How to improve your gut health | David Atherton and Professor Tim Spector

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What does a winner of The Great British Bake Off know about improving your gut health?

As it turns out, quite a lot.

Star baker David Atherton joins Tim to share his top tips for improving your microbiome, from adding veggies to your bakes to getting your 30 plants a week in a single bowl of porridge, David is a pro at making nurturing your gut health fun and simple.

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I'd like to put a good word in for the Zoe Nutrition program. I'm on about week 10 and enjoying how it has transformed my life. I'm eating much better and rarely get hungry. I journal everything that I eat which might be cumbersome for some people. One benefit so far is that my weight has decreased by 17 pounds. Weight loss was not my goal initially but it's been nice not having to squeeze into my clothes.


Great tips thank you! I read recently that walking amongst trees, forests, nature and by the ocean is also good for your gut microbiome too. Just breating in the air in these places is having a positive effect in your gut. 😚


I watched this video whilst baking my own sourdough. Over the past few months I have added 7+ different flours to the recipe - organic wholewheat and spelt to the starter and then organic stoneground white, organic dark and light rye, organic einkorn and an organic Irish soda bread flour. The taste is amazing and it's an easy way to add diversity into your diet. I also make my own kimchi using cabbage, carrots, cauliflower and a mix of spices like fresh ginger, black pepper corns and chilli flakes. A handful of mixed nuts each day also adds to the plant diversity :)


I eat a massive salad for breakfast. It takes me over 1 hour to make it but it has tofu brussel sprouts broccoli all kinds of spices and about 15 to 20 different vegetables. I throw that into a whole grain tortilla with a tiny bit of meat. During the day I eat all kinds of fruits Etc. I'm 72 years old and the last time I went for a medical checkup was almost 50 years ago. I don't even renew my health card and I exercise 4 to 5 days a week since I was a teenager.


Great video! Lots of new ideas and inspiration, so thank you! ☺


“I don’t have all your free time…” is a bit cheeky, Tim


I have all of your books, and I eat what you recommend. I hope it will help with my depression. Thank you x


Love these tips, but don't forget that veggies and fruit should still be *priority #1* 😉 Don't get all your plant diversity from grains, nuts, and seeds.


I also have a diversity jar that contains mixed crushed nuts and every type of seed and grain that I can buy in bulk from our local wholefood co-op. I always start my day with a couple of spoonfulls (which I soak for at least 30 mins in order to make the nutrients more bio-abvailable) with either active plain yoghurt or kefir and mixed berries.


Great tips and those chocolate buns look amazing!


thank you very info!! nicely presented, easy to relate to you two both...thx


Please be careful advising people to get a dog. They are a huge commitment and if not in a suitable home can actually cause a lot of stress.


Great information and presentation. Thank you.


Great video! Kimchi & home brewed ginger beer making here today.. going to use the ‘waste’ ginger from the brewing bug in my kimchi recipe for the first time. Tip for anyone making kimchi is adding a bit of soft fruit (pear, fig, whatever is cheap on the market stall) in the chilli, garlic & ginger sauce. A touch of sweet to go with the sour, makes a world of difference..maybe it helps get the fermentation process kicked off too.


Great information, would love the recipes for the cakes 😁


Great tips from nice presenters, and the doggies are a bonus!


The music in the background is really distracting. Maybe it's the type of music? Anyway, I find it very hard to listen to this, in fact I can't. Please, can we just have quiet when you're talking? I really value these videos though


The music is dreadfully offputting, as manic guitar playing distracts from the voices. Sorry!
Fab video though.
What is in that diversity jar?
Thank you for your work. Xxxxx


I have made mixed grain salads for years. Spelt, berries, rye, berries, eincorn berries., Cook, cool, add sweet onions, apple cider vinegar, olive oil, sometime is pumpkin seed delicious. Also, try making sourdough bread with kefir . It works exceedingly well.


The impractcality of this advice for the majority of the population is staggering.
