The PERFECT Push Workout (PUSH | PULL | LEGS)

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The perfect push workout is a component of a push, pull, legs workout split which is one of the most common training splits for building muscle and strength. In this video, I’m continuing the perfect workout series and bringing you the perfect push workout to build a bigger chest, shoulders, and triceps. Not only am I going to provide the exercises, but I’m breaking down all the sets and reps to make sure you don’t miss out on any muscle gains.

A PPL split is a pull, push, and legs workout program that can be laid out a few different ways, but I’m showing you my favorite. One thing to note is how to sequence this training split; repeating each workout day twice in sequence for 6 straight workout days in a row before a rest day. This option allows for a predictable schedule but compromises rest in the process.

The other way to perform a PPL split is take a rest day after the first 3 workouts. Perform another 3 days and then rest once again. This asynchronous split causes unpredictable rest days, but allows for more recovery which leads to overall better muscle gains.

Below is Push Workout 1:

- Bench Press - 4 x 4-6 (leave 1-2 in the tank)
- Hi-to-Low Crossover - 3 x 10-12 (post-pressing adduction)
- DB Shoulder Press - 4 x 8-10 (standing movement)
- 1.5 Side Lateral Raises - 3 x 12-15 (direct side delt activation)
- Lying Triceps Extensions 3 x 10-12 into DB Waiter Curls - 3 x 10-12
- Rotator Cuff ER - 3 x 15-20 (rotator cuff strengthening and shoulder stability / health)

With any push workout, it is essential to include a heavy compound movement and in this case, it’s the classic bench press. This particular exercises allows for overload on all 3 major pushing muscles, the chest, triceps, and shoulders together. With 4 sets of 4-6 reps, make sure to choose a weight where you can perform in the given rep range with 1-2 reps left in the tank.

Next in this push day is the hi-to-low crossover. This exercise provides adduction of the chest that most pressing movements do not as they don’t allow for the arms to travel across the midline of the chest. Taking the chest through its full range of motion is necessary to get a bigger chest in the long run.

The DB shoulder press is performed standing instead of sitting because pressing your back in the bench while pressing overhead interferes with scapular movement. The utilization of dumbbells in this particular workout not only allows for the bench press to be the compound exercise of choice, but it also helps to expose any imbalances one might have.

The 1.5 side lateral raises allow for direct side delt activation that is ignored in the previous exercises of this perfect push workout, all of which are heavily influencing the front delts. This direct focus on the side delts will help to build overall bigger shoulders.

As we did in the Perfect Pull Workout, we are including both triceps and biceps as a superset here in our push workout. The arms get targeted with a superset with the lying triceps extensions into a DB waiter’s curl. Including both biceps and triceps on a push day accrues for extra volume that is necessary for building muscle.

To finish up this push workout, I included the banded rotator cuff external rotation as our corrective for the day. It is a phenomenal way to build shoulder health and stability, something necessary for any effective push day workout as well as promoting general shoulder health and safety.

Here is what Push Workout 2 looks like:

- Barbell Overhead Press - 4 x 4-6 (leave 1-2 in the tank)
- Underhand DB Bench Press - 3 x 8-10
- Abduction Rows - 3 x 10-12
- Floor Flys - 3 x 10-12
- Triceps Close Grip Bench Press - 3 x 6-8 into DB Curl of Choice - 3 x 10-12
- Pushup Plus - 3 x F

Utilizing both of these workouts will serve as your push workout in the PPL workout split. Alternate these two workouts whenever the push day of the PPL split shows up on the calendar. Remember to select weight that will allow for failure in the prescribed rep ranges, aiming to add more weight each time the workout appears.

For more videos on how to build muscle and strength with a push pull legs workout split, be sure to subscribe to our channel via the link below and don’t forget to turn on your notifications so you never miss a new video when one comes out.
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Push 1:
6:00 List
2:10 *4x4-6* Barbell Bench Press 【Leave 1-2 reps in the tank】
2:38 *3x10-12* High-to-Low Crossover
3:15 *4x8-10* DB Shoulder Press
3:57 *3x12-15* 1½ Side Laterals
5:03 *3x10-12* Lying Tricep Extensions*
5:10 *3x10-12* DB Waiter's Curls*
5:53 *3x15-20* Rotaor Cuff External Rotation

Push 2:
10:25 List
6:32 *4x4-6* Barbell OHP 【Leave 1-2 reps in the tank】
7:08 *3x8-10* DB Underhand Bench Press
8:00 *3x8-10 Each Arm* Abduction Row
8:30 *3x10-12* DB Floor Flys
9:16 *3x6-8* Close Grip Bench Press *
9:37 *3x10-12* DB Curl of Choice*
10:04 *3xF* Pushup Plus

*Super set with other marked exercise


As of today, 1.6M views on push workout and 1.6M views on pull workout. But only 927k views on leg workout. Don’t skip leg day folks! 😄🦵


I have been doing this PPL routine for three weeks and at 63 I see amazing results. Thanks Jeff - you are my work out inspiration !


