Dr. Eckberg Debunked: 100 TBSP of Butter Improved His Blood Markers?

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Eckberg ate 100 TBSP of butter over 10 days and claims that the high dose of saturated fat had no negative effect on him and is healthy. Let's investigate the blood markers he shared and the ones he did not!
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My New Newsletter Sign-Up:

My Game Changers Debunked by Eckberg Response:

American Heart Association Saturated Fat Recommendations:

Blood Milkiness and Angina/Chest Pain After Fatty Meal:

After Meal Triglyceride Spike from Fatty Meal:

After Meal Triglyceride Spike from Fatty Meal - Strawberry Study:

Non-Fasting Triglycerides are Better Marker of Cardiovascular Disease:

Saturated Fat No Rise in Fasting TG but Rise in LDL:

Higher Large / Fluffy LDL Associated with Higher Disease:

Finnish Mental Hospital Study:

Gold Standard Insulin Resistance:

HOMA-IR Proposed as No Better than Insulin, Best for Normal People:

Protein Increases Insulin:

Saturated Fat Worsens Insulin Resistance in Humans:

Saturated Fat vs Unsat Fat vs Sugar Overfeeding Study:

Intro/Outro Song: Sedução Momentânea by Roulet:
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He actually didn't say anybody should do it. He did it as an experiment. Just saying


Does he really think doing anything for 10 DAYS is really going to do shit? 🤦🏾‍♀️ Your body constantly seeks homeostasis so even drinking nothing but beer for 10 days is unlikely to really affect you drastically. Even smoking cigs cancer takes years to develop. It’s what you do consistently, over the long term that means anything, not ten day butter challenges lmfao


Debunking these quacks is a full-time job


Tobacco already did it, wine industry already did it, and they can keep doing it; adults are like toddlers eager to listen candy is healthy and social security should take care of them with our taxes


I'm so old I remember ads on TV showing Doctors recommending certain cigarette brands. People love to hear good things about their bad habits. The lobbyists for meat, dairy, and eggs are funding this doctor somehow.


These "doctors" are dangerous


To quote Lou from Over the Hedge, “I don’t think he’s a real doctor.”


Listen guys!
I'm telling you, fire is actually GOOD for your as long as you don't focus on unimportant things like "burns" or "cellular damage" or "pain", like all those nerds want you to pay attention to.
Believe me guys, the dermatological benefits of fire are sound, just don't pay any attention to that stuff over there no no don't do it.


I bet he wouldn't do that for a month 😅
And it's sad that he doesn't care about the torture of the animals 😢


Me again! 1 week later, watched many videos from Dr. Ekberg, started to act on it and I'm feeling great! He is amazingly inspirational. Already sleeping better, feeling less hungry naturally and very focused!


My sister is in dialysis because of ckd complications due to T2 diabetes. When I put her on low carb, high fat -more butter and moderate protein, her bp became normal, lost tingling sensation and pain in her feet, never went hypoglycemia and feels overall better! So NO, butter is NOT bad!


His video popped up on my feed and it made me angry. As a health professional, misinformation like this will put individuals' health in danger.


Let's recall that Eckberg is not a medical physician (M.D.), nor a doctor of naturopathy (N.D.), nor a registered dietitian (R.D.), nor a published scientist, nor has he ever worked in a hospital.
He's a chiropractor, period.
That means he has trained to manipulate joints.
It's stunning that he therefore has zero insight into the pathophysiology and cause of osteoarthritis pain (bone marrow lesions, subchondral cysts, capsulitis, meniscal lesions).


If a lawyer misbehaves, they are debarred. I don't get how MD's can get away with spreading such misinformation.


1. It was an experiment and he didn't advise to eat this way.
2. Butter consist not to 100% of saturated fats, but only to ~50%. The rest are ~20% monounsaturated fats, ~3% polyunsaturated fats ( especially high in omega 3 when ruminants are gras fed)
3. Not all saturated fatty acids (there are about 20+) are atherosclerotic. Only 3 of them (lauric acid, myristic acid and palmitic acid ) are supposed to be atherosclerotic.
4. Some other saturated fatty acids instead are also claimed to have health benefits (e.g. stearic acid).
5. Even the trans fats in dairy are not supposed to be really harmful, because of their different chemical structure ( produced by bacteria in the guts of ruminants ) compared to common trans fats which are created artifically during the processing of foods.


There is no evidence that he even did anything he said he did since it is all informal and non-scientific. And, from a guy selling a ton of stuff.


I feel sorry for the people subjected to the Finnish hospital study.


So cringey that he didn't disclose his LDL but then again he's a cholesterol denier so he would have just said high LDL doesn't matter.


Eckberg was directly the reason I started frying my food in butter instead of sunflower oil.


This is what happens when a Chiropractor doles out nutritional advice. He is not even a medical doctor.
