Arguing with a Calvinist: Calvinists are So Prideful!!! #cwac #calvinist #reformed #churchhumor

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I also am good at winning arguments with myself


If you confess that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart you shall be saved.


It is Not prideful to choose to accept a free gift.


Calvinists don't know what non calvinists believe. They only know what celebrity calvinists tell them non calvinist believe. This is a great example.
Scriptural authority is why I reject calvinism.


Ah, the old "faith is a work" Jedi Calvinist mind trick


Bro, you totally destroyed that strawman


I've heard numerous Calvinists say, "We should just be glad that God chose to save ANY of us." Easy to say when you're one of the elect! The reason this position is prideful isn't because you're chosen. It's because your idea of "good news" is "The rest of you may be tortured for eternity for something you have no control over, but at least He chose ME!"


Let me be your interlocutor next time and see how that conversation should go 😊

I’ll even wear a hat and dark glasses if that helps 😂


I don’t think I’ve met a single Calvinist that didn’t believe himself or herself one of the elect. That is an interesting coincidence


Faith is non-meritorious.
So no, it's not prideful to choose to believe in Jesus.
Calvinists are wrong.


The real problem with Calvinism is that it states that God arbitrarily gives grace to some and not to others, meaning that salvation was not even offered to them. That is a massive perversion and is not what Scripture teaches.


Jesus died for everyone; for the whole world. That is a fact.

1 John 2:1

1 My little children, these things I write to you, so that you may not sin. And if anyone sins, we have an Advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous.
2 And He Himself is the propitiation for our sins, and not for ours only but also for the whole world.


Actually there is no way to know if you are elect from a Calvinist belief system


Ephesians 1:13. Paul states:
1) first a man hears the Gospel,
2) then he believes the Gospel,
3) then he is saved
in that order.

God does all the saving through the Power of the written or heard Gospel - IF you believe that truth. If you do, He regenerates you and gives you the Spirit of the Lord and eternal life. If a man does not believe God has provided this free gift of grace offered through His Son, God will judge him for His unbelief with everlasting punishment. That's fundamentally why Calvinism is false.

God doesn't choose to save individual people, He chooses to save a class of people - WHOSOEVER will believe His Gospel. And, He doesn't cast away people for no reason, before they're even born (that makes God a monster). He punishes people who willingly refuse His gift of grace, and continue on in their sin.

Mark 16:16
*_Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved; whoever does not believe will be condemned._*


I am a 4 point Calvinist but in my forty years of Christian experience some of the most intellectually prideful people I have ever met were Calvinists, if one truly believes the tenets then it should lead them to Humility,


what???? how can you believe that someone who made the Voluntary choice to pursue God is Prideful?!?!??? If a Calvinist views this to Exercise Faith to Voluntarily to pursue God as Prideful, this means that the Calvinist's Discernment is off. aka Perverted Reasoning. that's not Prideful to go to God. a Man who exercised Free Will to pursue God is not Arrogance, it's called Humility. How is it possible that a Calvinist does not understand the Correct Definition of what Humility VS Prideful is????!!! 🤦‍♂️


Show me a scripture where election and chosen is FOR SALVATION or DAMNATION.
John calvin says God sends people to eternal hell for his glory, Bible teaches God takes no pleasure for the destruction of the wicked and asks them to choose life.

If Calvinism was the ture Gospel, no pastor would have to go out of his way to slowly sneak in the doctrine of TULIP. Unfortunately there are endless testimonies where their churches where spilt because the pastor was not truthful.


Exactly!!! I love John MacArthur's quote where he says, I'm a calvinist because the bible didn't give me a choice. I was more in the arminian camp before I was born again. I grew thinking I was saved because I said the prayer and got baptized and I made the choices and did the things, all while living like everyone else. But then, I was born again at 35 and knew that it was all from God. Thank you, Father, for opening my eyes and ears, and changing my heart and mind to Your Truth. All glory to God alone. I get none.


False dichotomy. Arminianism is a branch off Calvinism. Both believe and affirm prevenient grace in order to be saved. They are not very different. Both have a skewed understanding of election.

Each use of the word "elect" and "chosen" have a context that differs. Be aware of that!


Jesus said whoever believes in Me shall not perish but have eternal life. Seems to me He's giving you a choice which you have to place your faith or not place your faith in Jesus Christ. This is why John 3:16 through 18 it's very clear. So it is not prideful if you accept or reject Christ is prideful When You Believe you yourself were chosen and your neighbor wasn't.
