Все публикации

Chedorlaomer: The Mighty Giant Slayer

Overcoming depression

Should Christians pursue morality?

What is the White Stone in Revelation - Dr Michael Heiser

Seven Year Tribulation is not in the Bible - Michael Heiser

What does filled with the Holy Spirit in Acts 2 mean? - Michael Heiser

Michael Heiser responds to Andy Stanley: Unhitch Christianity from the Old Testament

Feast of Booths in End Times Prophecy - Dr Michael Heiser

Origin of Evil Spirits by Philo of Alexandria - Dr Michael Heiser

What did demons know about Jesus - Dr Michael Heiser

They sacrificed to demons, not to God - Dr Michael Heiser

Why is Wisdom a Woman in the Bible - Dr Michael Heiser

Spiritual Warfare and Binding Demons - Michael Heiser

Are we Sanctified now or later - Dr Michael Heiser

Genesis vs Babylonian Creation Stories. Which came first? - Dr Michael Heiser

Can you lose the Holy Spirit - Dr Michael Heiser

Jesus the Jewish Messiah. Prophecies in the Old Testament - Dr Michael Heiser

Sheol, Heaven, and Afterlife in the Old Testament - Dr Michael Heiser

How do Christian Bible Scholars Keep Their Faith? Dr Michael Heiser

Second Temple Literature, Apocrypha, Pseudepigrapha, Dead Sea Scrolls, etc - Dr Michael Heiser

Calvinism, Regeneration, Salvation and Spiritual Deadness - Dr Michael Heiser

Did the Bible support race based slavery - Dr Michael Heiser

Where is the Third Heaven - Dr Michael Heiser

Ark of the Covenant, Second Temple, and the Church - Dr Michael Heiser