The Historical Paul Unveiled | Dr. John Dominic Crossan

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Paul the Pharisee celebrates not just the New-Paul as Jew but the New-New-Paul as Jewish Pharisee. Granted past Christian, Jewish, and Roman matrices of interpretation, this book explores the historical Paul through the fourth matrix of Evolution. (Think of those matrices as four Russian nesting Matryoshka dolls.) We are not on the Titanic; we are the iceberg. What, then, does Pauline “resurrection” have to do with human evolution?
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One theory suggests that resurrection originally came from Zoroastrianism. Pharisees borrowed this tradition and were polemically labeled "Parsis."


Wow this is an awesome video. Crossan is a real good teacher and scholar. He will maybe not like it but it is the profound catholic way of theological logic he follows, espc practized in Biblical scholarship in the 20th century of Germany and the Netherlands, called the Sitz im Leben approach. And Jacob your questions are spot on. Really great.


The first deity to rise from the dead after 3 days in the underworld was the Sumerian sky goddess Inanna. Read all about it in the poem named “The Descent and Exaltation of Inanna, ” written in the twenty-second century BCE.


For a slightly different interpretation of what Paul and the early church were doing, I suggest N.T. Wright's "Paul, a Biography".


Just to remind ourselves, Saul was not persecuting 'Christians', but the followers of the Way. The much later deviant branch that followed the false teachings of Saul, were only labelled 'Christians' in later times. What is very peculiar, is that clear references to the Way, can be found in Acts. However, there is no explanation for this group or following, so whatever previous references existed in earlier accounts, were most likely edited out by the Jewish religious authorities, as the teachings of that group or philosophy were not compatible with theirs. Interestingly, references to the Way can be found in the Dead Sea Scrolls, where it referrs to 'men groping for the Way'.
Saul, likewise was violently averse to the same tradition, as recounted in Acts, formed his own following, which in due course developed into the root of the mainstream Christian religion. The rest is history.


16:51 Jacob holds back his evidence based theory of Saul/Paul's murder of James.
Honorable to allow your guest to lay out their ideas. Cheers, Jacob!!

I love the way Dom expresses his ideas


Gustav Volkmar suggested in 1857, "Die Religion Jesus", that Mark's Jesus is a parable for Paul. And Robert Eisenman says that the Pharisees are a euphemism for those of the Jamesian persuasion. Paul is the sower who went out to sow in Antioch, but birds of the air (scribes/teachers of the Law) come from James devoured the seed that Paul planted, robbing Paul of his labors. Peter was stony ground in Antioch, and at first received Paul's word but Peter had no root, and when persecution arose from James because of Paul's word, then Peter separated himself like a hypocritical Pharisees from Paul's little dogs (children) of the Gentiles. Jesus' family and the scribes and Pharisees and chief priests of the Way are without and fulfill Isaiah 6:9-12 because they deny Paul and Paul's Jesus Christ and choose instead the Jesus Barabbas of Revelation 2:7. Perhaps in the process of rehabilitating Jesus in the image of Paul, Mark also starts rehabilitating Paul into a somewhat less radical prophet of the end times. The fullness of the Gentiles must come in first, but the Jerusalem church could not watch even one hour, implying that Paul could?


Low frequency noise appears in the video


Is there archaeological evidence that Peter embraced Paul in the first century? I find it doubtful since Paul said he humiliated Peter in Antioch, i.e., "Peter stood condemned". I doubt they would embrace even if James & Co. were to condemn Peter and excommunicate him. The embrace just sounds like an urban legend that gained currency until it became accepted "fact" in Christian circles in Italy and beyond.


Apostle (or whoever took and wrote the 2 Corinthians letter) mentions the name, "King Aretas IV, " (the 4th) during the time of Herod Antipas on in 37 A.D. so that means that the 2 Corinthians letter had to have been written either ("during, ") or after the writer had heard or had already had known that name already


SOME bills are coming due [profound thought]


Tell the murdered Women and Children about the Hope😢


Who's this O'Reilly he keeps mentioning?


The writer of the book of Acts writing to Theoplilus also takes and writes to Theoplilus telling Theoplilus about the emperor Claudius's reign on in the verse's of Acts 11:28 verse and Acts 18:2 verse


15:10 "we have those that in the famous belt *Christian belt buckle* found at stabia there for dates be before 79 of the first century because that's under vesuvius's lava " <- *what?* We shouldn't let Crossan just throw this out. I know there are claims of Christian symbols in Pompeii, though those claims come from religious types who are reading into ordinary symbols a Christian meaning. The auto-Transcript likely got the spelling wrong: the community is Stabiae. The only info on a belt buckle from Stabiae was one example of a buckle with symbols indicating the wearer was of the Praetorian Guard.


If paul was in factual, a Jewish person, was firstly never liked new stuff, how is in the Christians bible new testament, this is where Paul proclamation that Jesus is lord, is messiah, is Evan God, the Christian Bible new testament on jesus being called God, by Christians of today, has practically been the reason for my looking at that and saying, I don't want to be associating with Christianity any longer, if the Christians version of Jesus is that Jesus is God, as the Moses ten commandments, states that only God is God, and to not make images of God, not to pray to a human being, God has no-one in front of him, or beside him, so how can Jesus be sitting beside God, if it's said this is not the case?? Also, the Christians say the way to pray is to directly pray to Jesus firstly, then that's how god takes Pitty on you and forgives you, ???? The catholics say the sacrament, this is my body ?? And the Christians say the blood if Jesus?? I can't believe this stuff, when this seems like it is, in controversy, with the first actual Jesus man himself was saying to his students, who he was teaching the Torah to, he said stuff like pray to God, your supposed to pray to God, for forgiveness and mercy on you, for the sins you do, but you must actually truly be sure that you are actually saying true that you are in sadness of feeling guilty about them, your sorrow of wrong doings, you have regret that you did, this is to God you plead to about it, God to bless you, not a person


Apostle Paul ties his event to Damascus ("before, ") the event of the time that the book of Acts was written


Book of Acts the names written on in it can be tied to the time when the letter's of Paul were written


Classic American Church
No word about Gaza and the Genocide that Israel and US


I always enjoy Crossan, though I don't agree with much of what he says in speculative terms (he's very good in factual terms though). HIs example of MLK is way out there. His violent heart of civilization idea is simply wrong.

The violent heart of Yahweh far exceeds in scope anything Rome did. The Israelites expected it to be a violent world, because Yahweh had allowed them so many, many, times to be obliterated (in addition to the times Yahweh did it himself) Paul is a very typical apocalyptic religious founder tormented by personal doubts, not doubts about civilization.

Good video, I enjoyed.
