Eating Healthy with Crohn’s Disease

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The problem is that you have clueless people who have never experienced this condition firsthand who then want to advise those who have on what to eat.

Here's my advice to my fellow Crohn's Disease sufferers: be your own doctor.


Honestly it varies for each person so much...every time I meet a nutritionist for this they're not helpful and they recommend fruits and vegetables which are literally the problem!


I tried to alleviate my crohns by eating as healthy as possible, but it only made it worse. Eating things like fresh fruit and vegetables or nuts just lead to a bowl obstruction. I've had to switch to basically meat and grains only, but it's helped me stay pain-free for over a year now. I've even had to go as far as biting off the ends of french fries to avoid the potato skin. But the lack of pain is absolutely worth it.


This is the thing they don’t tell you about Crohn’s disease, not all treatments works, in my case none and that not everybody goes into remissions. I’ve had Crohn’s 35 years and I’ve recently found out that in all these years, my disease has never gone into established remission and all the years I’ve beat myself up and thinking that I was some kind of a neurotic hypochondriac always in pain and in discomfort, the hospital knew it through regular blood tests and reading my inflammatory markers but didn’t care to tell me as some of those arrogant gastroenterologists do have their personal selective “guinea pigs” and I was one of them and still am. Crohn’s disease is an illness I wouldn’t wished on my worst enemy because it’s a nasty one that doesn’t entitled you any support from society, and sufferers of this vile illness aren’t completely informed and made aware of the numerous complications on the human body that Crohn’s causes. And the most important fact that aren’t addressed by doctors and nurses to their patients with the disease is the heavy toll it has on mental health. Twice I was made to feel guilty about being anorexic and on both occasions it wasn’t at all my fault but my mind was screaming to my body that all food caused pain, because unfortunately to this day, every time I eat, I will have to lay down as I experienced a lot of pain and discomfort until my abdomen settles, but those hospital outpatients appointments never tells you that, and they don’t make clear to their patients that everyone has individual experiences. For example, in the five years they thought I had cancer because I’ve never had atypical symptoms for Crohn’s disease. And no treatments has worked and now, the hospital is working on my terms and I’m on multiple medications for pain reliefs and strong vitamin supplements to make sure I remain healthy. However the most important part of my treatment is my mental health as my Crohn’s is very sensitive to my mental health. But that’s the thing, hospitals aren’t always on top of your mental health, hence why I feel sufferers of Crohn’s disease should always make sure that their health professions are including your mental health as part of your treatment programs, it is very important. Due to my Crohn’s and the complications of the disease, my eyes have been affected, complications from both uveitis and side effects from “wonder drugs” to calm down my arthritis. My liver and right kidney has been damaged by side effects of another “wonder drugs” to calm down my Crohn’s symptoms and I also have a blood disorder, something I was born with and for some strange reason the Crohn’s don’t get on with and as I get older, there’s a big list of food products that gut can’t tolerate, which has totally ruined my chances of becoming a vegan lol. However, my point is that people with Crohn’s or any ongoing health issues, please don’t just rely on the health professions that’s dealing with your health issues because they all don’t give you the whole truth. Become proactive and get yourself informed about your rights and the whole umbrella of complications surrounding your medical complaint/issue. Crohn’s disease is seriously the apex of the giant iceberg that is the disease, so personally get to know your illness, your pain and your mental health because only you truly know how you feel. You can read all texts and medical information about your disease but all those side effects and symptoms they mention, it doesn’t always mean you will experience them as your body operates by its own tempo and not by the rate medical journals states. For example, the most common drugs used to treat the symptoms of Crohn’s is steroids, however my body can’t tolerate the drug as it caused severe internal bleeding. Another drug common with treating the symptoms of Crohn’s is Azathioprine, however due to a supposedly mild blood disorder I was born with, I became violently ill within a few weeks and have permanent damage to my liver, which is under regular check to prevent liver disease. So, it’s very important to be proactive in your ongoing treatments and to ask for appropriate care, especially if you feel your mental health may be comprising your physical health


Imagine my consultant in Purley war memorial hospital Croydon London Uk said: you can eat, smoke, drink alcohol, doesn't matter


It's impossible to advise anyone with this disease as everyone has different triggers and intolerences. I was diagnosed in 2005 and it's been tough finding my path and still feel healthy. Milk products are out ( and should be for everyone anyway ) and things like chocolat are killers as are Peppers and anything from the cabbage family. My diet is boring and means I Don't accept invitations to eat as often the restaurant hasn't anything I can handle and if I do eat for peace I pay the price. People say I am picky when I am not, just careful. I tell anyone who tries to force me to eat Something that it's like forcing a diabetic to eat sugar. When I do meet someone who has it we exchange notes but they usually are very different. Some people cannot give up the ' wrong' food like alcohol and meat and prefer to suffer or take meds. When I'm ill I feel like dying, when I'm not I am on top of the world, it is what it is.


Avoid sugar and milk helps massively, I went from going to the toilet 25 times a day to around 8 times.