Jeff you’re a legend. All of this useful information and you’re giving it away to millions of people for free, helping lots of people improve their physical health. You deserve it all whatever you want in life.


So I like to think I do well in the gym, but I just completed Push 1 and I didn't realize how good both hi-lo crossovers ad lying triceps really were. Best workout I've had in awhile. Thanks Jeff!


Thanks Jeff! I did your push pull leg split for 6 months in high school and I had a shoulder injury at one point and never had it checked out, but the corrective work that you posted helped me recover. In a couple weeks of light training and rotator corrective movements I was able to get back to lifting heavy again. We all really appreciate your dedication and the knowledge you share, thanks!


bro.. the things that you're giving out for the community for free, just so that they'd get into getting in shape, its amazing. i've gone to an LA fitness in toronto for about 6 months, paid close to 100/hr for one of their 'better' trainers, and they made me do bro splits the whole time. i was always sore, always discouraged, and after saving up my motivation for months, it was a real kick to the groin. fast forward 4 years later, i've been doing your PPL workouts for over a year now from the 3 videos of this set exactly as you recommended, asynchronously. my brother, i look good now, and feel even better. thank you. every time i look in the mirror and feel that pride swelling up, i remember how u were the man who had the golden rules that got me here. im grateful. thank u


Thank you! I’ve been waiting for this series. I’ve been making my own perfect push/pulls by combining all of your perfects together, but I’m so glad to see what you came up with!


Jeff is the type of guy who would tell his dumbbells what muscle groups they are being lifted with.


Thanks for your posts Jeff. They are really much appreciated. I've been on and off watching your videos for over 9 years now. And its great to see that your still helping us all. Keep up the amazing work. And thanks again. It is appreciated and loved.


*NOTIFICATION SQUAD GIVEAWAY* - It’s back!! Alright guys, I’m giving away a complete 30 Day Workout program to 100 lucky clickers within the first hour this video is published! Remember, this is NOT THE FIRST 100, but those randomly selected within the first hour the video is published. Click the link to see if you’ve won. No strings attached! 

If you don’t win, no worries, you’re not going away empty handed. Just be sure you have your notifications turned on so you can get to my next video quickly and try again. Good luck and thanks for being a loyal subscriber…


jeff skipped a workout one day and that is why we have rest days


Started this June 1st. Stopped smoking and started back exercising. Muscles sore! I love this PPL! I’ve never really looked forward to exercising until I came across this. I’m highly motivated and I know I just started but I feel and look a little stronger. Definitely something I see myself doing long-term!


I‘be been doing the PPL sets for a couple of weeks now -- love it! The other night I was doing Push2. I was doing my DB floor flys, and as I walked over to the dumbbell rack I spotted a guy on the bench doing some underhanded dumbbell bench presses. Now that is an unusual exercise, and I thought, “Could it be?” Sure enough, as I was moving on to my close-grip barbell bench press I see him doing those DB abduction rows. Aha!

So I asked him before I left if he was doing the Athlean-X PPL splits, and he said, “Yes! Good eye!” Made a new gym buddy. Thanks, Jeff!


PERFECT Timing! This video went live literally minutes before my push workout :D


Dang. I haven’t watched your channel in years. When I first followed you I think it was 2015 and you we’re running sprints in your backyard with a few thousand subs. Now you’ve got 11.6M subs and a fully equipped gym ...absolutely amazing


I love how this guy is committed to mastering his craft. I just love it and find it inspiring. No matter what your occupation, be a “master craftsman” and you will stand out from the pack. Thanks for this great material. Already learning so much. Great work!


Absolutely love this series. I spent the last few months *finally* cutting off my COVID weight (got up to 185 18% BF but now I'm down to 165 and 11%), and I'm glad I rediscovered this page that helped me get into great shape my junior year in '17. Just started this split last week, and I'm able to get through each routine in 45 minutes with a killer sweat and pump before finishing off with some abs. Can't wait to get back to my athletic peak now that I've shed off the pandemic baby fat. Wish I had started sooner. Thanks again Jeff and Co.


I love these videos. So far in just a few weeks of watching them, I've resolved some upper back problems (face pulls and pull-ups), increased my 1 rep max by 20lbs in one workout (plugging the energy leaks), and my skinny ass has seen bigger and better physical gains by following Jeff's advice than I did in the prior 5 months (when I started). It makes me believe I might actually get to the point where I'm no longer the tall skinny guy.


Does he have a Push and Pull video like this because it’s pure gold 😩
