Calvinism's Contradictions explained by John MacArthur

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Dr. Leighton Flowers, Director of Evangelism and Apologetics for Texas Baptists, interacts with a clip of John MacArthur from Wretched Radio where he attempts to convince his audience to accept the apparent contradictions and confusion created by the claims of the Calvinistic soteriology.

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“I was preparing to go to Nyack College. Before I left there was one burning question I had in mind, and I went to Dr. Tozer and said, Could you give me some advice concerning the problem of Calvinism versus Arminianism?” And I’ll never forget the advice he gave me. At the time I thought it was rather inconclusive and not too helpful. But I listened carefully. He said, my son, when you get to college you’re going to find that all of the boys will be gathered in a room discussing and arguing over Arminianism and Calvinism night after night after night. I’ll tell you what to do, Cliff. Go to your room and meet God. At the end of four years you’ll be way down the line and they’ll still be where they started, because greater minds than yours have wrestled with this problem and have not come up with satisfactory conclusions. Instead, learn to know God.” In Pursuit of God The Life of A.W. Tozer, James L. Snyder page 132


I almost got sucked into the whole calvinism thing… but I kept praying and praying that God would show me the truth because it was destroying my joy. Thank you so much


Been listening to your Sot. 101 for a few years now, and learned a lot about Cal. that I didn’t know before. Thank you for all you’ve done. Yet at the end of the day, after the warm breezes of Calvinists and non-Calvinists fade away, there are three things that I’m very grateful for:
1) “If thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thy heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.”
2) “For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.”
Romans 10:9, 13.
“And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.”
Phil. 4:7.
Thank God he has also made the matter easy to understand.


I am neither Calvinist nor Arminian. I'm a Christian. Thank you Dr. Flowers for making this issue clear.
P.s. meaning, I follow neither man--Calvin nor Arminius. I believe in Jesus, the Messiah, the Son of the Living God!


Calvinism has always confused me because God is love. What is love? A simple answer would be, it is to willfully put another's interests ahead of your own. Can you love someone out of force, can you compel someone to love another, can love be love without choice? My answer to those three questions, and I think the Bible supports this, is no. Now you cannot force or compel someone to love another, you cannot love without choice. So if God loves us, and he wants us to love him, then he cannot compel us to love him, nor can we compel him to love us. God loves us because all of creation was done out of God's love for us. God chose to limit his power and give us free will, the ability to choose, knowing we will make mistakes and separate ourselves from himself. As a parent I experience this with my daughters all the time. I know they will separate themselves from me, they will sin against me, but I choose to love them, not because they have earned it but because I chose to do what's best for them without any care for how it affects me. You cannot love in the Calvinistic world view.


Excellent title: Calvinism's contradictions "Explained" by John Mc Arthur.

And here is the "Explanation":
I don't know


Plrase dont stop opposing Calvinism! We need your help more than ever!


I think so many today are ignoring the simplicity of just reading the bible ourselves, not bringing our pre-conceived ideas along, and just trusting the Holy Spirit, prayerfully to teach us all things. Pray that God will lead you to the truth no matter where that leads. Hunger for the truth and once the Lord reveals truth to you, then have back bone and don't fear men.


Amen brother!!!

“Stay a non-determinist until God makes you a determinist”- I will carry that little nugget of wisdom all of my days! Thank you brother!


McArthur’s arrogance should turn anyone away.


“For God is not the author of confusion, but of peace, as in all churches of the saints.”
‭‭1 Corinthians‬ ‭14:33‬ ‭KJV‬‬. Keep up the great work!


God created and maintains his universe. Whether Arminianism or Calvinism, God is worthy to be praised!


How nice for MacArthur that he doesn't have to worry about Calvinism's contradictions since he's conveniently one of the Elect chosen in eternity past. It may not be his problem, but for discouraged young Christians struggling with their faith, who know they're headed for hell, it's giving them nightmares.
Calvinism is so full of contradictions and paradoxes that it renders God's love and justice a mystery beyond our comprehension. This is what very nearly drove me away from the Christian faith, and *succeeded* in driving away two of my sisters.


When I started exploring Christianity, I visited a number of local protestant churches with few preconceived notions of doctrine etc. I started attending one quite regularly, even joined a Bible study group, and it wasn’t until 18 months in that I realized, these folks are all Calvinists. When I asked why they never talk about it, they said they want to be welcoming and inviting to all — milk before meat and all that. I think it’s because if people knew what they believed from the start, they’d run the opposite direction.


I feel like God is red pilling me. I was a staunch Calvinist 2 days ago. Not anymore! Thank you!!!


Thank you so much for making videos and explaining these issues. My husband and I met right before he had a crisis of doubt where he became a calvinist and now holds a supralapsarianist and conditionalist position. Unfortunately he now believes that most people (me, our Christian families & friends) aren't saved. Your videos have made it seem possible for me to have a conversation with him and they have given me hope. About to binge watch all of your videos now and send them to our families!


The Calvinist: "God determined all you do, and decreed it so ... God is more soveign than you ... so who can resist his will ... yet you are responsible and punished for doing that which he decided you do before the earth was. Also, any good thing you do as a Christian, using God's power, was also deteremined and not your own doing ... but if you don't do them you are held accountable ... and if you do do them he gets the credit and glory. So in other words, God preprogrammed a world, wrote out every line of behavior, and then said let there be light (start the program) ... then punishes all for doing the things he wrote that they do before hand. And especially punish those who reject the Son even more ... even though God didn't give them the power to do that which God called them to do; i.e. believe".
Utter nonsense in every way. There is a reason everyone "struggles" with Calvinism when they are taught it ... it's because it's incoherent, against all scripture, illogical, unreasonable, and turns God into a disgusting and wicked being. Everyone knows it's false, but the high and mighty "college educated" reformed types look down from their ivory towers and just say "who are you o man" and "i don't have to harmonize anything (make sense of the bible lol)".


Idk how you don’t have more subs, you are such a clear thinker, unreal teaching. Thank you dr. Flowers


"God is not the author of confusion"
That was a mike drop moment.


Unlike Wretched Radio, Dr. Flowers doesn't turn off the comments when he challenges a position.
