Calvinistic Proof-Texting 101

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Dr. Leighton Flowers, Director of Evangelism and Apologetics for Texas Baptists, walks through the most recent Dividing Line broadcast by Dr. James White to demonstrate the proof texting methods Calvinists will often employee to support their doctrine.


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“What’s more of the human sinful tendency is to want to put ourselves as in charge”, I think brother James White could also consider this wording: what’s more of the human sinful tendency is to not want to take on responsibility for ones choices. (Also, I hope Leighton and James hug it out one day 😊)


Unfortunately, when I hear James White I think of 1 Corinthians 13:1 "If I speak in the tongues[a] of men or of angels, but do not have love, I am only a resounding gong or a clanging cymbal."
He is undermining his own credibility with his attitude.


I always see so many false dilemmas in Calvinistic arguments. It’s always “If you don’t agree with me, you must be [insert radical mischaracterization here]”


5:50 okay, at this mark I completely forgot I was listening to a Soteriology101 podcast. Lol, the song is pretty good!


If God has two wills that are contradictory to each other, how does this NOT make Him double-minded?


As to James White's reading the text in the Greek...

It's not helpful, but it is impressive. It makes something that is really quite simple sound more complicated then it is.

“The definition of genius is taking the complex and making it simple.” – Albert Einstein

“Great leaders are almost always great simplifiers, who can cut through argument, debate, and doubt to offer a solution everybody can understand.” – General Colin Powell

“Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.” – Leonardo da Vinci


Love this ministry Mr Flowers. Thank you!


How can James White call himself a Christian when he responds with such contempt to views that conflict with his own? This is a man who does not debate in good faith.


Joel 2 :: New English Translation (NET)

Joel 2:28 - After all of this I will pour out my Spirit on all kinds of people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy. Your elderly will have revelatory dreams; your young men will see prophetic visions.

This is the only version that I found and the only verse in any version with the words "all kinds of people" strung together.

James White's voice is like nails on the chalkboard to me.


When James White starts spouting Greek my brain automatically switches off.


I agree with your interpretation of 1st Corinthians chapter 1 and chapter 2 Paul is simply saying that worldly wisdom doesn't recognize the cross as anything but foolish Godly wisdom Embraces the cross as divine power that's all it's really being conveyed


The gospel truth is (fortunately) much greater than the name on the church sign. Let me explain. My family and I attended a Presbyterian church for the 10 years prior to Covid 19 hitting. During that time, I heard many wonderful messages with stories, illustrations, humor, and an abundance of scripture about the Lord Jesus and what He did on the cross to forgive our sins and what He did in His resurrection to give us new life and hope. But I could count on one hand (or less) how many times I heard the words, elect, chosen, predestination, or Sovereign. In addition, I don’t think I ever heard the name John Calvin mentioned a single time, nor did I ever hear the TULIP acronym expounded upon. Maybe even more importantly, I never heard the Pastor malign the freedom to choose that God has given every man, woman, boy, and girl who has ever lived (including Adam and Eve).

Now James White and Jeff Durbin would probably say that the Pastor of that church was not scripturally sound or some such nonsense, but in actuality it was the “perfect” church to attend as my sons went from boys to teenagers to young men, as they learned important life lessons about why they need Christ, that when they fail they are still accepted and loved, and that God is not a legalistic tyrant.

The moral of the story: I would rather fellowship for a decade with true Christians who happen to be “nominal” Calvinists than spend 5 minutes in the presence of one of these hardcore Calvinists who are in fact very nominal Christians. Just sayin’. 🎚🩸🍞🍷🙏🏼📖😇


Hey guys I got a Calvinist joke for y’all, but only a select few get it...


1. Draw (Grk.-helkó) - verb, to drag; properly, induce (draw in), focusing on the attraction-power involved with the drawing; metaphorically, to draw by inward power, lead, or impel.


This makes me think of how the religious leaders and teachers at the time of the gospels also had their long established understanding of scripture and yet Christ was easily able to throw it in their faces. Just because there's a long tradition or history of something doesn't mean that it's absolute. I believe that God may withhold certain understanding so that it may be revealed at the right time. While we debate now, later it will be revealed. However a good debate (cordial, uplifting) among Christians is a great way to keep our minds sharp for the LORD. As iron sharpens iron...


Is Dr. White trying to say that we are just characters in a story that God made up beforehand? Also, I wonder if he considers his own love of God to be voluntary or involuntary.


This is worth watching only to see the facial expressions of James White when Leighton stops the video to comment.


What a powerful song. It sums up the "God" of Calvinism in a nutshell. Thank you for sharing it with us.

It's interesting that the songwriter used the expression "I believe you're big enough". That's very similar to what I said when I found out that my boss had Calvinstic beliefs. My reply was: "I think God is bigger than that". It was after that conversation that I started researching Calvinism and all the other isms and thankfully I finally found this Youtube channel which then lead me to other similar channels.


James White is so arrogant puffed up boastful prideful and it’s so hard to even listen/watch him for too long but I’m gonna get through this. I’m a new subscriber, found you through Good Fight Ministries literally like 2 days ago, you did a show with Chad and Pastor Joe and I loved it. And it’s funny cause some of the pastors I listen to are Calvinist but I AM NOT AND DON’T AGREE, so yA, it’s so weird. But also just like a couple pastors I listen to who are KJV only Baptist but I AM NOT AND DON’T AGREE lOl

That’s why I just read the Word everyday and Pray and let the Holy Spirit lead and guide into all Truth

But you’re definitely a blessing just like Good Fight Ministries….. humility is KEY


WHY IS JAMES WHITE SO TERRIFIED OF ENABLING COMMENTS ON HIS VIDEOS? Cults never like any light to be shown on their doctrines.