John MacArthur questions Ravi Zacharias salvation - Must Watch!

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I’m 54 years old. I have learned thankfully in my life that I am a sinner. More importantly, I’ve learned that Jesus came to save sinners like me. I struggle every day, but I try to not sin. I also never dare to say or even think about another persons salvation because only God has that right. I have to worry about my own salvation in fear.


I cannot even wrap my head around another's salvation or the sin they are in, I have enough fear and trembling about my own. I'm beginning to wonder how anybody makes it. I know the theology of it, but it's working out is such a mystery to me. I will admit at this point of my own life I have more than a little fear. God help me, God help all those believing.


Praise God that my behavior has ZERO to do with my justification before God. If it did, we would all be in trouble. My faith is built on nothing less than Jesus' blood and righteousness. I dare not trust the sweetest frame (i.e. my behavior), but WHOLLY LEAN on Jesus' name.


In his own words -
“Sin will take you farther than you want to go, keep you longer than you want to stay, and cost you more than you want to pay. “


Everyone needs to ponder on this verse. Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord, ’ shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father in heaven. 2 Many will say to Me in that day, ‘Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Your name, cast out demons in Your name, and done many wonders in Your name?’ And then I will declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness.


I agree
Please pray for me and my wife
We desperately desire to find a good church here in my small Australian town


Here’s one for you-
I was saved by hearing the gospel for the very first time... from a woman who wasn’t even saved. God can use anybody


I tell you one thing, the closer you want to get to God, the quicker, more and stronger will satan attack you....I speak from experience.


I've just listened to this for the first time. John MacArthur really hit the nail on the head when he said that Ravi never quoted or read scripture. He always spoke in philosophical terms. I tried listening to Ravi several times over the last few years and could never listen for long and wondered why his style of teaching/preaching was so applauded. When John made that comment, it finally clicked. It is the Word that has power; not any man or woman's philosophical rants or teaching.


This conversation amongst supposedly Christian leaders has somewhat missed an important point of church... the first century church was in homes, amongst relatives and friends.... there weren't pastors, paid church workers... the church was essentially a community, not an organization. The term "local church" isn't found in the bible. It was just church and it really meant the larger Christian body, NOT AN ORGANIZATION that happens to have a building down the street from your home.

Saying this, I am not against church... I belong to one and I love being there. I just don't want the conversation on Heb 10:24-25 to be strictly about being a member of an organization that has 4 walls. If you don't believe me, go check the gospel and tell me, which church or synagogue was Jesus a member of? How about Paul? How about the other apostles? They were itinerant... and some of them wrote part of the bible we are reading today.

I also can't help but to feel that this video has 4 self-righteous men taking a shot at judging a man, when that right belongs to God alone. No one decides who is in hell... and it's counter productive having a debate on that.

May we be less of a pharisee and more like Jesus when he stooped down near the woman caught in adultery....


We have no idea that he didn’t repent before he passed away. That’s Gods Grace and mercy.


I’m so glad MacArthur and Sproul are not going to judge me, but God is


I love Pastor Macarthur and Ravi. I was heartbroken to hear about Ravi. But now listening to pastor McArthur talk about him like this. How many times were you on the same stage as him and this never came up? He quoted scripture all the time.


I am a Sinner saved solely by the work done through Christ. I don't how I would get to a point of Self-Righteousness to imply someone is burning in Hell because of their Sins.


All bow down to saint mac! I’m not worthy, I’m not worthy! 😂I hope you see the snark. Some ppl think they are perfect and have it all figured out! I learned TO RUN FAST from the preachers who have an answer to every question you have. Faith, and human behavior, sin and nature are FAR TOO COMPLEX for our little minds. Ravi was v wrong, but SAINT MAC just has a Pharisee vibe


The audacity to call Ravi’s salvation into question, no matter his level of public or private failure, is one of the most arrogant and self-righteous platforms I have ever heard. Good thing Jesus is mighty to save because we ALL depend on it. “Oh, you great saints, if you have outgrown the need of a sinner’s trust in the Lord Jesus, you have outgrown your sins, but you have also outgrown your grace, and your saintship has ruined you!” Spurgeon.


Please... Just listen to one of Ravi's sermons and you'll see how much he used to quote scripture.
Talking about sins and lies...!
Pride is the worst of them all.


I wonder my john mac never asked Ravi about his over use of philosophy and under use of scripture text while he was still alive? I mean ya know since it was such a dead give away and everything rt? Total prideful rubbish.


Some Christians challenge everyone else's salvation except their own.


First off, I’m a huge Ravi fan, and I’m strongly against the concept of questioning someone’s salvation due to particular flaws or bad decisions.

But I totally understand what these guys are saying.
Ravi wasn’t simply making “bad decisions” and hiding affairs.
He was systematically preying on women for years and forcing them to have sex with him.
It wasn’t that he struggled with sin, he was entirely delighting himself in an endless ocean of sin. For years and years he was manipulating countless women and sexually assaulting them without any evidence of hesitation.

As much as I hate to say it, I think it’s completely reasonable to question if he was truly born-again. He may have just been a really really really great speaker of religion and philosophy.