Recently been diagnosed. But also recently been under a high amount of stress and pressure for years and THAT is when it hurts most for me of course the ulcers suck and everything


If you have digestive problems, try eliminating bread from your diet. I was diagnosed with IBS three years ago, and it's gone now because I quit eating bread. The symptoms went away as a result of eliminating bread from my diet. Give that a try first before anything else.
If that doesn't work, try to reduce inflammatory foods like sugar and vegetable oils.
Vegetable oils are man made(except for coconut oil, olive oil, avocado oil and a few others) and can cause severe inflammation. Sugar, of course is inflammatory as well.
My thoughts are that you should only eat natural foods. We evolved to eat natural foods, and man made foods like vegetable oils and super pure foods like sugar can cause all kinds of inflammatory responses. Crohn's disease and IBS are inflammatory conditions and may be reduced or eliminated by not eating sugar, bread or vegetable oils.


Crohn's Disease is a type of inflammatory bowel disease. It can occur anywhere along the digestive tract. If Crohn's Disease is located in the small intestine, this has an impact to interfere with how we digest and how we absorb our nutrients from our food. They can also lead to symptoms of diarrhea, because we are not able to digest and absorb nutrients from our food. It can lead to other symptoms, such as gas, (and) bloating, and pain, because undigested food (s), once it leaves the small intestine and enters the large intestine, it can be fermented upon the bacteria there, leading to gas and bloating and other symptoms along that line.
In order to cope with the nutritional implications that Crohn's Disease inflicts upon us, there's a couple of tips that we can try. There's no need to avoid any food, unless you are bothered by that food. So, as an example, if you have a problem with digesting fat well, because that is digested in the small intestine. There's no need to go fat-free, but can we choose low-fat food options, such as baked or grilled, or steamed fish, or perhaps using a broth-based soup versus a cream-based soup. Another thing is how much you eat at one given time can play a role on how well you feel after eating that certain food. As another example, lactose, the milk sugar, it may not be digested well in Crohn's Disease, because Crohn's Disease may interfere with the enzyme's ability to digest lactose. So, eat less dairy. Spread out your dairy. Treat dairy like a garnish or a small snack, versus the main entrée, to help you feel better after eating dairy.


Yogurt everyday, and green tea with benfibre, every day, have really helped me. Ive tried everything over the years, sometimes I can eat anything, and others I cant eat at all, but yogurt and green tea have definitely curbed the frequency of attacks.


My little brother has this, makes me feel awful. I’m so sorry to everyone that there’s just seemingly no attempt at finding real dietary solutions. You’re just being recommended the same old 1980’s low fat, high veg, bread based diet nonsense that never worked for anyone. It’s just that or different conflicting opinions all over the place and nobody you can trust, it’s sucks, this is what I hate most about researching important things.

Medical and science fields have trends like any other and aren’t nearly as thorough or knowledgeable as they want us to think. Most things will never be researched, the boundaries of knowledge are close enough for even a layman to butt up against.

It simply isn’t satisfactory.


Why is it that nutritionists never mention the inflammatory effects of some foods? I understand that animal products are pro inflammatory and plant products are anti inflammatory so surely this should at least be mentioned.


This is oversimplified and unrealistic and unhelpful.


Coconut has helped me with my intestinal problems...coconut oil...3 Tbls a day...., I add lots organic shredded coconut to my cooking...make homemade macaroons...yummy!, and I drink light coconut milk.


Crohn's disease is hard. Yogurt, Cottage Cheese, and Aged Cheddar Cheese are foods I can eat and not trigger my Crohn's. Adding dairy back to my diet also eliminated reoccurring bouts with kidney stones. High Fiber is also a trigger for me....


For me personally, I’m vegetarian (for unrelated reasons) and try to avoid fatty or greasy foods, or soda. I also eat more carbs and fibers that are easy to digest.
But that’s just me, everyone with Crohn’s is different


My son has been struggling with this since April of 2023 and Loma Linda hospital cannot figure things out. He is 9 years old and he keeps having issues who do you guys recommend in California??


For me I find stay away from nuts, whole grains because it's harder to digest. Still to plain white bread, banana, pasta. Anything that's easy to digest and gives me some nutrients.


Nutritionist only tell you to try everything and listen to your body... Everytime. This is what she literally said in this video.
What worked for me:

Humira or a comparable treatment.. (don't be afraid of it..)
Smoke weed when your stomach hurts.
Take Cholestyramine twice a day to stop from going to the restroom nonstop. I had a foot of my small intestine removed and caused me to go non stop... Started Cholestyramine once at lunch and once at night. This made me stabilize be able to gain weight, absorb nutrients and go to the restroom normally.
Eat in moderation, don't have Mexican 3 days in a row, or red meat 3 days in a row.
Don't eat tons of salad and fruit. Moderation is key.
Don't eat tons of spicy. Again moderation is essential..
Stay away from Preservatives. Don't eat frozen foods
Breads are great.
Smoke weed when your stomach hurts again.
minimize the alcohol (if you can stop do it). If you do drink take 6+ imodiums to put a plug in you...
Emergencies if weed doesn't stop the pain and its excruciating... Go to the ER and get Diladden.. This i would only suggest if your in agony.

What didn't work for me:
Green juices
Vegan/Vegetarian Diet
Clinical Trials (Stomach Parasite treatment didn't work)
Weed only trials (done in netherlands). I did this in my own experiment, not with doctors.

Good luck all

