The Real John the Baptist Unveiled! | Dr. Bruce Chilton

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Dr. Bruce Chilton needs to be booked in for further talks.


Really good. Two is known in religious circles that "rites" which are developed for teaching occur within small time frames however these teaching rights teach a spectrum of events that occur over thousands of years. Taking such rights literally one could surmise that all these events takes place perhaps over a few hours...which they did not. They are developed to give understandings. So taking a non literal approach to the scriptures and assuming they are composed to "teach" instead of instruct in literal history...a whole different approach to spirituality can emerge. I agree with this author...."scriptures" are "composed" to teach. This removes all the issues that come when one tries to understand such as literal history. Organizations have such teachings today for instance freemasonry, Rosicrucianism, Mormonism etc. Many mystical or esoteric versions of Suffism, Zorastrianism and others also do this....the key is "non literalism" with the heart being paramount and the symbols of the culture the initiate finds himself being used to impress the "teachings" upon him/her. Welcome to the correct view of scripture...imo of course. Peace. Now the scriptures and rights and rituals do contain parts of history but history is then used also as a teaching tool and not literal in every respect. Just like time can be can events. The meaning of that event on the initiate is what is important...and the initiates understanding of the event ...not the literal details which means. Literalism is only one small part...of the teachings contained in rights and ....literature ie sacred scripture. Also the composers bias is also contained in such and as we know...bias can be in error also hence the updating of such rites and literature to the current culture.


a very heartwarming intro. "i hope you had a nice summer. PAUSE. Yes. PAUSE. I had a great time. "


There is potentially one item to improve my dating of John:
As Chilton mentioned the death of Drusus had Grippa again act and we can maybe workout the marriage status.

What bugs me somewhat is that late dating of John 36AD brings an accumulation of events:
- Pilate has his skirmishes with the Samaritans.
- It is the last possible date for Jesus death
- it is the most likely year of the war with Aretas.
- it is thus also the latest possible year of John's death.
gMark creates a triangle not of love between John - Jesus - the Herodians, but totally omits the Samaritans.
gMark also affiliates John with Aretas.
gMark has also a geographical scheme:
- John from the south is killed by a northers leader
- Jesus from the north is killed by a southern leader
So i do not trust Mark's story.
The question remains why Mark created John and Jesus as opponents in a not so hidden manner.


I really admire Chilton's work and I absolutely love listening to him on your podcasts, especially his rather dramatic extreme close-ups when he leans into the camera on his computer- it's become his trademark!


21? I've never heard that early. He lays it out clearly. I'm excited to see with my own eyes


Just fyi regarding the names:
Antipas divorced his first wife Phasa'el, the daughter of King Aretas IV of Nabatea, in favour of Herodias, who had formerly been married to his half-brother Herod II. (Antipas was Herod the Great's son by Malthace, while Herod II was his son by Mariamne II.)
Wikipedia excerpt


You should have Linwood Jackson Jr. back on and booked to talk about John because his perspective on John the Baptist is extensive and fascinating


He is a very clear and thoughtful speaker. It would seem he could discuss any part of the regions history seamlessly. 🎉
Squeaky chair could be replaced. 😅


The marriage of Herod Antipas to his brother's wife wasn't the nature of the scandal.... this was known as a Levirite Marriage" and ALLOWED in the Levitical Law; but NOT while your brother was STILL alive, as was Herod Phillip! If a man died without leaving issue (children) by his wife, his brother was to marry her and "raise seed to his brother" that the lineage would not die out.
(Deuteronomy 25:5-10)


You don't know how John did baptism. He could have had his own way.


But the reference to Jesus in Josephus has been shown to be a forgery.


I wondered how he was going to get any history out of John the Baptist. Talk about other people the whole time, really slowly.


Chilton is surprisingly unaware of the Essene practice of conversion-baptism for membership in the group, still the case within Judaism to this day.


On, y the Bible tells us about John the Baptist. So what do you mean the real John the Baptist


God talks to me. He told me the name of John the Baptist is an misinterpretation. His actual name is Jim, Jim the Baptist.


By 25 CE would place Jesus near 30, if evidences for 5 BC birth are correct.
Very interesting talk!


A claudian : Nero Julius Ceasar, Jochanan ben Zakkai aka Crispus,
Quartus, ben Pandera and bar Kamtza. son of Germanicus. succeeded by
Simon bar Jonah as replacement for Gaius Julius Ceasar, Caligula.
The eldest of germanicus 3 sons is Drusus Julius Ceasar ( Stephanos ).
( as usual HV and guests don't have a clue ).
There is a strong tradition to place the claudians somewhere in the Levant
(syria, palestine, nabatea, idumea) but they aren't Herodians.


Dr. Bruce Chilton is 100% full of shit but he’s so entertaining I listen for the entertainment value


Mt Zion is the same as Mt Helicon, the birth place of Narcissus. If you understand the construct found in the pontic Argo Navis search of the golden fleece you might understand that the binding of Isaac is the same as the chaining of Andromeda. Isaac is laughinng as the Torah was created to give legitamacy to the hasmonean dynasty, as their book of law, and is a conglomeration of texts collated from the middle east with the undertanding of Greek myth that predates the judeans return from babylon. King Hezekiah bulla will show judeans pratising egyptian theology and the red heifer prophesy is egyptian sun worship cult Book of the Heavenly Cow. The sacking of Alexandrian library by the Romans was to hide the switch and to cover up the ruse. Democrasy is created from this, a franchise given to the wealthy that can defend the ideology using the construct. The Globus Cruciger is an inverted Ankh. Joshua son of Nun is egyptian myth Nu, and this is connected to Baptism as well as alot of stories in the scriptures. Take care,
