with the feet& moving up the body, felt very grounding, I loved all the breath work& the self love mini massage at the end. Such a sweet way to start my day. As always many blessings ❤


I made it to the feet on this one then I was gone! Such a soothing practice, it's added to my favourites list. Perhaps one day I will hear it the whole way through 💗🙏😌


Thank you again! I slept poorly last night so I practiced this early in the morning because my very first yoga instructor in 1983 taught me that 10 or 20 minutes of deep relaxation is as good as a couple of hours of natural sleep 😊from Ottawa


That was lovely Ally. The time just flew by. I love the fact that there is a breath called the breath of joy. The name alone was enough to make me smile.


Feeling deeply rested after only 20 mins. Thank you Ally ❤


I am in tears of gratitude to you all. You have my heart and I so look forward to the full moon Emerson-Ally please reach out-20 hours of maasive trauma release and noticing massive energy coming out too.
