7 Real Life Signs Your Ex Is Miserable Without You

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7 Real Life Signs Your Ex Is Miserable Without You

The great thing about having an audience is we get to see different success stoires, and different strategies that work to get an ex back. And also, we get to see the signs that show that your ex is miserable without you.

The 7 Signs Your Ex Is Miserable Without You

Sign #1 – Glorification Of The High Points Of The Relationship
This is an interesting sign that we notice often times when you communicate with your ex, you will had different types of reactions standoff, forward and interested in talking to you, but when your ex is miserable without you they will glorify the high points of the relationships and also someone who is thinking a lot about you when they are without you

Sign #2 - Their Fatal Flaw Is How Stubborn They Are
When you are looking at an ex who is miserable without you, and this goes hand in hand with their misery. Some people are so stubborn they are the ones who broke up with you can be the sorce of their misery as they won't go back on their word. Someone who was being stubborn won't admit that they are wrong.

Sign #3 – They Envy Your Successes
One thing that we push on our website is to teach everyone to be “Ungettable”. There is a lot of ideas and strategies into what it takes to become “Ungettbale”. Which involves different aspects of your life, which is health wealth and relations ions with your friends and family. And your ex beings to envy this, and this is where you see through social media you post about a big promotion in work and posted about it. And your ex is the first one to react. If you notice this pattern where your ex is taking notice of what you are doing, they are probably thinking about you and miserable without you.

Sign #4 - After A Long-term Relationship With You, They Keep Going On The Rebound
If you were your exes last long term relationship and he has since had three to four new people who he has slept with shows how miserable he is as he is trying to distract himself from the feelings he are dealing with, instead of dealing with the fact they are miserable without you. They spend time dating to distract themselves just to not deal with their feelings.

Sign #5 - A significant increase in their contact with you
So, after you have completed the no contact you notice that your ex is getting in touch with you more and more. Think of the cause and effect chain here, if being away from you is making them miserable, they are going to embrace a way to stop those feelings from happening. So, if he is getting in touch with you often then you show that the intensity is increasing it is a sign that your ex is interested in you

Sign #6 - On Social Media They’ll Be Sad And Their Actions With Reflect That
Now we’ve all seen the meme how men and women handle break ups, how women are sad and upset but then blossom into happiness and where men at the start are happy and then they start becoming depressed. But perhaps the most hilarious part about the meme is how true it is. Women tend to come to us immediately after the break up and after working with us they feel they have moved past the break up and blossom. Where men are the opposite they start to feel depressed, making a load of mopey comments on social media and great examples of men who are miserable after the break up.

Sign #7 – Your Ex Has Become A Hermit
So, this video has become about manipulating emotions, this whole video is about how people who do things without dealing with their feelings. And if your ex is an extremely extroverted person, and they become a hermit. It shows that they are not feeling themselves and are miserable.

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Becoming a hermit not necessarily is to be miserable. Actually is a PERFECT time to think deeply about what happened in the relationship, and how to become a better human for people in general. Going hermit means going deeper into our internal being to accept life the way it is and eventually to move on.


#1 - 1:25 - The glorification of the High Points of the Relationships.
#2 - 2:27 - Their fatal flaw is how "stubborn" they are.
#3 - 3:23 - Your ex envies your successes.
#4 - 4:53 - After a long term relationship with you they can't stop going on the rebound.
#5 - 6:19 - A significant increase in their contact with you.
#6 - 7:34 - On social media they will be sad and their actions reflect that (note: come on guys, this one is tautological)
#7 - 9:08 - Your ex becomes a hermit.


My long distance ex showed up to bring Christmas presents. (6 hour round journey). Thanks to your videos I kept it light and friendly. We laughed a lot. Even got a hug, which he didn’t do. No idea if it’s him wanting us to get back together or not, but it’s a start. Love your videos.


But how do you know these if there is zero contact???


Was in love (addictionship) with a narcissist. 2.5 months after I was discarded, I was triggered by an article of hers and slipped and called her. I’ve read several articles about Narcissism and the trauma bond. I miss her like crazy, but I know it is in my best interest to not be with her. I’m human and hate the fact I have these feelings for her. Now I have to start the clock over.


we had a 30 yr history...the last 10 long distance emotional affair, he sent me a photo he looks sad and has lost weight


wow. i cant relate. my ex doesn't care eventho he seems sad but he isn't reaching out to me :')


I believe if your ex is truly miserable without you, they would not jump into the next relationship within minutes of leaving you. Now, either they were cheating on you with Ms. Instant-A$$ or they found an ex from the past (i.e., grammar, middle, high school, college) that they know would take him back at the drop of a hat under ANY circumstance.


Wow...Chris ..great signs....pleased to hear from you...❤️❤️


My confirmation. 🤷🏽‍♀😌 . he's my past not my future.


7:55 ‘yay ding dong the witch is dead’ 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


My ex started a relationship with someone 2 mnths after breakup and now one month after being with her he told me she is moving in with him....to me this sounds like a rebound because he is having financial problems too


I was on limited to no contact with my ex (the dumper) for a week now (we needed to talk about when and how I'd get my stuff back). Suddenly his writing style got super tame, understanding... He admitted to having made mistakes as well, and even ASKED ME IF I WANTED TO STAY FRIENDS!? Which he declined when I asked him before going no contact TWO WEEKS AGO. Now I turned his offer down, and I wonder if that was a mistake from my side now. He even said I could contact him whenever I'm ready. We ended on EXTREMELY bad terms, so I'm confused to the max how one week of limited contract turned his choice of words 180° around. I told him that in cases of personal emergencies he could contact me as well, and that I'm not angry just bc I decided to move on now. He also asked me "if you're not done with me yet, why are you being so distant?". Ahhh the confusion ... Please anyone give me some input!


But if someone only wants you because you’re ungettable, then when they do actually get you won’t they just stop wanting you?


Even with me, Initially she liked and unliked my post, indirectly notifying me that she is available after few months I wished her Christmas and New Year, but recently she started liking my post....what that does mean...should I need to follow her, because she might be following my post indirectly...what signal she is giving me. I am confused...even though I still love her.


See mines knows how to say “I love you” “ I miss you” but don’t know how to say he wants me back😂


What if he sends you a friend request on Facebook but isn’t messaging or liking or commenting on anything ?!


If I was his first proper relationship what does that mean would the rebound be more intense even tho he’s a rusher he has no patience to go slow in the relationship that why he ended it with me


He remarried but continued to speak bad about me and tell lies


After 23 days of radio silence with my ex...my unblocked me 2 days ago and she just posted like ..oneday someone will come but that I won't care ..what doest that mean, should I respond to her post or continue no contact please help
