Complete 20 Min Fat Burning Workout | No Equipment Needed

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Follow along with Chris Heria to this Complete 20 Min Fat Burner with No Equipment Needed! You can do this workout anywhere and it's guaranteed to help you burn fat and get you shredded.

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That unskippable 20 sec ad just saved me



0:39 - 45” in and outs
1:30 - 45” bicycles
2:33 - 45” jumping jacks
3:29 - 45” plank knees to elbows
4:33 - 45” squat side to side
5:33 - 45” no jump burpees
6:35 - 45” russian twists
7:42 - 45” high knee taps
8:37 - 45” plank up and downs
9:40 - 45” switching lunges
10:42 - 45” shoulder to shoulder
11:38 - 45” seated in and outs
12:46 - 45” butt-kicks
13:42 - 45” plank side to side
14:42 - 45” squat taps
15:54 - 45” push-up side to side
16:56 - 45” crunch reach through
17:45 - 45” alternating curtsy lunges
18:40 - 45” mountain climbers
19:42 - 45” plank alternating toe taps

For best results, do it for 2 rounds every week, you can do it!
Nice one, Chris


Chris Heria is the only fitness influencer whose video will actually help you build muscle and get shredded, unlike these other bs influencer. Which is why I will always appreciate following and doing your workouts♥️🔥


Started at 220 pounds in the pandemic and now I am at 176 without stepping on a gym, all with this channel, awesome!


I'm a surgery resident and I barely get time for exercise. Cannot thank you enough for how good your small workouts make me feel and how energized they get me. Also I feel it's just as effective as gymming or running without taking up that much of time


Dear Chris, in my opinion this is the best workout you have done so far. I love 20 minutes workouts, no repeats and a great variety and combination of exercises. I had to take extra rests but I had a lot of fun and the time was flying by. And the green timer was also great and the sound when the next exercise starts. This is the perfect workout for me.


This is a killer work out. I had to take longer rests in between the different exercises but I made it. Gotta save this workout. Lets get it!


Thank you so much for the past 3 years man you’ve helped me get shredded and the body I love. I will do this as soon as possible later today and add it to my ab workouts also all from you. Good luck to everyone out there for the heria apparel giveaway !


I found this channel when I was at a low point, people were teasing me about being chubby, even though I wasn't that fat. I felt like I needed to change, because they never will. I changed my mindset and lost over 20 pounds in 2 months with the help of your channel and your blog, and now I feel like a 👑. TYSM CHRIS HERIA <3


Chris Heria is just a legend he has been helping me losing fat and building a six pack. Thank you so much for putting the effort making these videos for us:)


Hey Chris, I've been watching your videos since about February this year. You have put me through many challenges, through a journey that changed me from a boy that's incredibly insecure about his looks to a guy that's proud to have a defined six pack. I just wanted to thank you a lot for uploading what you upload, and I'll be sure to continue doing your workouts. Stay strong!!
(Apologies for grammar mistakes, I'm from Poland)


Finished the routine 29 minutes with longer breaks in between, and I can barely move my body. Amazing all rounder routine for cardio, strength and building muscles. Kudos to you Chris.


Thank you Chris! You made me through the lowest point in my life. Now I have the connection back between mind and body.
Keep up the great work and keep on inspiring people to feel better about themselves.
Cheers from Portugal!


Let's goo, another workout. I may not even do the video right away, but I love to "feel you online" bc I get super motivated, ALWAYS! ❤🔥


Hey TheNX you guys are amazing I’ve been following you guys for a couple years and you have truly been motivating. I do have a couple questions tho when it comes to training with an injury that hasn’t healed in over 3 years. Appreciate all that you do, much love.


Chris, you inspire me to train harder and harder to get good results! Thank you so much!


Who Else realized Chris is pushing himself through the routine jst to keep us going.


Your workouts started me on my current fitness journey a year ago (during the pandemic). With the help of your videos and my coach, I am now the strongest I have ever been. Thank you for the videos. Keep them coming 👍🙌🔥.


Wouldn't be where I am today without u Chris, I used you as a stepping stone to stand on your shoulders and elevate myself through you. You carried me to make me better. Thank you. Been doing your workouts for two years now and I'm stronger than ever.


What a timing, today I have cardio was thinking to do something else and here he is dropping another cardio routine going to start right now👍
