Dr. Ekberg Believes That Man-Made Food Is Ideal for Humans @drekberg

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Ekberg is still better than 99.9% of health influencers out there.


Thanks Gatis! Yes, Sten is against eating grains, he says not to eat them. He has 'top 10 foods you should not eat' and bread and pasta is second on the list... he has many good videos. I have changed my life based on a combination of watching Sv3rige and Dr Sten. Thanks to both of these guys!


It is pretty crazy looking at how short a time we've had those processed "foods" and yet people think we actually NEED to have them.


Let's see Paul Allens recommendations.


Our hunter-gatherer ancestors would only “gather” if they failed to obtain and keep the most abundant hunting grounds. Therefore, the healthiest tribes were the most skilled warriors and hunters, able to obtain meat year round.


We have 39 edible wild natural berries in our forests. Blueberry, lingonberry, wild strawberry, raspberry and cloudberry being the best known and most harvested. Available only for a few weeks per year of course.


Enjoying your videos! Tomorrow might be the first day I will eat a raw ribeye or two. Only took a bite today, but then I turned on the stove. 😀


Ekberg shows us good food is not all disgusting. He talks about how animal fats are ok, and the truth of what's actually bad for us. Things like mercury in fish, seed oils, sugar additives and even too much natural sugars. Thinking of food in terms of benefits and side effects per serving rather than just calorie count too. Great doctor


Unfortunately, this video does not contain up to 15 micronutrients that could be found in meat.


We should talk about people who are not vegan, but hate meat as well. I tried telling people to eat organic raw meat or at least not overcooked but often I hear people replying "meat is disgusting, especially raw". While I-m sure that if they were trying to eat it like I did, educating themselves, they really would love it. When I tell them the blood is the best part they look at me with disgust. I think most of people have been brainwashed to believe meat is bad since childhood. Most of the population has a serious eating disorder, and they eat sugar basically. Then they wonder why they need medical attention so often and develop many chronic illnesses or obesity... The parents gave them grains and bread so they think this is the main food they should be eating. Education has a big role, so children now learn to dispise meat and schools often promote malnutrion vegan diets....


We’ve made food entertainment, at the end of the day it doesn’t matter what you like, it’s about what your body needs


Dr Ekberg got me into fasting and a keto diet and my health improved immensly. That said I do agree with your comments Goatis. I switched over to a strict carnivore diet a week ago and already I'm seeing results - I'm already losing excess fat, a long term rash has nearly completely cleared up and my wife mentioned just yesterday that my face is looking clearer and I'm just looking better. Now you've got me interested in blood - maybe I'll start a Vampire-diet craze!


Idk, I like Dr. Ekberg. I don't agree with him on everything - just like with any other person, but he gives many good advises and compared to what the most "health experts" are promoting today - he's a great guy.
As for this evolution stuff - either way we don't know if it's possible to adapt or not. Nobody obviously hasn't done a research that would take like 100 000 years - which automatically makes any opinion about it a theory. A religion is rather some belief for the sake of that belief, without any rational thinking behind it - be it christian religion or vegan religion etc.


Ekberg is closer to a priest than a healthcare professional.


I have had wild strawberries before, they are such beautiful fruits. These things are about the size of the typical blueberry you will find today. They're amazing. I hope one day I'll get to try them again. The last time I had some I was very little, and it was also the only time.


4:03 exactly no matter how time passes grains will always be bad for us


He’s still not as mainstream as many of these guys. I’m sure he helps a lot of people with the low carb diets.


Would you consider making a video similar to the structure of this one? as you mentioned at the end of your video response here - I would love to consume (amongst all your other fantastic content) a small video where you recommend what someone should eat if they wanted to eat according to being a homo sapien! many thanks


Will you make a philosophy/deep talk in the forest video anytime soon? Those videos were the best


just read in a carnivore FB group this "cook meat. Body can't digest raw protein".... cannot unsee it now. Shock)))
