Все публикации

The Book of Enoch and Its Influence on Christianity | Dr. Margaret Barker

Unlocking the Mysteries of the Gospels: Discovering Matthew, Mark and Luke! | Dr. Mark Goodacre

John of History, Baptist of Faith: The Quest for the Historical Baptizer | Dr. James McGrath

The Gospel of John: A Beginner’s Guide to the Way, the Truth, and the Life | Dr. Amy-Jill Levine

The Jesus Deception: The Greatest Lie Ever Told | Dr. Nicholas Peter Legh Allen

The Apocryphon of James | Dr. Samuel Zinner

What if Josephus Knew Marcion's Gospel?: The Road to Emmaus and the Testimonium Flavianum

Jesus in Q: What Did The Historical Jesus Teach? | Dr. Dennis MacDonald

Paul the Apostles Letters Were Fabricated!!! | Dr. Nina Livesey

Perfect Martyr: The Stoning of Stephen | Dr. Shelly Matthews

Luke Chapters 1 and 2 Were Added Later!!! | Dr. Bart Ehrman

Flavius Josephus On Jesus: Luke's Road to Emmaus and the Testimonium Flavianum | Dr. Gary Goldberg

Q or Q+? Did Luke Use Matthew? | Dr. Dennis MacDonald Versus Dr. Bruce Chilton

Interpolations in First Corinthians: Were Paul's Letters Altered? | Dr. Frank Hughes

Luke-Acts Use of Homer | Dr. Dennis MacDonald

Egyptologist Says The Exodus Didn't Happen!

Marcion and Canonical Paul | Dr. Markus Vinzent

The Books of Jesus' Brother James | Mark M. Mattison

Pilates Lost Diary: Do We Really Have it? | Dr. James David Audlin

Paul and Pagan Gods | Dr. Paula Fredriksen

James Valliant’s Bogus Theory of a Roman Invention of Christianity | Dr. Carrier & Dr. Adair

The Real John the Baptist Unveiled! | Dr. Bruce Chilton

The Gospel Hoax: Morton Smith's Invention of Secret Mark | Dr. Stephen C. Carlson

The Historical Paul Unveiled | Dr. John Dominic Crossan