Do This Routine Every Morning To Get Shredded

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join Chris Heria as he shows you what to do Every Morning To Get Shredded. Doing This Routine Every Morning will have you building muscle and burning fat with only your body weight no need for weights or a gym.

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Low plank to high plank: 45 seconds 0:40
Burpees: 20x 2:05
Side plank up and down: each side 25x 3:03
Explosive pushups or explosive knee pushups: 25x 5:16
Switching mountain climbers: 45 seconds 6:10
Seated leg flutters: 45 seconds 7:16
Boat hold: 45 seconds 8:10
15 seconds rest between each exercise and good luck 👍


(Time between exercises 15-30s)
Low to high plank (45s) 0:39
Burpees (x20) 2:02
Side plank up & down (x25 each side) 3:03
Explosive push-ups (x25) 5:15
Switching mountain climbers (45s) 6:10
Seated leg flutters (45s) 7:16
Boat hold (max) 8:09


when someone is teaching you for free lets appreciate their hard work.


Low plank to high plank - 0:40
Burpees - 1:47
Side plank up & down - 3:02
Explosive push ups - 5:14
Switching mountain climbers - 6:27
Seated Leg flutters - 7:17
Boat Hold - 8:09


Jus as information for all who want a short summary of the video.

1. Low Plank to high Plank (45 sec) - 0:40
2. Burpees (20x) - 1:45
3. Side Plank Up & Down (25x each site) - 3:00
4. Explosive Push-Ups (25x) - 4:49
5. Ching Mountain Climbers (45 sec) - 6:08
6. Seated Leg Flutters (45 sec) - 7:15
7. Boat Hold (max hold) - 8:08

> Up to 4 rounds each morning.

Wish you good time for the dying routine.


1. Low Plank to High Plank (45 secs)
2. Burpees (X20)
3. Side Plank (X25 each side)
4. Explosive Push Ups (X25)
5. Switching Mountain Climbers (45 secs)
6. Seated Leg Flutters (45 secs)
7. Boat hold (MAX)


He did 100 pushups, 100 sit ups, 100 squats for 3 years without air condition and gained tattoos instead of losing his hair


For reference:
Low Plank to High Plank- 45 secs
Burpees- 20x
Side Plank (Up and Down)- 25x each
Explosive Push UPS- 25x
Switching Mountain Climbers- 45 secs
Seated Leg Flutters- 45 secs
Boat Hold- Max Hold
(little to no rest between exercises, and no more than a 10 minute rest before starting over for the next 3 rounds!🤕)


Bruh, I can barely lift my eyelids in the morning.


Okay so I started this today and I'm going to keep updating the comment on a daily basis (I saw this other guy do the same thing on another video so I figured I try it too. I'll try anything that'll motivate me to workout)

I'm fat. Right in between fat and obese. I'd like to add that I also do a 5 kilometre (a little above 3 miles) morning run in addition to these exercises. I sleep at 10 and wake up at 4. I'm also watching what I eat. I eat oats for breakfast and dinner and eat some good nutritious Roti Sabzi (roti is a variant of wheat bread and Sabzi is cooked vegetables) for lunch which is cooked with almost negligible amount of oil.

Day 1:
exercise 1
Pretty easy to do even for a fat person like me. You might feel some strain on your shoulder joints but that's just your body weight pushing down on you.

Exercise 2
Now this is difficult if you're doing your push ups right. I cannot do more than 10 push ups normally but jumping consecutively with your knees up limits me to 7 push ups tops.

Exercise 3
Neither difficult nor easy. I could do around 15 but my elbows hurt a lot, again because of my weight pushing down on me. Also, exploding back above is difficult. But I felt my love handles (yes I have love handles. Large ones. You name it I have it) getting worked on pretty effectively.

Exercise 4
Now this is just impossible for me to do at the shape I am in right now. I could do around 6 push ups (which almost killed me because of fatigue from the previous exercises).

Exercise 5
I could do around 15. Not very difficult but if you're fat and have a mediocre or weak core, you'll have to lay back a little more than Chris. You'll feel your thigh muscles get distorted. There's nothing you can do about it. Keep going.

Exercise 6
Again, not very difficult. You'll have to lean back a little more because of your weak core. 45 seconds with a short 3 second break in between is pretty doable.
Rep 2: could not do a 2nd rep. Tried exercise 1, finished it, but could not continue. Hope to see an improvement by the next month though!

Day 2:
The easy exercises got a little easier but the burpees and explosive push ups are still the same, if not worse. But I could push through rep 2 a little more than day 1. Also, I took photographs of myself to see how fat really I am and it disgusted me. The 2nd rep was mostly because of that.

Day 3:
Tried to push everything to the max today. And by that, I mean I did as many burpees and explosive pushups as I could (both about 15). The only things exploding in my explosive push ups were my muscles.
Could not do a set 2.

Day 4:
No improvements.

Day 5:
It was a bizarre improvement. I could not do a set 2 but I could do more of burpees and explosive pushups.

Day 6:
I made a few changes in my diet. I drink hot water atleast 7 times a day now.
No improvements in the workout routine though. I could do the second set without the explosive push ups and burpees. 3rd set would've killed me.

Day 7:
I could push through a little more of set 2. No improvements other than that.

Day 8:
My triceps hurt but I could do 10 burpees and 5 explosive push ups. So a small improvement there.

Day 9:
I've been busy the last few days so I had to skip the routine.
Today was alright though, no considerable changes. Push ups have been getting a little easier but I cannot push to even an extra push up.

