Lose Lower Belly Fat Fast - 5 Proven Ab Exercises | How to Reduce Belly Fat & get Lower Abs Workout

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Learn how to LOSE LOWER BELLY FAT FAST with 5 Easy Proven lower ab exercises. Wondering how to reduce belly fat and get rid of it for good? Check out this lower abs workout for the best v cut exercises to burn lower belly fat for men and women!

#1 Val Slide Pikes 2:08
#2 Leg Raise Pulse Ups 3:03
#3 Reverse Weighted Crunches 3:20
#4 TRX Knee Tucks 3:44
#5 Dragon Flags 5:14

alright enough of that...what if I was to tell you that these two common ab exercises that I just showed are pretty much completely useless when done this way. You'd be pretty shocked right? Especially since every fitness magazine, and fitness expert is telling you to do leg raises and to build nice v-cut lower abs. Well I'm telling you not to do these exercises. And to be more specific I'm telling you that you're just working your abs plain wrong. Let me show you what I mean.
So first you have to understand a little more about how your abs work. First of all that six pack that everybody knows loves and wants is just one out of four major portions of your abs and is known as the rectus abdominis. You still also have a transverse abdominis which is your deepest layer abdominal muscle and that muscle is responsible for keeping your core tight, supporting your lower back, and pulling your stomach in. And then we also have our internal and external obliques responsible primarily for lateral flexion and rotation. The rectus abdominis or "the 6 pack" is the muscle you want to work when you're trying to build your lower abs and its main responsibility is trunk flexion. And its super important to realize what that is to build abs more effectively. Trunk flexion is simply put bending around the trunk area. Now there's a big difference when that happens in the trunk area and when that happens in the hip and pelvic area. When that movement happens in the hip and pelvic area that's when you start working your hip flexors not your abs. So let's get back to the gym so I can show you the proper way to get shredded lower abs with 5 exercises that'll be done in a way that you may have never seen before.

For the first lower ab exercise we're going to do a pike with valslides and a resistance band. Remember resistance and weights are important for building ab muscles so try to incorporate weights and increase resistance as often as you can. So for the pike if you're using a resistance band wrap it around something sturdy and then put your valslides directly under the resistance band. Then step with your toes in the center of the valslides and wrap the resistance band around your ankles. Next you're going to walk out until you feel that the resistance is challenging enough and then you're going to attempt to bring your toes to your hands. Keep in mind even in a position like this we're still going for trunk flexion. When your butt gets to the top of movement try to curl your hips into your abs and chest. A regression for this movement would be to remove the resistance band. For the next exercise we're gonna correct the leg raises we were doing wrong earlier. But just raising your legs up and down you're working mostly your hip flexors. You can do leg raises if you incorporate a crunch in your trunk area at the end of the movement with a pulse up for example. Or another way to do this entirely is to bend your knees put a weight between your feet and do a variated form of reverse crunches from there. Again you would want to try to curl your hips and knees into your abs and chest. And really make sure that you squeeze.

By doing this exercise on a bench you'll be able to stretch past the point of neutral getting more muscle fiber recruitment. For the next lower ab exercise we have T-Rex knee tucks. And it's just as important as ever that you do this correctly to actually Target your lower abs. Start with your feet inside the T-Rex and come up into a push-up position then you tuck your knees to your chest and again make sure you try to curl your hips to engage your core. You can actually also do Pikes with the T-Rex as well and if done correctly it could be the progression for T-Rex knee tucks. Just remember to curl those hips in. Now we're going to correct the hanging knee tucks that we were doing earlier. Just hanging off of a bar and throwing your knees up and down without using your hips is useless. And I would say that's what most people do whenever they do Hanging knee tucks or hanging leg raises. Doing it this way once again only works your hip flexors not your lower abs. Take a wild guess what you have to do to get the ABS involved in this movement? You guessed it you have to have that trunk flexion. So when..
Рекомендации по теме

I can see my abs are so close but my lower abs look like I'm storing stuff there


I don’t even care about abs I just don’t wanna have a lower belly fat


for the first time i actually feel my lower abs being sower and no more hip pain on leg raises, great video thank you


I started skipping again. Always seemed to be the most effective at losing belly fat or any fat for that matter, but with a good regular ab/core workout 2-3 times a week with 1 hour everyday of skipping and 2-3 months you will be able to see at the very least your ab layout. If it's symmetrical or not. For me this time I only had one belly roll and love handles to lose, I was back to shredEd again. all my ab/core stuff is done with my back or butt on the floor, and I just mix it up all the time to keep it fun. Good luck everyone


I can see outlines of my abs but then my lower belly literally looks like I'm storing water in it.


Damn, the first two exercises are what I've been doing this whole time


Why so much hate? He is telling thing right. Nice video


Best advice is dieting. If you do regular weight training involving overhead pressing, squat variations, or any standing exercise, then your core is getting worked, because your core works to stabilise your entire body while lifting, pulling or pushing weights in an upright position.

Your abs would show up by themselves without any targeted exercise once you burn out the fat through diet and cardio.

Targeting it with exercises is actually not really necessary unless you're going for body building competitions


To sum up : Bend the trunk area in different exercises with resistance and weights.


Noticed how he flexed that Harvard shirt


I got a 4 pack so I used to think it’s just my genetics, people say I gotta train my lower abs more but i’m not so sure tbh, i’ll try to work my lower abs more to see if it’s just genetic


Great tips, brother - been doing a few things wrong - thank you 🔥


Leg raises is exactly how I got my lower abs.


Leg raises are outstanding IF you do them properly. the reason they are shit for 90% of people is because nobody does them right, swinging the legs using the back and adductors. You literally have to isolate focus and crunch the lower abs to do them. If you can do more than 8 without your lower abs being in crimpling cramping pain, you're doing them all wrong. When done properly there is zero doubt at all you are using your lower abs because they will cramp up brutally towards the end of the set. The way you are doing crunches on the bench is a classic example of doing them wrong. You are swinging the legs, the movement needed for this exercise is minimal, the legs can be bent set at a 90 degree angle to the hip, and you simply crush the abs inwards until your knees come to your chest, your legs should not swing or move at all. its a slow controlled movement and it BURN the lower abs when done correctly. And the last one you show which is essentially dragon flag isnt gfor lower abs at all, its for upper abs and serratus anterior.


Intermittent fast is from my experience the best thing to get abs fast by burning stubborn fat . I also do ramdan, exercice and Jump road 3 times a week and thats it you got your Abs !


Whoa....way crazy, after two lower back surgeries....ill have to work up to these.


The knee raises I do them right. I curl my lower abs and I feel it on my lower abs getting tight and it burns. I look in the mirror as well.


ill try this exercise bro, i really want to have a six pack bro, but here in the philippines we love to eat white rice that's my problem, hoho


I came here to learn about exercise, left with a biology degree loool


Sir, please help me with this. I was about 80 kg in weight at the age of 16. I had too much fat in my body. Then, I joined hostel for my education. The food I ate there was the worst during the nights and so I had to skip my dinner for so many days. Now I am 18, came out of the hostel and I weigh only 64. I lost too much fat and my belly skin became too saggy. Please help me with this. 😢
