The 7 Foods I NEVER EAT Anymore (What I Eat Instead) | Dr. Mindy Pelz

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As a farmer who grows grain wheat barley etc you guys need to know many many of us do not use gmo or any interfered with seed. We simply self seed our own crops over and over . I think you'd find if you ground your own wheat and made your own. We don't use chemicals on crops either. We spray before the seeds are even planted not when they're grown or growing. We keep the stubble of crops in the ground so the rain catches and keeps moist which in turn helps earthworms and all, manner of insect vital insect life. Please don't categorise all farmers in one box it's not fair. Food leaves our farms clean and it's the processing and additives that are causing cancers etc.


1~ Wheat Bread
2~ Red Licorice
3~ Microwave Popcorn
4~ Diet Soda
5~ Fish
6~ Kombucha
7~ Conventional Fruit
Have A Happy Day ✨


Thank you Dr Mindy ! My husband and I both 50 have been following you and fasting for 4 months.
Today I hit my first goal with an 18kg weightloss 😊 my husband 15kg. My husbands no longer pre diabetic, or has high cholesterol or blood pressure. We are feeling great❤❤❤


0:54: The speaker had chronic fatigue syndrome in their 20s and a holistic doctor advised them to stop eating bread.
1:34: Within a couple of weeks of giving up bread, the speaker experienced increased energy and mental clarity.
4:46: Red licorice contains gluten and lead, which can disrupt hormones.
5:40: Microwave popcorn contains Forever chemicals that are endocrine disruptors.
6:22: X suggests making organic popcorn at home using avocado oil, grass-fed butter, sea salt, and coconut sugar.
10:08: The Monterey Bay Aquarium has a list of fish that are least toxic.
11:01: Kombucha is a weak probiotic with high sugar content.
Recap by Tammy AI


Choosing healthy fruits and veggies is easier if you know the PLU Codes.... If the fruit/veggie sticker number starts with an 8, it's GMO. The code that starts with a 4, and is 4 numbers in length means "Conventionally grown", and a five-digit number that starts with a 9, is Organically grown.


Today is day 97 of losing weight. Went from XX Large T-Shirts to Medium T-Shirts & size 48" pants to 32" pants🏆. Eating 'One Meal Every Other Day'(OMEOD) for August. This is known as alternate day intermittent fasting(ADIF). 47.5 hrs Fasting until next meal. Fatty liver & psoriasis is gone, healthy gums, no more Stomach issues and more..!👍‍😃👍‍


One of the reasons I watch your videos is because I love the positive energy/ vibes I get from you.


I believe that the wheat of today is completely different from the wheat of a few hundred years ago.
I cut out bread, pasta, rice, noodles and potatoes, reaulting in me loaing 103 pounds of body weight in 10 months. I replaced the aforementioned items with my own keto flatbread, homemade from almond and coconut flour.


I’ve stopped eating wheat bread and never eat red licorice nor microwave popcorn, or any popcorn. I live in Portugal and I adore fish but I eat mainly small oily fish like sardines and mackerel, both fresh and tinned in virgin olive oil. I haven’t had diet soda of any kind in years and I do drink organic kombucha zero, zero for no sugar. I limit fruit to organic blueberries, raspberries and strawberries but only in season, and in the summer water melon and white and green melons, which are typical of Portugal.


I gave up gluten in 2012- I realized years of health issues had been from a severe gluten sensitivity. My health and mood have improved tremendously. It's shown me how drastically "everyday foods" can impact your life for better or worse. I'm thankful Dr. Mindy is shedding light on this subject so many more people lives can improve.


I avoided grains for years, lately I’ve started making my own bread with organic spelt berries. I activate the grain to the point of just sprouting, then turn the softened grains into a wet dough in my vitamix. I add egg, magnesium, selenium, salt, vinegar, yeast some water or milk. After rising it goes Into my air-fryer in two small pans. Sometimes I make biscotti with the mix, always aiming to up the protein level. Some pumpkin seeds, walnuts, coconut, butter…the recipe is open ended.


I would like a part 2 where you dig deeper into your alternatives.


If you eat coconut oil, when the container is empty, fill it half full with pop corn kernels. Shake vigorously. Then when you want microwave popcorn, put a half of a cup of kernels into a brown bag, like the ones we use for children's lunches. Roll the end shut - an inch or two of rolling is plenty, then put the bag into the microwave, cook for 2 to 3 minutes or until the popping has stopped, then salt with Redman's salt and enjoy. I like mine with sparkling water. Don't worry about a tight seal on the bag as you wish to allow steam to escape.


I don’t eat anything that contains sugar, glucose. No foods out of boxes. Only freshly cooked by self. No commercials food whatsoever. At the restaurant I only order chicken fillet with olive oil or steak. I learnt so much to be able to make healthy food choices and still being able to be in a social environment. Thats thanks to explosion of quality YouTube content like this one.


I love how this Doc has so much energy.

A living testament of how your diet makes you youthful ♥️


I had chronic fatigue and pain for years. I was constantly being told that it's my fault because I don't manage my stress properly (which isn't true but hearing that for the umpteenth would, in fact, make me stressed). Finally a holistic doctor ran an allergy panel on me and it turned out I'm allergic to wheat, which reminded me that my brother was so strongly allergic to wheat as a baby that he was initially diagnosed with coeliac's, but eventually outgrew it so it must have been just an allergy. My allergy isn't strong but it's strong enough to have completely messed up my gut microbiome with years of constant inflammation. I removed wheat from my diet just over a week ago and started a probiotic regime and let me tell you, it's life-changing. I know it'll take weeks for everything to settle down but already I feel so much better!


Add nutritional yeast to your popcorn. Life changing !!


Yes, I have cut out these foods. The fruit in the US has no taste! Overseas, the fruit is delicious!


Small sardines and mackerel are the least polluted fish and very healthy.
Great video, I agree with you, however concerning Kombucha, depends on...the one I buy has only 2 % sugar in it, seems ok.
But my favourite drink is carbonates water with lemon.
Keep healthy !


You make me feel better about what I eat after hearing your list😂 I have always gone long periods of time without eating but I just thought I didn't need food or had a stronger resistance to temptation, whatever it is I appreciate it and I appreciate your videos!