Day 10:
I think this should be around day 13. I forgot to update the comment for 3 days if I'm not wrong.
Anyway, I don't feel the pain in my elbow anymore. Don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing. Maintaining consistency is a lot easier now. No other improvements.

Days 11, 12 and 13:
The push ups are ingrained in me now. I can push to 14 burpees and 15 push ups (not explosive). The rest are child's play now but I still cannot complete the second set.

The past week:
I feel like I'm holding myself back and limiting myself to set 3 because I still have the energy to finish atleast a half of set 4 but i still don't. I first want to perfect set 3 which I can start by not panting myself to death.
After the 15th day, you'll see an exponential improvement. I've also lost some weight but it's still a long road ahead.

Day 20:
Stored in muscle memory now. Will push to set 4 tomorrow.

Days 21 and 22:
Set 4 killed me Midway. Push ups are a breeze now although proper explosive push ups are still not possible. Not even one.

Days 23, 24 & 25:
I finally pushed myself to 4 sets and finished it. Let's talk about Explosive push ups though. Them bitches be crazy. I can, to this day, do only one explosive pushup. But I can do around 17 normal push ups so I have that going for me.

The past week:
This is it man. All it took was one month. 4th set is not so hard. I have to work on those explosive pushups man.

The past week (Probably day 35):
I've reached saturation. I don't see a point in updating anymore. I did this enough to not stop doing it now lol

*I'd like to raise a vote of thanks to everyone that got involved with my comment. I expected around 20 likes but roughly 500 of you acting as taskmasters was overwhelming (in a good way). I probably would've stopped after the 4th or 5th day if it wasn't for all of this attention. So, thank you!*

Please comment if any of you want me to continue posting the progress.

A lot of you have been asking about the progress lately. This should roughly be the 40th day. I'm still at it. Not giving up (I have you all to thank for that). At this point I feel giving up would be difficult because it feels weird on days that I skip.

Day 44 (roughly):
Have I mentioned how good it feels to finally being able to do 4 sets of this schtick? I do the exercises on my terrace early in the morning. The cold climate and the heat in my body post exercise mix so well together. I'm only saying this because I've realized that exercising in the open helps me appreciate nature a little more than I already do.

Probably day 60 (or somewhere in that ballpark):
I don't check the string for a week or two and this is what I come back to lol
Thanks you guys! Had no idea I'd actually inspire anyone 😅 But in my defense, I actually started this "updating everyday" routine because I came across a few others doing it. So I drew inspiration from someone that was doing what I'm doing right now, so I guess this is quite inspirational. Don't know what I did different that I stayed relevant though lol
Anyway, I'm still at it. Like I've mentioned before, it's difficult not to continue now. And some of you have been asking if I've gained muscle. My answer is I don't know. Sure I have some hard muscles but I'm not sure if I've "gained" any. I was concentrating only on weight loss (which I have lost quite a lot) and protein was plentiful, if I may, in my diet. I've been fat almost all my life. So I don't really want a built body as much as I want a lean body. So I don't think I'm going to concentrate on building muscle even after this.
I've lost almost 13 kgs now. (Keep in mind that I've done this for almost 60 days with a strict diet and a 5 to 6 km run every morning)

Random Edit:
I never spoke about what music gets my blood flowing. This might not be important to most people, but I'm really passionate about music. So music is an integral part of my routine in starting the exercises. Play any song by Tool and I'll tap my foot to it but the one tool song that gets me going is Forty six & 2. So try listening to the song if you're into metal and that kind of stuff (actually, try it regardless) but making music a part of my routine has proved to be really helpful.

Random Edit:
My lovehandles are almost gone, my chest has considerably lesser fat now. I don't know why the process is so slow for me (I've heard others following the same routine say they got abs in about two months). But I understand that it's different for different people. In any case, hope to get that V shape soon.


Wasn't able to do every rep but im gonna keep trying this every morning for sure

update: made some insane gains and with this, helps sculpt very well, now it’s time for some bulking


As a Boxer I gotta say, what this guy is showcasing is legit, we do similar and some of the excercises for hours to build core strength and endurance. Movement and endurance is very crucial. Props to Chris Hernia fr, great content. Yall gotta be thankful cause people pay to see and learn these kind of excercises in various sports.


Just curious, if I do this training how many months will it take for the tattoo's to start showing up?


After about 2 months of training everyday, mainly this routine, I was able to finally finish all 4 rounds. I am so excited right now I had to share :D


Day 3 of full commitment and prep meals and honestly this gives me more energy trough the day and makes me feel way better physically and mentally i just got off from 4 years of hard core drugs and this has distracted me soooo much from relapsing back to them i been 1 month sober💯💪


Pro-tip: Don't skip the ads. It's there to give you more time to rest.


0:39 Low High Planks
1:48 Burpees
3:03 Side Plank Up & Downs
4:53 Pushups explosive
6:08 Switching Climbers
7:16 Seated Lug Flutters
8:07 Hollow Holds


I've been doing only one round of this routine for 3 months now. I stopped seeing progress in the last few weeks. So I decided to push myself for round two after a two minute rest. And man... I felt the burn again like when I first started. I sweat like crazy but it was very satisfying. So I guess the secret is...

Do one round if you want to build some strengths;
Do two rounds if you want to lose some weight;
Do three rounds if you want to get shredded;
Do four rounds if you want to get tattoos on your neck!


Forcing myself to do this was tough. So tough, in fact, that i ended up not doing it


Wait!!! Did he say 3 more rounds???? bro I barely made it through the one && I WAS ONLY WACTHING!!!
