Calvinistic Proof-Texts for Total Depravity

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A list of the most common proof texts for the Calvinistic TULIP was recently sent to Dr. Flowers and he walks through each text to demonstrate how none of them even come close to suggesting the claims of the Calvinistic doctrine. JOIN US!

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Challenging the proof texts has to be the most effective way to confront this error. Showing why the proof text is in error and then showing what the text means instead is such a straightforward way to deal with Calvinism because what I hear Calvinists claim so often is that the Bible is the reason they are Calvinists and it is the Bible that convinces them. Thanks for a wonderful video!!


Thank you. So very sobering to understand that I am accountable and to blame for my own sinful choices. I can’t pin my depravity on my birth, bad genes, bad parents, God’s random will, geography or whatever else. Thank you Jesus that You died for a sinner such as I!


Layton I've tried to reach you but to no avail. I am eternally grateful to God for Father, And the Lord Jesus Christ for you and your biblical clarification through scripture. Alone. Praise Almighty God. I began as a young man as a believer, baptized, through Calvary Chapel, Chuck Smith. Lord bless him. Was thwarted unto calvinism, resd all the books. I have had difficulty with all of it. I reject that which is fully biblically, contetually of Gods Holy scriptire. I thank our Lord and savior Yashua for your enlightment, , and very biblical teaching. Truly! Iam free unto The truth of the scripture entirely contextually! Praise ye the name of the Lord God Almighty! Keep it up!


Thanks for sharing! I think it's the most effective to go through all the proof-texts


I feel like any Calvinist watching this really has no good reason to NOT repent and drop Calvinism. Very well said.


There's a reason James White refuses to debate Total Depravity.
The scripture passage supporting it is Calvinism's Missing Link.


The most important aspect for any type of correction/debate is to do it lovingly and logically. As a Reformed camp borderline provisionalist (still working through the depths of it before I switch completely) it is most important to look at exegesis and not eisegesis. Making sure every passage is seen in context is most important to most in my circle so, as long as the argument can be made in context, it is most effective.
Thanks for the video working through them. Fracturing the lens of TULIP one verse at a time. I see points from both Calvin and Arminian camps being true in Scripture and have been searching for a camp that thoroughly works through all the points Biblically. I hope this is what I have been looking for.
Jer. 29:13 "You will seek me and find me, when you seek me with all your heart."


Hope you'll tackle the proof texts for the other four letters as well! Was helpful to view each of these scriptures in context.


Whenever I try to discuss "Reformed theology" with my pastor, he immediately jumps out of scripture and tries to justify the doctrines using logic and reason. Whenever I tell him that I want to see it in scripture, he asks me why I am questioning God's sovereignty and God's word. I eventually told him "I am not questioning God, I'm questioning YOU."


How do Calvinists maintain that “Everyone Chooses According to Their Strongest Desire” yet they also say that “People Are Not As Bad As They CAN Be”?
Wouldn’t the former imply that people should be as bad as they can be if they also maintain Total Depravity?


Thank you for displaying graciousness towards our Calvinist brothers.


How does one reconcile total depravity and original sin with Jesus Christ being born of the flesh I don't think calvinist realize how similar their theology is to Islam it's so shockingly similar


It's amazing how clear things are when they're actually read in context! Whodathunkit?


19:19 “Context kills Calvinism.”

Well said. It’s been my experience that they ignore context like it’s the plague. And when they can’t argue, they find a useful red herring or insult to avoid a rebuttal.


Leighton, I live in Fort Worth and have been listening to your teachings, while I do my artwork. I am 72, and retired. I am also an ex-Catholic. I have belonged to several different Churches for a number of years, but I no longer attend a Church. I study Scriptures all the time and have found problems of theology in the modern Churches. However, just wanted to let you know, that I am always listening to you. I love the fact that you no longer just embrace something, because you were taught to believe a certain way. I am always looking for the truth in the Scriptures. This is the main reason I fit in no where.
My only comment about the videos is that you address Calvinists/Reformed Pastors as brothers, and consider them to be saved. I know that only Christ can determine their salvation, but they profess and teach a different God. They break the third commandment by taking or carrying or portraying our God as a monster who loves just a very few people. They paint our God as the author and instigator of every evil.
I personally, could never call a Calvinist Pastor a brother. The lay people may just be ignorant sheep.


Thank you for this channel and your simple explanation. I’m a former Calvinist until Gods word revealed it is a flawed and senseless teaching in soteriology. God is not a God of confusion.


It is as clear as daylight Sir! Context is the foundation of biblical interpretation. Devoid of considering the context of ANY passage from the Scriptures will certainly lead to dubious, dangerous and erroneous conclusion. Keep on doing this podcast. It is very enlightening and of course solidly bible-based social platform! God bless you ricly, your family and your ministry!


The hook for each one of these is in his starting metaphor: does it have to go into the red cup? Or does it make sense in one of the others? If it doesn't need to go into the red cup, it cannot and should not be used as a proof text for Calvinism.


Chris Date says it is a bad argument for Calvinists to use Lazarus resurrection as an argument for Total Inability/Depravity.


Sometimes I think they assume no one will actually check the scriptures they reference … maybe we’re supposed to be impressed by the number of references and stop there.
