Discussing Calvinistic Proof Texts

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Discussing some of the lessor known Calvinistic proof texts...
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Sorry I missed the chance to go live with you!


Job 15 are words spoken by Eliphaz, not by Job. Eliphaz is a man that at the end of the book God rebukes and says what they have spoken is untrue.


I hope you do another live chat and post notice!


Quick question. So I agree with you. I am always trying to learn. I find the loudest voices of the church (currently) are Calvinist. Can you tell me some people who I could listen to/learn from that are more “traditional”? Thank you.


A soteriological discussion should start with the question: Who here is a compatibilist? Then all those who believe in that should leave the room. THEN the real discussion between honest beings can take place.


Love what Dr. Flowers is doing and keep up the good work but, this episode was not one of my favorites. I realize he and Chris are friends but he must be called out immediately and consistently on the logical fallacy his compatibilism presents instead of allowing him to claim "mystery". Glad he finally did toward the end.


Someone please explain, if determination is true, why would Jesus pray for all believers to be "one" and "in us" (Father and Son) so that the world would believe? If it's God's sovereign determination of limited atonement, then this seems like a strange prayer for Jesus to pray.
Also, another prayer of Jesus' would be The Lord's Prayer. He models prayer, telling his disciples to pray like this, and prays that God's will would be done. Why pray that God's will would be done if determination is true?
Then, finally, what about when Jesus warns "If anyone causes one of these little ones--those who believe in me--to stumble, it would be better for them if a large millstone were hung around their neck and they were thrown into the sea."? He seems to be indicating that there's some sort of free will there.


brother flowers, this is off topic of this video a bit but I wish you could address the issue of a movement I got caught up in for several years and just recently got out of. Im refering to a large community of "free grace" or "hyper grace" teachers/preachers who teach that after a person has true faith/belief in christ and his sacrafice to be saved that they will NOT necessarily 1) have fruits of the spirit, 2) repent of sins, 3) have works as the book of james says. they teach that its very possible to have true faith and never have good works, obedience to christ or a changed life, and when I brought this up to a pastor of the online church I joined a while back he accused me of believing in "works salvation" and "lordship salvation" and said I no longer believed in "faith alone" for salvation and I was a heretic. they hate and reject James's clear teachings that true faith WILL always produce works as in a changed life, good works, and greater obedience to christ. this movement rejects this, please address this issue, THANKS!


Hope this 1 on 1 debate thing isn't a trend...


Isn't it inconsistent to say God doesn't make you want him, on the one hand, then to say John 6 says he drags you to himself, on the other?


is a calvinistic church/ministry/charity unworthy to receive tithes and offerings? should one leave such an organization? what protestant churches are not calvinistic?


If your academic and Pastoral approach is different you are double minded. The appeal to mystery in this matter is just another way of saying i don't understand it but i believe it. This teaching, that wasnt taught by the early church prior to Augustine and was only found among the gnostics, "discovered" by the former Gnostic Augustine who believed it was ok to force conversion and kill his enemies. The Spirit of Truth leads us into all Truth. I get it i was a Calvinist. These traditions aren't helpful and cause all kinds of harm in many people's lives, I've run into it regularly. We over intellectualise and philosophicalise the texts, This is a sign of their Gnostic origin. It really is a lot simpler then we make it. I really wish everyone would submit to the Spirit and trust him to lead us into all Truth, and just follow Christ together, we could change the world. I like talking about it but really get weary of people surpressing the Truth. I did so i get it. I surpressed what the Spirit was showing me in personal study for 6 months. If you genuinely seek for the Truth and set aside your presups he will reveal the Truth. Do you really wanna know the Truth or cling to tradition started by a man who was nothing like Christ? Just some thoughts. Love y'all💚
