The Science of Your Gut: 3 Easy Steps to Reduce Bloating, Improve Digestion, and Feel Better Today

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What is bloating, and why don’t your pants fit after just one meal?

What are the 10 foods to avoid when you feel bloated?

What is gut health, and how can you improve yours?

Dr. Shah, a medical doctor trained at Harvard, Cornell, and Columbia University, is an immunologist and leading expert in women’s hormonal health and nutrition.

She is giving you all the tools you need, including her 3-step plan to get long-term relief from bloating.

Dr. Amy discusses:
What bloating is; why and when it happens
3 symptoms of being bloated
10 foods notorious for causing bloating
The one food that bloats everyone
Why bloating can be worse during menopause or menstruation
How to tell if you are bloated vs. gaining weight
What “water weight” is and how to avoid it
What a “distended belly” is and where it comes from
2 everyday (non-food) things that cause bloating and how to avoid them
3 foods you should not eat when you are bloated
The pill you are taking that surprisingly may make you bloated
One type of food that 68% of the world is intolerant of and doesn’t know
Why alcohol bloats most of us
Why you shouldn’t take Advil after a night of drinking
Why sleep is so essential for reducing bloating
What gut bacteria are and how to know when they’re upset
What a food elimination diet is, why you need one, and how to safely try it
Why fasting for 12 hours is essential for a gut reset
Dr. Shah’s 3-F plan and why you should start your day this way to reduce bloating
What the best probiotic is (hint: you can’t buy it)
The surprising experience Mel’s daughter had with “bad” gut bacteria
How anxiety and depression can be tied to gut health

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I’m just your friend. I am not a licensed therapist, and this podcast is NOT intended as a substitute for the advice of a physician, professional coach, psychotherapist, or other qualified professional. Got it? Good. I’ll see you in the next episode.

In this episode:
00:00 Intro
02:37 Mel has never experienced this kind of bloating.
06:28 What the heck is bloating?
07:12 What bloating is signaling to you.
08:04 What is distention and why is it a symptom of bloating?
09:13 How do you know if you’re bloated or just gaining weight?
10:58 How to tell if your gut microbiome is unhappy.
12:11 What the swelling of your fingers and feet might be signaling to you.
14:42 All of a sudden Mel’s pants could not fit. How does that happen?
16:22 This doctor's biggest tip if you are feeling bloated.
23:07 Why taking Advil after a night of drinking can cause bloating.
25:02 68% of the world's population are intolerant to this food.
27:06 The brain-gut connection: why anxiety and depression may be heightened.
27:58 The 10 foods that cause the most bloating.
30:12 This is the best zero-cost way to test for food sensitivity.
32:43 Let’s talk about the connection between alcohol and your gut.
35:01 How to fast in alignment with your circadian rhythm.
39:16 Did you know 80% of your body’s function is dependent on circadian rhythm
40:01 The 3 F morning routine Dr. Shah has based on research.
43:31 This is the best probiotic (and it’s zero cost).
45:01 Here’s the perfect breakfast for improved gut and hormone health.
47:27 Dr. Shah will be back next episode for your 5-day reset plan!

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Рекомендации по теме

Mel! Booze! You had the episode on quitting drinking I did it! Today is day 76 and my bloating is almost zero. I had awful bloating, thought it was gluten, sugar, fats, processed food (none of these are good but...). Gave up gluten, tried to limit sugar as much as possible, stopped putting coconut oil in my coffee...but nothing helped UNTIL I stopped boozing! I learned this from YOU! Thank you Mel, for being you!


Mel, please do more podcasts on WOMEN & HEALTH. especially for women in their 40's 😊


This episode missed a HUGE opportunity to let people know about SIBO small intestine bacteria overgrowth. PLEASE cover SIBO! Women are suffering and not knowing it. I have had terrible bloating for years, while being a very healthy eater. I was in bloated pain after eating anything. I was finally tested for SIBO! I’ve now learned so much and part of a huge FB support group. Please cover it!


This is why I do 18 hour intermittent fast. It makes me feel so good - makes me feel peacefully happy and my body is thankful ❤


The algorithm works, I watched an interview with Dr. Will Bulsiewicz yesterday and now I am here. The gut microbiome is important!


