Correcting False Beliefs about Calvinism

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Arminians often think that Calvinists do not evangelize. They fail to grasp the simple fact that most of the great 19th century evangelists were Calvinists, e.g., William Carey, Hudson Taylor, David Livingston, etc.


When I was a Mormon I GENUINELY believed that I was a Christian. I wanted to know Jesus and I'm pretty sure that most Mormons are the same way. The problem is that you won't get to know the Biblical Jesus until you're washed by the Word of God, which is a total catch 22 because Mormons are taught that the Bible has been corrupted throughout the years. PLEASE pray for Mormons to have their hearts softened so that they may read the Bible without their false predispositions and learn of Christ and His beautiful Gospel. They're drowning in lies and legalism. As frustrating as they are, don't give up on them! I was saved because long-suffering Christians taught me of the real, Biblical Jesus, and I am eternally grateful for their love. ☺️❤️


There's some people that don't want to listen but to be listened to because they think that they are knowledged.


I am a non-reformed Christian. I watch you guys a lot because I love Bible study and have a bunch of Mormon relatives. THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU for standing with me and declaring that Mormons are not Christians. Your passion for declaring the truth is inspiring! It is an unfortunately rare thing to do these days.


This is where all Bible believing Christian's can come together. Amen nice work God Bless


I listened to this whole Not a Issue against CALVINISM was raised .... Or You should honestly change the title of this video unless the title is click bait...


Love you guys. Praise Yeshua Jesus Christ!


Excellent analysis of TRUTH vs frauds My brothers, God's REAL TRUTH always prevails


I'm not a calvanist but I love this channel's content and I love James White too!


Jehovah's Witnesses also often misrepresent what Christianity teaches. It is not uncommon with cults. We all know that.


All of the great theological questions are coming back around for debate and this is a good thing. It will drive Christians toward the scripture. As humans we are built to build a religion. We have come far from what the early Christians taught. That is why we are experiencing epic failure in the church. I enjoy the debates when they come from a loving position which is what I generally get from Apologia.


Kwaku didn't want to listen, nor open himself to truth. It is common for Mormons to deflect criticism by pointing to the flaws they see in others or creating strawmen.


A man doesn’t choose to believe the Truth. The Truth is the power that brings belief in a man to life.

A man can never take credit for believing the Truth. If a man believes, it’s the Truth he should credit for his belief. His belief would not have life without the Truth being shown to him.

But a man can choose to deny, reject or suppress the Truth. Rejecting the Truth leads to his own demise. It is utterly destructive to reject the truth and can destroy many lives.

A man should receive all the credit for rejecting the Truth and should suffer rightly for it.


1) John Calvin, Institutes of the Christian Religion, Book III, Chapter 21, Paragraph 7: "...God by his eternal and immutable counsel determined once for all those whom it was his PLEASURE one day to admit to salvation, and those whom, on the other hand, it was
his PLEASURE to doom to destruction."
2) Ezekiel 18: 23, 32 (ESV): "Have I any PLEASURE in the death of the wicked, declares the Lord GOD, and not rather that he should turn from his way and live?" ... "For I have NO PLEASURE in the death of anyone, declares the Lord God, so turn and live."


Would love to see you guys have Leighton Flowers on as a guest.


John 3:20 For EVERY ONE that doeth evil HATETH THE LIGHT, NEITHER COMETH TO THE LIGHT, lest his deeds should be reproved.


Why don't you do a one on one debate between you and youtube Christian apologist Leighton Flowers about Calvinism. He is a former calvinist of 20+years with strong arguments against the theory of Calvinism. That's what your viewers want to see. Not you debating a guy who clearly doesn't fact check any of the lies he is taught from his elders in a devil cult. Thumbs up if anyone else's agrees


This is unrelated Jeff, but my wife and I wanted to donate to end abortion now, but kinda want to see a financial breakdown. How can we go about finding out about that?


Forget about the Catholic priest Calvin and believe the word of god.Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord Jesus will be saved and god wants all people to be saved and come to the knowledge of the truth.For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that whoever believes in Jesus will be saved . Calvin is not in the Bible just fix your eyes on Jesus the author and finisher of your faith and salvation.


Ezekiel 36 “I will” statement’s or Ephesians 2 just a couple of passages that shuts down this notion of “free will” outside of God’s sovereignty
