Dumbbell Leg Workout For Men Over 40 (BUILD BIGGER LEGS!)

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If you are looking to get a good leg workout, even when you are at home..all you need is a set of dumbbells to make it happen. You can also use resistance bands if you have those as well. You can either add these exercises to your current leg workout, or use these exercises in their own leg workout. Use these exercises, and you are going to get some bigger legs in no time. Let’s get started with the exercises in this dumbbell leg workout for men over 40.

This is going to be a circuit-style workout, and you are going to rest for 60 seconds between each exercise. After you get done with the first round, rest for 2 minutes then repeat this for a total of 3-5 circuits, depending on your current fitness level.

Exercise #1: HEEL-ELEVATED DUMBBELL SQUATS. You can use anything you have to help elevate your heels about an inch off of the ground. This is going to help place more emphasis on your quadriceps. It will also allow you to go deeper in the squat position. Control the movement, do not just drop down to the floor.

Exercise #2: DUMBBELL RDL. This is going to work the hamstrings, glutes, and lower back. Stick your butt out then hinge at the hips to start the movement. Ride the dumbbells down your legs, till you get just past your knees. You want the dumbbells close to your body, if they are out in front of you it is going to put unneeded stress on your lower back.

Exercise #3: GOBLET SQUAT. Have your feet slightly wider than shoulder width apart, and hold one dumbbell up to your chest. Get in a deep squat position, and it may take a couple reps to loosen up the hips. Keep the dumbbell close to your chest and not out in front of you, to avoid putting stress on your lower back.

Exercise #4: ALTERNATING REVERSE LUNGES. You can do walking lunges, or you can do reverse lunges which feel more natural on your knees. Step back, drop down then stand straight up. You are going to alternate from let to let on each rep.

Alright guys, that wraps up this video tutorial with a dumbbell leg workout for men over 40, that you can do at home. Give this workout a try to help you get bigger legs from home. Subscribe to our channel for more videos on how to build more muscle and strength.
Рекомендации по теме

Very surprised to not see the Bulgarian Split squat on this…seems much preferred to a Goblet squat. Issue I think most have with goblet squats is the amount they can hold limits them…arms / upper body gets tired way before your legs so its a limiting lower body exercise.


will try this next workout... It's always good to mix things up and hit muscles differently imo...


Yes, always work hard and increase weight when you feel other weight before is not very hard anymore...also increase weight in small doses... you want to keep form and reps in your target range...


You are freaking great man. With the reasons & purposes. I would've injured myself at 47yrs if I didn't have vida like you & your partner w/ texas accent


I’m looking to mix things up. I’ve gone through all 4 phases multiple times. Just curious-can I add a round of calf raises to this workout?


What excercise do you recommend to build your quads for bad knees?


How can I warm my knees? Always have difficult time trying to warm up my legs . Any advice would be appreciated


Thanks Gary great video I need to lose some weight thanks


Ruin your knees fast with one leg lunges or anything one leg.
Especially over 50s. Two legs uses synergy and dramatically reduce stress on the delicate knee joint!


Is there really any need to do more than 10 reps? Wouldn't it be better to just increase weight?


What can I do if I can't lunge thanks


Why are your heels elevated? Thank you so much.
