10 Best Foods To Eat After Workout - Post Workout Meal

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Want to know more about what foods to eat after a workout? Four specialists provide updates on exercise, nutrition and foods that can help replenish your stores after physical activity. Then, discover delicious recipes for meals and snacks to put on your plate after training.

What to eat after a workout

“To fuel working muscles, the body needs carbohydrates combined with protein,” says Feller.

During digestion, carbohydrates in foods like baked potato, quinoa and wheat bread are converted into glucose, she adds. Some of this glucose is stored in the muscles as glycogen for later use. This process, called glycogen synthesis, helps ensure that you have enough energy for the rest of your day and your body will be ready the next time you go for a hike or high-intensity interval training.
Protein-rich foods like eggs, tuna, and yogurt are also important for recovery after exercise. During muscle protein synthesis, nutrients help repair micro tears in muscle tissue that naturally occur after physical activity. Consuming 15 to 25 g of protein within two hours of exercise can optimize this synthesis, according to the study by the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, Dietitians of Canada and the American College of Sports Medicine.

Note, however, that a post-workout protein boost is only necessary if the session took place more than three hours after your last meal, according to the Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition review. Ate a chicken sandwich two hours before the activity? It's a safe bet that your protein needs are met. (But feel free to savor the foods you crave!)

Post-workout protein

Amino acids found in animal and plant proteins trigger the tissue regeneration that characterizes muscle protein synthesis, says Lund. “Protein also helps reduce muscle soreness,” she adds.

Various protein foods can help repair your muscles after exercise. Here are some options to consider:

-Milk or yogurt
-whey protein powder
-soy protein powder
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