3 Ways to do Push ups for Older Adults: Arm Strength

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Shoulder, pectoralis, tricep, and deltoid strength are all improved with Push-ups. Pushups are a great part of your exercise routine. If you can incorporate them safely and without pain. Why are pushups such a big deal? Because first of all, they're a compound exercise, which means it works multiple joints at once. So we get a lot of bang for the buck. But what if I can't do pushups because I have a shoulder replacement or arthritis or a shoulder injury and I can't do them in a traditional way?
In this video, I'm going to show you three different ways to do it. We'll start off with the basic way of doing it and I'll show you a couple of simple modifications and so hopefully by the end of this video you will have no excuse to not do an exercises that include pushups as part of your routine.
A couple of things to understand first about pushups. The basic form of the pushups stays the same whether you're doing in a traditional way or you're doing it on the counter or you're doing it against the wall. So a couple things to remember. I don't want your arms to be at this 90 degree angle. Drop your elbows down so they are about a 45 degree angle. That's the first thing. The second thing is i that you want to make sure, no matter which way you do it, you go through your full range of motion, which means you're going to lock out your elbow. Third thing you want to remember as you want to try to keep this hand lined up with the shoulder so it's not going to be up. It's not going to be down. It's going to be lined up, straight back, 45 degree angle and back up and it's important to pause at that down position and then fully extend.
The first way we're going to go over is just your traditional pushup. Assuming you have no limitations, you're still pretty strong in your upper body. You've got good core strength and you can do a basic pushup. Remember we talked about hand lining up right underneath the shoulder. You are going to put your scapula on the back pocket. You're going to engage your core elbows are going to bend at 45 not out to your side.
I want you to keep your neck neutral. If you had a pause at the bottom and then lock up, pause, come all the way up. If you want to make it more challenging, you can lift up one leg and back up, but, and I can't do a pushup like that because I've got a sore shoulder. Don't worry, we'll go next level. You can do the same kind of pushups on your knees. Just makes it a little bit easier. All the principles stay the same. The next adaption that I'm going to show you is just maybe we can do it on a kitchen counter.
Remember if you're getting some shoulder pain, , keep your elbows a little bit closer into your side if you need to. That emphasizes the tricep a little bit more, but it's easier on your shoulder and the most important thing is is that you're doing a movement. It doesn't matter if you need to adapt, but it's important to do the movement. Let's say that doesn't work for you either. If none of the other ways work for you, what you should be able to do is just simply do it up against a wall.
Now how many of these pushups should I really be doing? I like three sets. So figure out where you need to come in to where you get a little bit of fatigue. You feel that muscle burning in a good way, no joint pain, but you feel the muscles work. . So for example, if after about 10 repetitions, you are starting to get a little bit fatigued, then take about a minute break and then I come back. And do that for a total of three sets. So we just eliminated all excuses for you to not do pushups and your regular exercise routine. Enjoy!
Daily Neck Stretches
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In this video, I'm going to show you three different ways to do it. We'll start off with the basic way of doing it and I'll show you a couple of simple modifications and so hopefully by the end of this video you will have no excuse to not do an exercises that include pushups as part of your routine.
A couple of things to understand first about pushups. The basic form of the pushups stays the same whether you're doing in a traditional way or you're doing it on the counter or you're doing it against the wall. So a couple things to remember. I don't want your arms to be at this 90 degree angle. Drop your elbows down so they are about a 45 degree angle. That's the first thing. The second thing is i that you want to make sure, no matter which way you do it, you go through your full range of motion, which means you're going to lock out your elbow. Third thing you want to remember as you want to try to keep this hand lined up with the shoulder so it's not going to be up. It's not going to be down. It's going to be lined up, straight back, 45 degree angle and back up and it's important to pause at that down position and then fully extend.
The first way we're going to go over is just your traditional pushup. Assuming you have no limitations, you're still pretty strong in your upper body. You've got good core strength and you can do a basic pushup. Remember we talked about hand lining up right underneath the shoulder. You are going to put your scapula on the back pocket. You're going to engage your core elbows are going to bend at 45 not out to your side.
I want you to keep your neck neutral. If you had a pause at the bottom and then lock up, pause, come all the way up. If you want to make it more challenging, you can lift up one leg and back up, but, and I can't do a pushup like that because I've got a sore shoulder. Don't worry, we'll go next level. You can do the same kind of pushups on your knees. Just makes it a little bit easier. All the principles stay the same. The next adaption that I'm going to show you is just maybe we can do it on a kitchen counter.
Remember if you're getting some shoulder pain, , keep your elbows a little bit closer into your side if you need to. That emphasizes the tricep a little bit more, but it's easier on your shoulder and the most important thing is is that you're doing a movement. It doesn't matter if you need to adapt, but it's important to do the movement. Let's say that doesn't work for you either. If none of the other ways work for you, what you should be able to do is just simply do it up against a wall.
Now how many of these pushups should I really be doing? I like three sets. So figure out where you need to come in to where you get a little bit of fatigue. You feel that muscle burning in a good way, no joint pain, but you feel the muscles work. . So for example, if after about 10 repetitions, you are starting to get a little bit fatigued, then take about a minute break and then I come back. And do that for a total of three sets. So we just eliminated all excuses for you to not do pushups and your regular exercise routine. Enjoy!
Daily Neck Stretches
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