Calvinism, Regeneration, Salvation and Spiritual Deadness - Dr Michael Heiser

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Calvinism, Regeneration, Salvation and Spiritual Deadness - Dr Michael Heiser
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Preach brother Mike! I have never trusted a man in modern times more than DrMSH. ❤


"it is ALL from Him, through Him and to Him."


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Calvin had a man executed for disagreeing with his theology. What a saint.


"And he is the propitiation for our sins: and not for ours only, but also for the sins of the whole world." 1 John 2:2 KJV. There are many other verses that refute the heresy of Calvinism. Why not focus on the totality of Scripture. Yes, the Lord is drawing everyone who will listen as he knocks on the door (Revelation 3).


Ephesians 2:1-3 describes the spiritually dead as choosing a lot of things... except for choosing God and good works.


Of Course Adam and Eve became self aware to the point of humiliation and guilt after eating the fruit of the knowledge of good and evil. How can the Calvinist or John Calvin or Augustine bake the levened bread of total depravity if the ingredient of self awareness due to knowing good and evil is missing. Calvin's Institutes were written by a baby christian who perseverated the word depravity in his writings just like Pascal did with concupiscence. And the error grew and became the foundation of the reformation.


what about ephesians 2:1-2 "And you were DEAD [spiritual deadness] in your trespasses and sins, in which you formerly walked according to the course of this world, according to the prince of the power of the air, of the spirit that is now working in the sons of disobedience.


calvinists say "no human can be drawn to Christ until regeneration occurs" you mean John 6? good grief he really had no idea what salvation was did he


I don't understand all this talk about "consciousness" that Heiser keeps on about. No one even knows exactly how to define "consciousness" and I am not sure a biblical view of salvation has anything to do with "consciousness".... especially since John the Baptist was clearly converted by the Spirit while in his mother's womb (leapt for joy upon the sound of Mary's voice b/c she was the mother of Jesus). There was no consciousness in a 3 month old, so that is not even an issue for those who believe salvation, including our choice to believe, is all of grace, all a gift.


With a volitional void( the power to make a choice) How is it possible that anyone can respond any way prior to being regenerated….thats my question - Michael Heiser.

This is a brutally bad explanation on Heiser”s part and for anybody who has studied reformed theology it would be almost comical if it weren’t so sad with his obviously uneducated question.
A 5th grader need only study the doctrines of grace in its infancy to understand the answer to this question, clearly Heiser has never studied reformed theology.
I’ll give you all a little hint….as far as being dead, reformers are referring to Spiritually dead….flesh can’t get birth to spirit.Nobody anywhere in Reformed theology says “nobody” can respond in “any way.” Reformed theology teaches over and over again the unregenerated sinner will never respond “positively” to the gospel call to repent and believe, he can’t, has no desire to, its foolishness to him without the quickening of the Spirit to make the sinner Spiritually alive(all of God)…so you see Heiser in a very ignorant way, trying to act to smart for his own good, tries to draw on a false dichotomy that is never taught anywhere in reformed theology.

All the while fully supporting “intellectual freewill choice” as a means one comes to faith in Christ…Where is that taught anywhere in the Bible?


Always love it when non Calvinist explain away Calvinism…how can you refute a doctrine that you don’t understand? The doctrines of grace (Calvinism) are taught all throughout scripture, so instead of rambling on with opinions how about using scripture to make your case? Also to say that Calvinist aren’t Christians or they aren’t saved is nonsense. I see this in the comments section all the time, the doctrines of grace are in no way heretical.


the calvinism model does not load them unnecessarily into that single metaphor. the state of spiritual deadness is described in detail all throughout scripture. but it's too late now isn't it, to get it right and repent


True full blown Calvinists are not even saved let alone Christians.
Christians are Christians!
Calvinists are Calvinists!
Mormons are Mormons!

Calvinists believe god created all things, and controls all things, predetermined all things,

and made all things exactly the way they are.

... thus god also created evil.

therefore since Calvinists believe god created evil.

they are blaspheming against the holy spirit ... the only unforgivable sin.

Calvinists also believe the only people who will be saved have been predetermined by god.

and since Calvinists believe god predetermined who will be saved ... they have removed free will - the gift of god to humans, and removed Jesus from the equation.

since god (according to Calvinists) has already determined who will be saved ... (and who will not be saved) ... those who will be saved do not need Christ and those who will not be saved cannot come to christ.

thus Calvinists are not Christians.

Sing it
"Jesus loves me, this I know.
As for you, I don't think so.
Only some to Him belong. We are right and you are wrong.
Yes, Jesus loves me!
Yes, Jesus loves me!
Yes, Jesus loves me!

Aren't you happy and proud that God chose us for heaven and decided not to fry us in Hell like everyone else!
'Eenie Meenie Miney Moe, this one goes to heaven off to hell another one goes!'

But then again, I hope this isn't evanescent grace that I'm walking in and instead I'm actually deceived and one of the reprobates that He created to burn as a candle for His glory in Hell forever."



This man never understood Calvinism. It’s as if he never read John Calvin. He doesn’t even explain it correctly.

Spiritual deadness simply means you can not do the things God commands of you. You won’t because you are at enmity with God. Not that you can’t, you won’t.

It’s as if I commanded everyone here to follow me. You can, but you won’t.

Following Christ is not an intellectual pursuit. Belief is a matter of the heart. If you listen to great reformed preachers you will hear this clearly taught. But people get their theology from social media and it seems Dr. Heiser was no different here.
