10 minute Interval Sprint (HIIT) workout for Endurance & Fat loss

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13x100m (50m down and back) sprints with 25 second rest.

Want to see some examples of how to incorporate sprints with your training sessions in the gym? I've written three detailed workouts based on your particular training goal (either power & speed, muscle building, or fat loss) that each pair a weight training routine with a sprint routine that complements it. The workouts are very demanding and probably not appropriate for someone who is just beginning to train for the first time, but they can be very effective as long as you take care of your nutrition and recovery are on point!

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This guy's warm up is my workout!


Warm up:

Butt Kickers @0:35
High Knees @ 0:53
Walking Lunges @1:13
Forward Leg Swing @1:53
High Skips @ 2:27
A-Skips @2:51
Hip Opener Skip @3:17
Bounding @3:42 (exaggerated run with lot of air-time)

HIIT: 13x100m with 25 second rest


I did hiit 3 years ago for 4 months and lost 15 kg. After a rough year an reaching 90 kg, im starting again and it feels soooo good. This is my favorite exercise ever


I like it how you critiqued yourself in the video during one of the exercises apposed to just editing it out or something, that was really awesome and humbling and showed that there is always room for improvement, I'm really new to this so that was awesome and it was a great video!


Bro this workout KILLED MEEEE....i was sad jogging and crying by sprint 5.


I agree that running on the track is different from a treadmill. It's much harder.


Yankee standium has an open to the public track and field arena ? that's so awesome


Straight up this routine will improve your fitness level


Here in 2023! Great video. Very informative. Thanks


I really like your approach Javier. Smart and focused commentary, not shouting at us, berating us to get us to work out! Very motivating. I've been stuck inside dogsitting, so for my HIIT I have been doing burpees / jumps as many as I can in 20 seconds with about 30 seconds recovery in between. Then doing arms with free weights. Feeling great!


Just broke my addiction to video games and looking to get fit again. Boy did I let myself go there.


Great video, but I disagree with only one thing. If you are doing sprints at least 3 times a week. I does not matter what you are eating, the fat will burn off. As a former Drill Sergeant, I turned fat guys into slim guys for three years. With sprints, I could get 40 to 50 pounds of fat off anyone in 9 weeks. Sprinting shocks the metabolism and any digested carbs are used as energy. If you do diet just a little bit, the body will use stored fat as energy and its a faster way to lose fat. Yes, watching your caloric intake does help, but not totally necessary for weight loss when sprinting.


Sprinting at different distances are badass for fitness, Human growth hormone, and testosterone. Irreplaceable.


Now that was a killer workout! I have seen a decent amount of HIIT training videos, but I haven't seen anyone push themselves like that. You'll definitely be building endurance and burning fat 24/7 after that. Great video, starting off with the warm up tips.


thanks for the video. i started doing this a few weeks now and it is amazing full body workout when you sprint.


Thank you for this video! I did the full workout today and felt great later itwas a good warmup too. This really helped me get started on my sprinting


I tried this a couple of times this week.
First time I went too hard on my first few sprints and burnt-out before I got to the 6th sprint. I had to take a couple of minutes break inbetween and ended up doing two sets of 5 sprints.
On my second attempt I held back a little bit, maybe going 60-70% on the first sprint. I was able to go all the way to 13 sprints this time. I just had a little trouble keeping to the 25 second rest period in-between after the 6th sprint and I ended up taking 30-35 seconds on the last 6 sprints.
Its a great workout because its short, intense, and it doesn't put too much stress on my knees. I had an ACL reconstruction 12 months ago and I have been suffering from jumpers-knee pain recently. I'd much rather do this workout, which leaves me with minimal pain in my patella-tendon, than a 30 minute run, which is a bit of a roulette with where the pain will show-up afterward and during.
I'm going to work on doing this consistently and see if I can manage to stick to the 25s rest interval. Once it gets easier I'm going to see if I can start running faster for all of the sprints.


I’ve been having a tightness in my stride. I’ve done a few stretches like the walking lunges and so on, but it’s still been tight and painful. I’ve even begun running like the gentleman (black guy, no race problem here, he’s a man in the video that is a good example of what I’m talking about) with short strides because it hurts to make longer strides. WITH ALL THAT SAID, I think (only from observation here) that this warm up regime would help me a LOT. (The guy in the red shirt black shorts is how I’ve been feeling). I WILL be doing these warm ups. Thanks so much for the great examples.


I practiced HIIT (uphill sprints + jumping squats + skips) this winter: no weight loss. I am practicing traditional endurance training (running) since March: lost 5 kg. No diet changes.