MEL!!! The walking on wake up is EVERYTHING!!! completely life changing!! I just completed 25 days straight! Yep - even during the rain all week. I wore my snowboard gear (not the boots, helmet, etc - just the jacket pants hoodie combo lol) This one thing has shifted my whole vibe and I’m soooo grateful! 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻


Fermented foods guys!!! Helped me heal my gut!! Sourdough, kimchi, saurcraut


Very interesting these 3 Amy’s F’s morning routine that actually starts the night before:
1) Overnight Fasting (12 hrs between last night dinner & first morning meals)
2) Fitness/Exercise - early morning, better after wake up
3) Food - after exercising, eating early breakfast with including fiber veggies & fermented foods


Mel, when I listened to this podcast when it first came out over three months ago I took notes from Dr. Amy Shah and started implementing intermittent fasting, eating more fermented foods in my diet, and incorporating fitness into my daily routines. I also stopped drinking alcohol and started tracking my daily foods. THIS podcast changed my LIFE for the better! I'm 48, live in Vermont (hey neighbor!) and have gained so many mental and physical improvements. But best of all, I finally FOUND ME AGAIN! I am so grateful. So so so very grateful. Thank you for being who you are and inspiring us all to improve ourselves in the second (BEST) part of our lives!


Love that the Doc Amy Shah tells you to do things that don’t cost any MONEY! Wow, take a 30 minute walk in daylight! Don’t eat for 12 hours! Eat foods that are good for your gut! Well, food costs money but those foods give your body more for your money than crap processed foods like sugary cereals, etc. Bravo ❤


I’m 48, perimenopausal, and definitely struggle a lot with bloating *and* the mood/mental health roller coaster. After almost three years of trying to heal my gut from ulcers and a triple diagnosis of GERD, LPR (“silent” laryngeal reflux), and IBS-C, my food and beverage repertoire has already gotten incredibly limited (further complicated by health anxiety and emetophobia, heavily triggered by gut symptoms)… and I still bloat more days than not. I love the three F’s! I was already doing two of them but now adding morning walks outside to get that third F certainly can’t hurt. I’m very much looking forward to the next installments! Thanks so much Mel and Dr. Shah ❤


Please ask your GP for a SIBO test!!! Most GP's haven't even heard of it and 85% of IBS is misdiagnosed SIBO!! I suffered all of these symptoms for years until I did my own research and found out about Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth!!! It's a simple breath test and if positive, cleared with antibiotics. It totally changed my whole life and I went down 1-2 dress sizes too! Good Luck! xx


Can’t wait for part two!!👏🏼 this is so informative. Thanks so much!


Yes im waiting for part 2 also. Thanks Mel for having her as before. So helpful.


Mel! Every time you bring Dr.Shah to the podcast it's a revelation. She is fantastic and you are and angel for bringing so much information on a weekly basis. It's not the 1st time she talks about circadian rhythm and as she said" Sky over scrims" ...take a walk 1st thing in the morning before looking at your phone or drink coffee. I tried this all summer and i noticed the difference . NOW I'd love you to ask Dr.Shah in some other opportunity: I live in Michigan so how do we deal with the morning routine when there's no day light for a long time in the winter season? Thank you again for being so awesome!


Mel, this Podcast with Dr. Amy Shah, has become a favorite of mine. Everybody would be so fortunate to have a Doctor such as Dr. Shah. I am focusing on 12 hour fast between meals, coffee after 1 hr upon rising and even
drinking less coffee than before, 30 minutes of exercise....still working on getting enough sleep. Going thru
Menopause and sleep and lack of sleep is still an issue. Mel, your podcasts are the best!!! I always hear and
learn just what I need that day. I listen to your podcasts over and over....Appreciate You Mel!!!! :) :)


This is incredible and so simple. THANK YOU for simplifying and making it all make sense!


I needed this. I took antibiotics and I feel my gut microbiome was wiped out and I’m so bloated and inflamed. Thanks Mel and Dr Amy!


Mel - I love good how you recap what she’s says to make sure you’re understanding what she’s saying. I am going to try the intermittent fasting and the suggestion made in this video.


This was great, Mel. This is just what I needed. Thank you!
